2.3.7 從出埃及地看屬靈生命的成長
The book of Exodus vs. the book of Romans: same spiritual meaning (growth process)
Exodus: how the Israelites were in Egypt, left Egypt, entered the wilderness and Mount Sinai, met with God, and established the tabernacle.
Romans: How we get saved, overcome, be sanctified, and be guided by the Holy Spirit.
Metaphors in Exodus:
Egypt vs. the world
The Egyptians ruled over the Israelites vs. the world rules over us.
Previously slaves in Egypt, the Israelites went through a process to become God's army vs. Christians, previously slaves of the world, become citizens of the kingdom of God.
The destination of the Israelites is Canaan and a life with God vs. Christians become the army of God, enter the destiny that God has promised to each one of us.
Our purpose on earth: enter our Canaan land – our density
Salvation (from Exodus to Joshua):
Exodus is the process of salvation
Passover: the blood of the lamb on the door posts and frame
Cross the red sea: washed in water (water baptism)
When in Egypt, the Israelites enjoyed life though suffering from slavery. They did not know God nor know how to worship Him. They had to go through exodus to get to know the God of their ancestors vs. We enjoyed the world though we had sufferings. We worshiped idols while knowing there is such a thing as Christianity, but thought it irrelevant to us. Then we experience the blood of Jesus and get baptized. Some experience miracles at that time.
1st stage: the honeymoon period
the Israelites traveled from the Red Sea to Mount Sinai and received the laws of God vs. After being saved, there is a period of a few months to a year that is called honeymoon.
Before arriving at Mount Sinai, the Israelites experienced God's salvation and miracles but did not understand God's laws. They ate food brought out of Egypt. Although they heard the 10 Commandments verbally, they made a golden calf when Moses went up the mountain to meet with God. Yet God did not judge them severely vs. Christians still encounter difficulties and complain during the honeymoon period. The food we eat is the TV we watch, the music we listen to, and the games we play, all from the world. God does not judge nor discipline us severely as we are still spiritual babies.
Later, when journeying in the wilderness, as soon as the Israelites complained, God's punishment and discipline came vs. After coming to Christ for some time and understanding God's laws, we can no longer live the way we used to live and do whatever we what.
2nd stage: start to understand God's law
Exodus 19:4-6 "You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself. 5 Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, 6 you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites.” God started to transform the Israelites into priests and army of God through His laws. God has expectations for his people (but he does not use witchcraft) vs. when Christians begin to understand God's law and spiritual principles, God has different expectations for them according to their spiritual maturity. If one wants to stay as a spiritual baby, no high expectations from God nor many blessings.
Obeying God’s law is a channel of blessing:
The law of worship: The worship system in Israel works through animal sacrifice – understand the problem of sin (brings death and gives legal ground to Satan) in their relationship with God. God taught them what sin is, how to cleanse it with the blood of animals, and restore the relationship with Him vs. Christians, after being saved, must first understand the concept of sin, then try not to sin again. Jesus came to become the sin offering of the world and to restore our relationship with God.
The law of cleansing: the Israelites were taught to be holy and not to defile themselves before God vs. Christians must learn what God likes and does not like (i.e., sin), and stop saying/doing certain things. Go through a cleansing process.
The criminal law/consequence of sin: E.g., Deuteronomy 30, famine comes when a nation sins vs. Christians need to understand that sin, unforgiveness, self-pity, jealousy and disobedience to God have consequences. Sooner or later, those who sin will be judged.
The civil law (moral law): Deuteronomy teaches us to love God and love our neighbors. It introduces the concept of love, which cannot be found in the relationship between people and idols, nor among people (unconditional love).
We need to have a balanced life in three aspects:
The Holy Spirit: helper and comforter, helps us live out the law and deal with our old self.
The Bible: Christians must understand spiritual principles in the process of sanctification. The most basic things: relationship with God, the concept of sin, sacrifice, love, etc. Not enough to just memorize Bible verses, should understand and apply spiritual principles.
The saints: Grow in a group and experience conflicts, patience, and forgiveness, so that we learn to love our neighbor as ourselves.
Examples: one can’t just study theology and become a Bible teacher but doesn’t like to deal with people; or one can’t just have inner life with the Holy Spirit but doesn’t know how to serve. God created us to do his will and to serve. Our life has to be molded.
3rd stage: training of faith & obedience (preparation for entering Canaan)
Due to lack of faith, the 40-day journey turned into 40 years, till one generation died vs. The way of the cross is to deal with the old self in the wilderness: get rid of the complaining, disobedience and disbelief before entering the promised land.
The Israelites ate manna after God issued his law, and discipline came when they made mistakes vs. After understanding God’s law, we start to eat spiritual food instead of the food of the world. And God will discipline us.
40 years in the wildness vs. a long time of dealing with our old self. Dealing with our problems in life one by one takes a lot of effort. We also learn to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Our problems may be magnified if a spiritual leap happens before the foundation of our life is well laid. We should be very careful about this: know how much our old self has been dealt with before we go out to battle or take leadership. It is very important to understand God’s spiritual principles (dedication, holiness) and deal with the old self. Don’t be too anxious and exalt ourselves because of the gifts we have and position we hold.
4th stage: revelatory service
Ultimate goal: enter our destiny, fight spiritual warfare, and inherit the land. Revelation is required to enter our destiny. We need to understand the gifts of the Spirit, how the Holy Spirit speaks and leads people, before we start the work of signs and wonders.
Crossing the Jordan river: water baptism when crossing the Red Sea, and Moses lead the way; baptism of the Holy Spirit when crossing the Jordan River, and the ark of the covenant (presence of God) went out first. The ark and the priests foreshadowed the revelatory work of the Holy Spirit, and miracles followed à After being baptized with water, Christians need to experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit in order to have revelation.
After crossing the Jordan River, each tribe took a stone and made a covenant with God – experience a deeper life and start battling à After entering revelatory service, our battles gradually increase.
5th stage: spiritual warfare, or a victorious Christian life
No longer simply deal with the old self but start to overcome. The goal of all our spiritual warfare (in the family, in our life, in regional spiritual warfare) is to win by the revelation of the Holy Spirit, and to gain the land and people.
Know our spiritual situation, and don't mistakenly think our life turns better because of our special spiritual experience and gifts.
Lay a good foundation first as the most basic homework. Then when it’s God’s timing, He will promote us.
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