Time: April 6, 2019
Location: Canada
Dream: the second heaven in the spiritual world opened, the sky opened with a crack. In the second heaven a huge fallen angel came down in the image of a giant snake. TXD first saw a huge curtain of water like Niagara Falls coming down from the distant sky, but when the lens moved closer, TXD found that it was not a waterfall, but the tongue of a giant snake. There was a person standing on the curtain of water, looking like Teacher Ming, dressed in armor and armed with a sword, fighting against the giant snake. He had never seen such a huge snake and he was terrified in the dream. And in his dream, a voice told him to find Teacher Ming immediately (in natural world), and to inform that the fallen angels and beasts of the second heaven had descended to the earth to confront the prayer armies of the Pacific rim led by Teacher Ming, and that they had only a few hours to retreat, to the northwest. It was almost 12 o’clock at night now. The dream was very straightforward, urging the team led by Teacher Ming to leave this dangerous place - east Asia.
Time: April 10, 2019
Six places around the world (Belgium, the United States, Japan, Chile, China, etc.) broadcast news of the black hole at the same time – which is of important spiritual significance (this black hole is located in the center of the Virgin A Galaxy M87); TXD brother’s dream is confirmed, through 6 radio telescopes, and 6 countries simultaneously receive the wavelength of the black hole (with the electromagnetic wave collection method, collects the signal from the universe through the electromagnetic wave exchange and conducts analysis) to open the second heaven passageway. Sure enough, the great dark powers of the second heaven came to earth through technology, which is just one example of their invasion (see below news for more details). It can be perceived that the enemy bring their forces to earth unitedly, paving the way for the Antichrist.
Note: Quantum physics provides scientific theoretical support for the existence of souls. Matter is made up of superstrings, a kind of energy. From Relativity Theory to Quantum Mechanics and even the latest Superstring Theory, science has finally touched upon the existence of souls. According to Modern Physics, the natural world is produced by the vibration of the superstring (another theory is by sound waves – quarks which is also energy and wave, science proves the truth of the Bible: God's word (sound waves) created the natural world), the superstring is the smallest living organisms with independent life consciousness in the universe, the human soul is perhaps constituted of superstrings, which is a kind of energy, or a matter smaller than neutrinos). The largest passageway of second heaven in the spiritual realm on earth has been opened.

Images of the black hole released by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) project come from the elliptical galaxy M87,
This is the first photograph of a black hole ever taken.
The black hole of M87 is much larger than the black hole of Galactic Center. M87 is an elliptical galaxy in the constellation virgo, about 54 million light-years away. The most striking feature of M87 is its blue jet flow, which extends thousands of light-years from its center. There is a supermassive black hole in the center, one of the largest black hole we know, six billion times the mass of sun.
The earliest information we received was that the celestial eye of Guizhou is one of the global passageways to open the spiritual world, a very large Event Horizon Telescope. In science, with the electromagnetic wave collection method, collects the signal from the universe through the electromagnetic wave exchange and conduct analysis. There are other waves besides the optical spectrum which signals are collected on earth, and that's what the Event Horizon Telescope does.
The Event Horizon Telescope can connect the passageways of the second heaven. It can be understood abstractly, and it can bring the power of the second heaven through this wave, just as God's words accomplish when spoken. It's a wave. The enemy's words also reach the ground through this wave and are picked up by equipment on the ground. It is possible to wonder if the altar had such an effect. So our corresponding event was, a couple of months ago - before we departed, an on trial Event Horizon Telescope in Canada, not officially in use, picked up a signal that they didn't expect. At same time Teacher Ming saw what those fallen angels (looks like aliens) were doing in the spiritual world. Then the case is fully confirmed. When these forces come in through the Event Horizon Telescope, then we can see their behaviour in the spiritual world correspondingly.
Another corresponding event is that we found space time warp when we checked our record. Per Einstein's Relativity Theory, mass, speed and other aspects changing can cause space time warp. Correspondingly, when our team worked in Vancouver, and that dark power came, space time warp happened. At a same moment, front (China) and rear (Vancouver) had time shift or difference for nearly an hour.
The news itself is about six locations around the world simultaneously broadcasting the discovery of a black hole. Clearly seen as a harbinger of the unity of the enemy, they will bring their power in and spread the news all over the country at the same time. In other words, their influence spread simultaneously across the globe. We believe the news itself will have a great impact on the spiritual world. What kind of effect? We can think about it. The news itself is to bring in information through channels of six Event Horizon Telescopes, which is a very big move for the enemy. Compared to what we see now, God, through different Christian groups, including us, is trying to destroy previous enemy’s altars, however enemies are taking advantage of this human technology, through opening the passageways of the spiritual world and the natural world, to bring their power in again. It feels like to prepare for the arrival of the Antichrist. That's one of our views on the news.
Written by Ming
Event Horizon Telescope:
Here's news broadcast:
[April 10th black hole will finally revealed simultaneously through six location saround the world (including Shanghai, China)] The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) will announce a major achievement related to photos of supermassive black holes. The first photos of a black hole will be released simultaneously in six locations around the world. The black hole that has been "lived in the legend" will be finally revealed.
The black hole of M87 is much larger than the black hole of Galactic Center. M87 is an elliptical galaxy in the constellation virgo, about 54 million light-years away. The most striking feature of M87 is its blue jet flow, which extends thousands of light-years from its center. There is a supermassive black hole in the center, one of the largest black holes we know, six billion times of the mass of sun.
(Deutsche welle Chinese) Researchers at the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) international research project have been able to actually take pictures of black holes finally, which is indeed a groundbreaking achievement. Some say they deserve the Nobel Prize. A black hole is like its name: black, not visible. It is so massive that it can devour everything around it. Not even light can escape from a black hole, whose enormous gravitation forces is unimaginable.
How do researchers know that black holes exist?
Black holes do not have surfaces like planets or stars. It is a kind of supermassive celestial body that exists in space. It is like a “huge and bloody mouth", can devour everything around. The black hole's gravity pulls stars, clouds and light out of its path, crushing them. Everything close to the black hole is pulled into a black whirlpool. Researchers can measure these gravitation forces. They knew it must be an enormous gravitation forces.
How do black holes form?
Black holes form in very different ways. For example, when a huge star dies, it explodes. Researchers call them supernovae. As the star burned out, it collapsed and became a tiny black hole from which even light could not escape.
The first image of a black hole comes from the elliptical galaxy M87
This black hole is much larger than the black hole of Galactic Center. The black hole of Galactic Center has been measured by EHT, but the team is split on the data processing and will not release it for the time being. (Frey’s interpretation)
M87 is an elliptical galaxy in the constellation virgo, about 54 million light-years away. Home to trillions of stars, M87 contains about 15,000 globular star clusters, by contrast Milky Way galaxy only contains few hundred billion stars and roughly 150 globular star clusters.
Like Sgr A *, M87 has a supermassive black hole at its center, one of the largest black hole we know, six billion times of the mass of sun, 1,500 times of the mass of Sgr A *.
Written by Ming
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