“Again you shall plant vineyards On the hills of Shomron; Men shall plant and live to enjoy them.” Jeremiah 31:4 (The Israel Bible™)

Over 200 rabbis, including the Chief Rabbis of Israel, sent a letter to President Trump, thanking him for his recognition of Israel’s right to Judea and Samaria. The letter was composed by the Chief Rabbi of Tzfat, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu and published in Srugim compared the political move to the prophecy of Jeremiah.
“Over 2,500 years ago, the Prophet Jeremiah claimed that the nation of Israel would return to the hills of Samaria and plant their vineyards there.”
The Rabbis then cited another verse in Jeremiah as being manifested by Trump’s actions.
Thus said the lord of Hosts, the God of Yisrael: They shall again say this in the land of Yehuda and in its towns, when I restore their fortunes: “Hashem bless you, Abode of righteousness, O holy mountain!” Jeremiah 31:22
“We get to live in the generation where these prophecies are fulfilled word for word. 130 years ago, Jew from all over the world started returning to Israel. 72 years ago, the nation was freed from foreign rule. 52 years ago we returned to Jerusalem, Hebron, and the rest of Judea and Samaria. Our enemies did not accept this, and are still trying to stop the process. But God has promised to Abraham that ‘Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies’, and we have seen with our own eyes how ‘Five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand, and your enemies will fall by the sword before you'”.
“We are grateful for the blessing of peace, of the hills of Israel producing fruit, and of the Israeli economy gathering strength” the letter read. “We are grateful that the world recognizes Israel’s mission to bring joy and hope to the world, to strengthen justice and bring everlasting peace. Two years ago we got your recognition of the central position Jerusalem has in our country, followed by recognition of the Golan Heights – and now we are blessed with your recognition of the legality of the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria”.
“The United States of America were one of the first countries to support the founding of the State of Israel. The presidents of the US were honored to support Israel, and be part of the fulfillment of the Prophet’s predictions of the return of Zion and the foundation of the State of Israel. It is a rare honor for you to be the first President to lead this recognition”.
God made a promise to Abraham, that ‘I will bless those who bless you’. He promised the prophet Isaiah that ‘For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, till her vindication shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch. The nations will see your vindication, and all kings your glory; you will be called by a new name that the mouth of the Lord will bestow’. President Trump, you are blessed to see the fulfillment of this prophecy”.
“We are sure you will be remembered in the history of Israel as the leader who stood fearlessly by our side. May God bless you and fulfill you as he promised Joshua: ‘Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go'”.
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