Father, I confess that in the past I
held unforgiveness and sometimes bitterness and resentment in my heart against
certain people who hurt or disappointed me. I now recognise this as sin and
confess it as sin. For you have said in your Word that if we confess our sins
you are just and faithful to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all
I now freely forgive all these people
and ask you to bless them if they are living. I also forgive myself for my many
faults and failures because you have freely forgiven me.
Thank you Father from freedom from the
load of unforgiveness, bitterness and resentment, in the name of Jesus.
Father I confess to you that in the past
through ignorance, curiosity, or wilfully, I came into contact with certain
religious activity which I now recognise as sin, and I confess it as sin and I
claim forgiveness, in the name of Jesus.
I repent for unholy judgment of other
people and I break this judgment and cancel the pronouncement of guilt against
my mother, my father, any other members of my family, and all other people
including myself, whether I have done this knowingly or unknowingly. I will not
charge them on the day of judgement.
I repent for criticism,
fault-finding and all agreement with the accuser of the brethren.
I break all curses that have come from
this judgment.
I pray Lord that you will forgive and
bless the people who I have called guilty who are still alive with the
knowledge and understanding of your goodness.
I submit all judgment to Jesus and come
out of agreement with every unholy spirit of judgement.
I also renounce and confess as sin and
come out of agreement with any oath which I or my ancestors have taken to any
false gods and any idolatrous practices which I have come into contact with or
have been involved in.
Satan I rebuke you in the name of Jesus
and close any door which I or my ancestors may have opened to Satan and his
demons in the name of Jesus.
I renounce Satan and all of his demons,
I declare them my enemies, and command them to get out of my life completely in
the name of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus I now claim
deliverance from any and all evil spirits from these works and once and for all
I close the door in my life to all occult practices and command all related
spirits to leave me now in the name of Jesus.
I break every curse of family
destruction and break this over my family in the name of Jesus.
I release them from the hold of any
religious spirit, any strongman, in the name of Jesus.
I command spirits of religion,
faultfinder, accuser of the brethren, and unholy judgment to leave me now in
the name of Jesus.
Father I give you the glory for it, in
Jesus’ name.
I thank you Holy Spirit that you help
us, that you go forth and help us to see who we need to forgive and bring us
forward to a place of freedom in these areas, in Jesus’ name.
Father in the name of Jesus I bind the
strongman over myself and anyone listening right now in the name of Jesus.
Right now in Jesus’ name, I command
mentalism to go, self-righteousness to go, religious pride to go,
criticism to go, and legalism to go, go, go, go, go, in the name of Jesus.
Come out of God’s children now in the
name of Jesus. Loose God’s children in Jesus’ name.
I command all perfectionism, all
division, all error, all doctrinal falsehood, all unbelief and doubt, to go,
go, go. Loose God’s children in Jesus’ name.
I command confusion to leave God people,
leave Yahweh’s people in Jesus’ name and I loose confusion on the camp of enemy
in Jesus’ name.
I command argumentative, contentious,
false holiness, salvation by works and guilt, to leave God’s children, in
Jesus’ name. Leave, leave, leave, up and out in the name of Jesus.
All condemnation, all fear of losing
salvation, all unholy spirits, I bind you in the name of Jesus.
Every unholy spirit that would block
children from receiving God as a good father, I bind you and break your power
in the name of Jesus.
All intolerance go in the name of Jesus,
go, go, go, go, go.
All externalism, religious murder, lust
and ambition, go in the name of Jesus.
Lust and ambition for recognition, go in
the name of Jesus. All condemnation go in the name of Jesus.
St Ann, St, Elizabeth, St Joseph, all
catholic saints and spirits go, all spirits of penance, go in the name of
Jesus. I break your power and command you to go in the name of Jesus.
Lust for ambition go, all lust and
ambition for power and control I break your power in Jesus’ name.
All false love, all false gifts, all
false compassion, all false tongues, all false words of wisdom, I break
your power in Jesus’ name.
Religious dominance, I bind you and
break your power in the name of Jesus.
Self-serving, selfishness, greed,
unloving, go in the name of Jesus.
No compassion, go in the name of Jesus.
Pretence go, robbing, cheating,
religious coldness, I break your power in the name of Jesus.
Every false oath, I bind you, and every
spirit from those oaths, I break your power in Jesus’ name.
All blockages, in religion and theology,
I break your power in the name of Jesus.
Nimrod go, Semiramis go, Tammuz go, all hatred
of truth, antichrist spirits go, Jezebel, and chld of hell go, all good
works spirits I bind you, all mind control and mind binding spirits we bind you
and break your power in the name of Jesus.
All of you, come up and out in the name
of Jesus, all unworthiness and accuser of the brethren, we break your power in
Jesus’ name.
Get out nitpicker, get out knocker, get
out critic, go, go go in the name of Jesus.
Get out accuser of brethren to self,
accuser of brethren to others, criticisers go, belittlers go, decriers,
denigrators, detractors, assailants, attackers, leave God’s people. crucifiers,
criticisers, hair-splitters, admonishers, rebukers, reproachers, reprovers,
scolders, upbraiders, all you belly-achers, complainers, spirit of Korah, go in
the name of Jesus.
Crybaby, fusser, mumbler, griper,
grouch, grouser, grumbler, whiner, all of you, go, up and out in the name of
Jesus. I command you to go in the name of Jesus.
I thank you that you would loose the
spirits of power, love and a sound mind in the name of Jesus.
I loose the spirits of wisdom, and
counsel, and might, and knowledge and understanding, in the name of Jesus.
Even the fear of the Lord, the fear of
Yahweh in Jesus’ name Lord for you to embrace people with your Love.
I thank you that the love of God is shed
abroad in our hearts and that perfect love drives out fear in Jesus’ name.
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