Pastor Marcus is the founder and Senior Pastor of Destiny & Dominion Word Ministries in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. With more than 20 years in ministry, Pastor Marcus is committed to equipping the saints to fulfill their God-given destiny. Pastor Marcus is the founder and President of Destiny & Dominion Bible Training Center. He is married to his beautiful wife Evelyn.
Pastor Marcus |
Pastor Phil, called as a reformer Phil has been passionate to bring truths to the body of Christ, that brings freedom and liberation. He has been pastoring for over 30 years. He currently serves in the Gathering Place, the church in Aurora. He loves to disciple and has a passion to see the body of Christ unite and become one in Christ. His desire is to see people raised in the earth equipped, empowered and confident in the love of the One who saved their souls. God has given him great understanding and led him to write a book on topics such as love and grace, which have transformed manylives. His cry has been, "May creations groan for the sons of God to be manifested, be fully realized in our generation."
Pastor Phil and Donna Jones |
Kingsley Mitchell was born and raised in St. Andrew, Jamaica. He committed his life to the Lord Jesus Christ at the age of thirteen and started preaching at the age of sixteen. He continues to live a consecrated life before God. Kingsley believes in spending hours in prayer and fasting for an intimate relationship with God. Kingsley’s ministry has expanded to preaching in Toronto, the United States, Haiti and missionary work in Guyana in the past couple of years. He is also the author of the book “Are You on Fire for God”.He is married to his wife Stephanie Mitchell and has a son Nathan Mitchell. Kingsley Mitchell currently serves as the Youth Pastor at Grace Life Center for the past ten years.
Kingsley Mitchell |
Ivan and Isabel Allum have been involved in various levels of ministry and church leadership for over 20 years. Their passion is to make the Father's heart and His love known to others and to release His Kingdom into their lives. They have an international prophetic ministry and travel on a regular basis, to many places ministering to people as well as training and equipping them in how to hear the voice of God,how to prophesy, how to activate their gift and prophesy from the Father's heart, how to enter into the levels of third heaven revelations, dreams & visions, prophetic evangelism, prophetic worship, prophetic strategy, how to enter in and live their prophetic destiny, and much more. They also help pastors and leaders get vision, direction, and strategy for their ministry, their church, and for the destiny of the people under their care. As a result, many churches have been transformed and are fulfilling their destiny on earth. They also act as apostolic and prophetic advisers to a number of churches and ministries around the world.
Ivan and Isable Allum |

Wayne A. Synch 是位謙卑,又順服的講員,13歲作為孤兒被教會收養,15歲,已經開始全職講道和服事神,並成為當地一間大型教會的主任助理牧師,1980年,神呼召他成立創立Prayer Outreach Ministry International,全球性事工。開始服事德國、波蘭、俄國等地的教會,也在監獄傳講福音,目前在許多國家有設立教會,已經在150多個國家帶領過佈道會和復興會。機構本身也開展福音廣播節目,Joy 1250 是該機構的廣播電台。同時在90年開始任職Canadian Bible College的講師。
WAYNE的生命與神同行,有許多精彩的見證。他自己經常攜帶和偷運聖經進入俄羅斯,烏克蘭,羅馬尼亞等地,在90年代初,當他將5000本聖經偷運過俄羅斯邊境的時候,(在那時,這樣的行為是要被逮捕和坐牢的)邊關的守衛問他,車子後面裝的是甚麼時,他回答“是書”。 當守衛走到車後,打開後座時,神就遮住了他們的眼睛,他們竟然甚麼也沒有看見。這樣的神跡常常伴隨WAYNE 的一生。
有一次WAYNE在羅馬尼亞的一個偏僻的城鎮裡舉辦3天的佈道會,他住在星級的賓館,每天他吃飯的時候,廚房裡唯一的大廚,都會出來看著他吃。第三天,大廚跪在他的腳前,請求他的原諒。原來,他的佈道會,帶領了許多人離開巫術,成為基督徒,這個城鎮裡一位有名的巫師受撒旦的指使,威脅大廚將配好的毒藥放在在講員的飲食裡, 並且要親自看著他吃。 第一天,大約能毒死人的份量,放在他的飯菜裡,結果,他繼續去講道。第二天,巫師又給了大廚能毒死幾匹馬的劑量,放入他的飯菜和飲料裡,結果,他又去佈道了,第三天,巫師乾脆給了大廚一整瓶的毒藥來害他。 結果他還是活得好好的。反倒把每天放毒藥的大廚,嚇壞了,就撲倒在講員的面前, 請求神的原諒, 並接受了福音。到了第三天的晚上的佈道會,巫師親自出馬,帶來一麻袋的眼鏡蛇,在講道的時候,丟在講台上,結果蛇沒有爬向講員, 反而全部轉頭圍攻巫師,巫師大喊救命,其中一條眼鏡蛇咬傷巫師。巫師就求講員為他禱告,後來這位巫師在那天信主,之後更成為了當地大能的牧師。這樣的神跡奇事數不勝數。
WAYNE 在講道時會帶下火和聖靈的膏油,講道時還會有金粉降臨的神跡。
REV. Wayne A. Synch
Prayer Outreach Ministry International |
Jim has been on staff with GodSpeak for many years, as one of the prophetic school list leadership core, and as a member of GodSpeak's board of directors. In addition, he is senior pastor of Metro Church, plus he ministers internationally in the prophetic, physical healing and in the releasing Open Heavens over various areas. To date, Jim has ministered in 26 different countries. He is internationally recognized and respected as a prophet, and his ministry is earmarked with a strong prophetic anointing, as well as with physical healing, signs and wonders and angelic activity.
Jim was ordained as a Baptist in 1976 where he served as a pastor for twelve years. In 1986, Jim became associated with the Association Of Vineyard Churches (AVC) and stayed with AVC until Partners In Harvest was (affiliated with TACF) was formed. p> Jim was part of the original Church plant team for Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, under John Arnott. Jim officially joined the TACF staff in 1994, where he was heavily involved in ministry there during the early days of the renewal. Jim served as the Minister of Church Planting and also as a part of their renewal itinerant staff. In February of 1996, he was "sent out" to become the senior pastor of their church plant (East Gate Christian Fellowship) in Hamilton. Jim also joined the leadership core of an online school of prophets in 1996, through GodSpeak International, and he joined the board of directors shortly after that.
Over the last few years, Jim's wife Dianne has started ministering prophetically in meetings with him. Jim also ministers frequently with Georgian Banov. Jim has authored a book titled Prophecy In Practice.
Pastor Jeeva Sam and Sulojana, his partner in life and ministry, have made it their mission to equip believers to declare and demonstrate the Kingdom as Jesus did--in Love and with Power. Ordained in 1982, Pastor Jeeva serves two congregations of the United Church of Canada in the Niagara Region at present. The Sams sit on the Ontario Prophetic Council, provide leadership at a Revival Alliance in their region and offer prophetic counsel to leaders, particularly in the church and business realms. They are blessed with three great children--daughter Priya and sons Sathiya and Jaya.
Rev. Jeeva Sam & Sulojana |

John and Patricia Bootsma are the lead pastors at the Airport Campus church at Catch The Fire Toronto. They desire to see the Glory and Presence of God released in ever greater measures.
International Speaker
Patricia travels throughout North America and around to the world, speaking God’s rhema word into churches, cities and nations. She speaks at churches and events and is also involved in ministering God’s gifts to the body.
House of Prayer
Patricia is the Director of the House of Prayer in Toronto and has been involved in starting Houses of Prayer in the model of David’s Tabernacle.
Prophetic Council
Patricia leads the Ontario Prophetic Council. She is part of the Canadian Prophetic Council.
Patricia has a strong heart for inspire hearts to walk in passionate desire for the Bridegroom and live out fullness of destiny.
Patricia Bootsma
Catch The Fire Toronto |
Dr. Eric Wilding is the director of Wildking Ministries and the Canadian director of Royal Family International University. He serves as an evangelist in the ministry with healing anointing, and travels the world teaching and equipping believers to evangelizing in public places through Word and Spirit, prophesy and miracles. His heart is for all people to know and experience their identity within the intimate, radical love of Abba, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Our passion is to equip co-rulers in the kingdom to live in the freedom and fullness of the Spirit of the Father's Son as new creations, supernatural sons and daughters.
Eric Wilding
Wildking Ministries |
The Lord is using Peter Kumar in the areas of the prophetic, preaching, teaching, healing and breaking bondages. Peter Kumar holds public crusades, church meetings as well as many home meetings in New Zealand. He also has a very strong inter-denominational pulpit ministry. God opens doors in at least 120 churches for pulpit ministry, Peter Kumar, every year. God has also made it possible for him to serve as an itinerant evangelist visiting many nations around New Zealand and beyond preaching about the preparation of the body of Christ, the bride, for the coming of the Lord. Peter Kumar also preaches the message that God is raising end time forerunners.
Peter is the author of three books: End time Forerunners, Greater Works will you do, Upon the altar. He has also developed a ministry school called Nation Changers which challenges men and women of God to bring forth the kingdom of God is their own context.
For more information, please visit web site at
Peter Kumar
Endtime Forerunners |
Orim M. Meikle is the founder and pastor of Rhema Christian Ministries of Canada Inc., providing visionary leadership for the entire organizational body, as well as spiritual guidance to the membership and visiting guests. Pastor Meikle has a heart for people and desires nothing more than to see all people come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and His glorious Kingdom. With a strong passion for prayer, worship, and most of all the knowledge of God’s Word, Pastor Meikle has gained the reputation of being one of Canada’s most dynamic servant-leaders. His recognition as a prominent leader is the result of vision, focus, and the pursuit of Biblical excellence. His down-to-earth attitude and compassion for people has given him the ear and the attention of this generation, with many discovering their destinies through his vibrant and unique ministry.
Pastor Orim M. Meikle
Rhema Christian Ministries |
 Simon Wilson is Co Author of ‘Administering The Children’s Bread: The Basics of Healing Under The New Covenant, with healing anointing from Lord. “I have a huge passion to see the everyday Christian fully equipped to live in Kingdom Authority and Grace on a daily basis, and inspire revelation of the New Covenant, New Creation, and God’s love for us.”
Pastor Simon Wilson |

Peter and Heather Jackson founded the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship School of Ministry (SOM) in 1995, as the outpouring of the Holy Spirit was beginning to spread worldwide.. Their vision for the SOM came from many years of experience teaching and directing ministry schools with Daystar Ministries and Youth With Mission (YWAM). For more than ten years now, they have been privileged to impart the revelation of the Father’s love in churches and conferences all over the world.
Visit for more information about Peter and Heather’s ministry.
Peter and Heather Jackson
Peter Jackson Ministries |
 In year 2003 Jesus called Praveen Thomas out from the original dentist field. In year 2007 Jesus anointed him. Today God is using him as a powerful preacher of the Healing Gospel of Jesus Christ. The words he shared from God is powerful. For more information, please visit:
Evangelist Praveen Thomas
Christ Calls Nations
 Pastor Yonatan Hiruy is a church planter with passion for evangelism and deeper life for the believer in Christ. He has mainly planted churches in Sweden and in Canada. He is currently the lead pastor at Mount Zion Worship Centre in Downtown Toronto.
Pastor Yonatan Hiruy
Mount Zion Worship Centre
(Mount Zion Worship Centre) |
 Reverend. Dr. Grace Hwang Kaye is an ordained minister, dentist and entrepreneur.
Her heart’s desire and endeavor is to see people to encounter God as Father in a true intimate way.
To bring about the restoration of all things under Christ Jesus, bringing spiritual, emotional, mental, relational, financial and social transformation, by partnering with the Holy Spirit.
Rev. Grace Hwang Kaye
Lighthouse Ministry |
 Crystal Lavallee is the Founder and National Director of I Am Compelled, a registered educational charity impacting Canada's next generation. As well as Light The Fire Ministries, a new Christian charity she launched in January. She has been in full-time ministry since 2005 and has travelled to seven nations, ministering to over 15,000 people!
Before launching into her own full-time ministry, Crystal faithfully served under Pastor Brian Warren from 700Club Canada and Canada In Prayer, as well as Faytene Grasseschi from TheCRY Movement and The MY Canada Association. Crystal was ordained in 2015 under Faytene's ministry.
Crystal's message is simple - God is BIG and those who believe in Him can do BIG things. Her favourite colour is yellow. She loves her VW Jetta and makes it her goal to defy her comfort zone daily!
Crystal Lavallee
"I Am Compelled" Ministry |
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