Coming Event


Worship.  Revelation.  Intercession
Banquet of Heavenly Anointing
Open the new wave of outpouring
Receive the new season of eternal heritage

This seminar includes 6 sessions that help us to build the biblical foundation in order to understand the deeper revelation of Jesus Christ. this seminar also confirms to the biblical model of Judeo-Christian faith, which is the root of our belief system. Be prepared and get ready to receive a new wave of anointing and revelation at the end time.

The List of Teachings
Session 1: Revelation is Progressive
Session 2: Understanding our Judeo-Christian
Session 3: Early Christianity
Session 4: Worshipping God as Prophet, Priest and King: Receiving our Inheritance.
Session 5: Intercession on earth as it is heaven – Part 1.
Session 6: Intercession on earth as it is in heaven – Part 2.

This seminar talks are given by: Dr Robert Misst PhD (Biblical studies), Th.D. (Biblical Theology), Esoteric (Judeo-Christian) Theological Seminary Arizona, USA.

158 Limestone Crescent, North York, ON M3J 3L7

English & Mandarin
Including Children Care Services

Registration Fee:
1) Early Bird Special: Before 8/25/2019
    CA$100/ RMB¥520
2) After 8/25/2019   CA$130 / RMB¥680

Registration Deadline: 2019/9/15

Registration Contact:
Mandy Li 416-618-8669 / Sarah Wu 647-830-1982

For more detail or on-line registration, please visit: