2.2.7 神的母親心腸
Speaker: Ming
The motherly heart of our God is one aspect of his divine nature.
We have the identity of Children of God and can live out that identity with authorities in our daily lives. For example, when planting flowers, we can command the weather to send rain to water the flowers and call a storm to come when we need it. This freedom lies in knowing the truth of our identity which is the Sons of God. Now we have a new lesson on the motherly heart of our Heavenly Father. What kind of freedom can this truth bring about?
A question that children are most likely to ask is, is an angel a man or a woman? Another question: does God have gender? John 4:24 states, “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” We know that in many passages of the Bible, male-like characteristics are used to describe God both in the Old and New Testaments. Commonly, masculine forms are used to represent God for example, "Jehovah," "Elohim," and "The Lord." The essence of God is found in Genesis 1:2, where the Spirit "ruach" in Hebrew is feminine in Genesis 1:2, but in Greek and Hebrew, masculinity is not always connected with gender. God is a spirit. This is because he is compared to the physical and spiritual realms. What we see with our eyes is the physical real, God is a spirit that we cannot see. We know that his comparison lies in the fact that there has never been anything in the material world that can be compared to God. There has never been a material thing that can be used to represent God. But gender is a characteristic and attribute of the physical body, whereas spirit is without gender, so fundamentally, God has no gender.
Although most of the verses (over 170) in the Bible without exception use male names when God appears, in Luke 15 and Matthew 23:37, Jesus referred to himself as a hen. In Genesis 1:26-27, do you remember the famous scripture that says, ' Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness....” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.'? There is a question about the image of God, he made both men and women. As I said earlier, God is genderless and any image in the material world cannot represent the image of God in the spiritual world. This fact could mean men and women are not identical to God since He has neither physical male nor female characteristics. People are created in the image of God; but this has no relation to the characteristics of their bodies. Because God is a spirit, and spirits can enter different carriers without physical characteristics, so God can reveal himself to people without limitations.
Let's look at 1 John 4:16, And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. We know that God is love. When this love truly enters our lives, we are changed. Love is an ability! When God created us, he created a deep need within us for love and peace. These needs already exist within us, just like oxygen exists in the atmosphere. We must have love, but today, many people think that love is unattainable or very difficult to obtain. Many people feel as though they have never experienced love, and they do not feel that being loved or loving others is a natural thing. Although, my love of others is very natural, can I freely demand love from others? Can I speak to a random sister in the church and tell her that I need money and ask for her wallet? Of course not! If we cannot love people freely then we can’t freely receive love from others. Oftentimes we only know love on a surface level and miss the deep understanding.
Understanding the attributes of God will help us to be set free, otherwise, it would be difficult for us to enter our identity. First, we must understand what complete love is. If someone only receives love from one side of the family, that person may experience incomplete love. People need love from both parents because that's the example God set in the family from the beginning. In wholeness, the love of the father and the mother are both included. Additionally, God can express different aspects of love to us. In our healing courses, we often converse about the love from Heavenly Father, but many of us still don't understand. We need to know that in God's love, there are maternal (motherly)and paternal(fatherly) qualities. In this, we can experience complete love with balance and harmony.
After entering this truth, and truly experiencing it, it will bring us great freedom. Knowing our identity as the sons of God, we realize that we have a great inheritance from God. What was the purpose of entering Canaan during the Old Testament era? To inherit the promised land. Similarly, at the end of the age, God will bring his sons into the new promised land as their inheritance. God used the Old Testament story to declare the future things in the end-time. Why does Revelation talk about 144000 people, and what does 144000 do in Revelation 14? They possess the promised land and their inheritance. So, receiving the inheritance of the Heavenly Father means that we have power bestowed to us by God. God originally intended to give authority to his sons and put all things under His son's authority. When I truly walked into this truth and received the promised authority, I knew that the physical world was completely put under my authority. I challenge everyone not just to listen to lectures, but to step into the fullness of truth.
The truth I am sharing today will bring about a higher level of power and freedom in your life. If we can heal the sick, resurrect the dead, and command the weather, is there any higher authority than this? Many people even dare not imagine the authority we can possess. We think, God, will those blessings come to me? The enemy uses lies to stop us from going into a higher level of power and freedom. I know that God is currently restoring His gentle heart and influence in the church, restoring His love, for us to receive the identity of the bride of Jesus. Who is included in the bridal company? As we dive deeper, we begin to understand that there are so many levels, groups of people, and categories within the bridal company. Which group do you belong to? Are you part of the Wise Virgin group? Or do you belong to the wedding guests’ group? Or are you part of the pioneers group? Or do you belong to martyrs? Which group do you belong to? People need to know which position they are called to be in the future millennium kingdom. This requires effort and is related to rewards and gifts God will give you. This has nothing to do with salvation.
God's maternal heart: the character of our Heavenly Father contains gentleness like a mother's heart. We know He is the loving Father, and He loves us more than our parents. Because he loves us, he wants us to get rid of the orphan spirit from us. He will lead us into the identity of sons and daughters. Perhaps some among you lost or are missing one of their parents at a young age on the other hand some may have had both parents but never experienced unconditional love. Unconditional love is a complete sacrificial love, and it does not originate from any reason. In my life, I know that only God has filled this gap. It made me realize that God has not only a father's heart but also a mother's heart towards me. We often feel like orphans, without a sense of belonging or security, which is why we like to manifest ourselves through works ( good deeds) so that we can receive love from God or authoritative people. But when living in the identity of God’s children, we realize that we are completely loved and don't need to prove ourselves anymore. God loves us just as He loves His Son Christ.
Today I'm going to take you on a journey about understanding how God loves us, accepts us, and treats us as sons and daughters. It's not that we can’t do anything for God it’s we are too limited to do anything for Him. Let me give you an example. When you have a 25-year-old son in your family, who is a great helper, and a 5-year-old son who needs constant help and attention, a good mother will love both. What do you think our God will do? Does He prefer the 25-year-old one, which is more helpful? No, he loves them both! Even though children have different stages of life and maturity, as parents we will love them in all stages. It is the same with God; no matter if you are spiritually mature or weak, if you know how to serve others, or how to preach, or even when you are naughty and make mistakes God will love you. Knowing the truth is one thing but receiving it in our hearts and putting it into practice is another thing. Therefore, you need to constantly review what is happening in your life. Ask God to heal us from all scarring things, so that we can embark on the path ahead.
God has a father's heart as well as a mother's, he is a spirit. He is neither male nor female, but we still call him Father! However, we know that there is tenderness, compassion sympathy, and nurturing, kindness in Him. These characteristics can be seen in the Heavenly Father while these are attributes are most common for mothers on the earth. Do you remember how many types of love there are? "Agape", “Phileo". Let's first talk about "Agape". What kind of love is it? Answer: Unconditional love from God, sacrificial love. Jesus died unconditionally, not for his benefit, but for our benefit. The second type of love is 'Phileo'. What kind of love is it? Friendship and caring love between people. This is the highest level of human love. As a human, it is difficult for men to have 'Agape' love, the best form of love we have is 'phileo' which can help a man to love many people, and it is the kind of love between brothers. What is the third type of love? It is 'Eros' and it's romantic and emotional love; it's sensory love. The love of "Eros" sacrifices others to satisfy oneself. It is sensory and specifically refers to the love between a man and a woman. The fourth type is the love of kinship, the auxiliary love in family relationships, specifically the love of a mother for her child, which is singled out from all kinds of love. This love refers to the loving-kindness of parents. We can realize that God has all of those loves in his characteristics.
For example, if you see a child on the street and his mother comes to hug him, this is an expression of love. The little boy doesn't feel anything strange; he finds it natural when he is held by the mother. As we just read in Genesis 1:26-27. Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness....” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.' We know that in the creation the Trinity was involved, and people were created according to their image and likeness, which includes both males and females. The good news is that we were created in the image of God so that we can govern the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, and the livestock on the ground. This sentence does not only refer to men but also to women. Many people are surprised! How can women also have a share in ruling the world? When it comes to men and women, God allows both to participate in the management and governance of the entire earth. The Heavenly Father speaks of the attribute of him having a mother's heart, as stated in Isaiah 49:15, "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you.”
It is said here that 'perhaps your mother will forget you'. However, even if the mother forgets the child, the Heavenly Father does not forget us. God’s love is available for those who have never experienced motherly love before. He is the God who loves and restores us. To be healed, people must find the root of their inner problems. For the people who have vanity, usually, there's a problem with their mother. For men, if they have problems with their mothers, they tend to have pornography problems. Once you know the root cause, you will know how to heal and help others with the same problem. At first, I always thought that these issues were mainly related to my relationship with my father because he is a person who loves to seek a sense of value. However, the Holy Spirit reminded me, and I know there is a problem between my mother and me.
The Bible tells us a truth, the creator manifests his nature of nurturing through women. Psalm 131:2 says, 'But I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content.” This is a poem written by David, about the situation of a child who has just been fed by the mother. What happens to a baby when the mother is feeding him or her? How do you respond when you're full? A satisfied sigh. It is so full and then the baby goes to sleep. Because the child is very satisfied and enjoys being in the mother's arms, feeling that everything in the world is beautiful and peaceful. When we receive love from our Heavenly Father, we receive peace and tranquility. In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, this is a manifestation of his motherly heart. So, when we receive heavenly love, we receive in our spirits which makes us very satisfied.
In Psalm 131, David fully understands the nature of God, knowing that in God's nature, there is both the heart of the Father and the Mother. Psalm 27:10“Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.” This verse says even though you you may not have perfect parents, God is one. “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.” Who said this sentence? Jesus. Why didn't Jesus refer to himself as a rooster?
We see that it's a metaphor for God placing his children under his wings, as if a hen is taking care of her chicken. God uses relatable scenes from Earth to better understand him.
We are created in the image of God, we are born from God, so we have part of the attributes of God, the DNA. If the maternal traits God created in women are not developed, we will replace those wonderful characters with something else worldly. Therefore, whether you are a man or a woman, you must have fatherly and motherly love in life. If we do not understand the nature of God, we can’t experience life in its fullness. If you truly know that nature, you will begin to get deeper freedom and higher authority. Many people try to replace it with money, fame, power, and even great achievements in ministry, to conceal our shortcomings and lack of security.
God creates all things in heaven and earth. When He speaks, nebulas in the sky take shape, and all things in heaven and earth are created. The wind blows, and stones jump up to praise Him. When He speaks, all our disappointments disappear. Do we dare to think about obtaining a share of God’s power of creation? We know that men love to work, to build or make plans, and to do what they can see with their eyes and use their hands to create. They also love to protect, resist the invaders; to have achievements and goals, they prefer logic and tend to be more practical. These are about "doing" and "creating". The characteristic of men is "creating". For feeding, man often lack in that aspect, especially in nurturing. Women love to have relationships. As soon as they sit down, they start talking about relationships. Women enjoy communicating. This is a characteristic of women, also women like to be affirmed, connected, and cared for. This is the greatest trait that God created for women and have a deeper connection with people, hoping to be understood as well as enjoy having intimate relationships. This is the reflection of the heart of a woman or the characteristic of a mother.
Women enjoy having intimate relationships and being able to 'multitask', and be versatile in function. In fact, a mother focused on nurturing instead of power, while the men, on the other hand, prioritized strength and power to other aspects. God's heart wants us to have an intimate relationship with Him. He wants us to approach Him and understand His maternal nature because He loves to care for and nurture us. Because He created all things in heaven and earth, and every life has a marvelous form and made by God through a wonderful process, and God expects us to immerse ourselves in intimate relationships. When He sees our needs, He will feed and take care of us and bring us into a relationship with love and acceptance. To be complete in God’s love, you must understand the attributes of God, and you cannot just live like a workaholic or project-driven, lacking interpersonal relationships, which is a male attribute. There are such traits in a male as performance-minded, because he is goal-oriented, and focused on his work. But there is a lack of interpersonal relationships. If this person only focuses on their goals, everyone else will become his pawn to achieve his own goals.
We all know that in the eyes of God, men and women are equal. When he created females, he did not use skulls or foot bones. He used ribs! Ribs are positioned to protect your internal organs. It represents that there are not highs and lows between Men and women. Though it was Eve who ate the forbidden fruit first, they were both punished altogether. We see that in the era of the Old Testament, God placed great emphasis on women, he chose many women and granted them high status. Just like Miriam, Deborah the Judge, and the girl who defeated Sisera, as well as Huldah, who was a prophetess, Ruth and Mary. Although Eve caused the entire human race to fall into sin, through another woman; Mary; Jesus Christ was born. Without Mary's obedience, there would be no Christ! What I'm talking about is an analogy, where God achieve His redemption through Mary.
When we study the revivals that occurred in history, we will find patterns. God has used many women in the revivals and those women made huge contributions, but when the revival movement reached a certain stage, men would come to take over. In this way, the church will become more goal-orientated, and activities will become more efficient. When the goals were achieved, the movement started to lose the heart of our Heavenly Father. Unfortunately, during history, Christians did not fully demonstrate the complete love of God. This is an important function of churches or ministries, which is why receiving love is so difficult, we are born with this need (if we don’t receive complete love from God, how can we give out love to nurture new believers?) The responsibilities that men and women receive in Christ are equal because Paul said that ‘you were baptized into Christ and have put on Christ, without distinction between Jews, Greeks, free men, slaves, male or female, because you are all one in Christ Jesus.’
In the New Testament, Jesus considered women as his companions. And many of these women ended up accomplishing so much. Who did Jesus give his mother to when he was on the cross? Apostle John. Who was the person he thought of before he died? His Mother. To whom did Jesus appear after his resurrection? Mary; a female believer, who told the news to the terrified apostles. If you check historical data, starting from the 1830s,you will see that in Christianity high percentage of believers were women. In 1890,60% were women and by 1921, it was 75%, and by the second half of the 19th century, it had already exceeded two-thirds. Why were there so many women in Christianity? It is the naturality of feeding and nurturing which comes out of us.
God uses the earthly mother figures to represent His attributes of the mother's heart. That's why we always feel that we didn’t experience complete love, because our knowledge of God is incomplete, and we usually only know God has love like a father. A researcher once witnessed that when children are never or very rarely touched, when they grow up, they are easier to commit suicide! Why? They are suppressed, not being noticed, not being loved. So, in our church or ministry, we should hug and shake hands with others. Remember to touch and embrace at least 12 times a day.
A mother plays an important role when a baby is born. In Psalm 22:9, 9 Yet you brought me out of the womb; you made me trust in you, even at my mother’s breast. Where does trust start? Starting from the mother's womb. If someone lacks such a loving touch, they will not trust others. Be careful of this. Most of us find it difficult to trust people. Gradually, we realize that besides others and the family, we find it difficult to trust ourselves as well. Ultimately, it will be difficult to trust God. Trusting God is a journey or process to build an intimacy relationship with Him. If we are not loved according to the way our Heavenly Father created us, we cannot learn how to receive love and give out love.
When it is difficult for children to have a role model to learn from, they find it difficult to trust others. If they do not trust people, they tend to escape or hide themselves. Why do they hide away? It's because there's a problem in their relationship with the mother. Many people cannot learn how to protect themselves properly in a relationship, therefore they build up walls around themselves, and then a self-defense mechanism will occur in their life. Before I was born again in the Lord, I also acted like that. When faced with problems, I would avoid them and try not to face them. When the challenging situation arose, I would hide. If someone treated me badly, I would run away quickly. Why? Because there is a problem in my relationship with my mother. The mother should have acquired complete love from God, and then this love should be imparted to her children through her, so the children will feel protected, loved, and accepted. However, our mothers usually cannot pay attention to every single child because they have many children. When I do healing services, I often encounter people with 10 siblings or 8 siblings. They naturally have a self-defense mechanism and try to hide their feelings, they usually have difficulties trusting others.
What is the second language of love? Eye Contact. It can also receive love. It's not just about touching for love. A little baby will stare at his or her mother from the eye contact the baby can receive love. From the mother’s gaze, the baby can tell whether he is welcomed or not. Actually, newborn babies have extremely weak eyesight. How far can babies see? They can only see the distance from their mother's chest and eyes at best, so when the baby doesn't know how to speak, they can receive their mother's love through eye contact. But when a mom has 10 children, she doesn't have time to hug everyone daily, so she can’t express her love through her eyes. When such babies grow up, they lack confidence. When they look at something or someone, they look up and down, left and right, but they don't look at you or make eye contact with you. Because they have never experienced the love that came from their mother’s eye contact. This is the second way to receive love.
The third one is speaking through the tone of voice. Tell me, does anyone in your family have a dog? How did the dogs understand what you said? Through the owner’s Voice, tone, dogs may not fully understand what you are talking about, but if you use the same tone, they will respond with the same reaction. Have you noticed that when a baby comes to you, your tone changes? You won't speak like a normal person anymore. You speak in a different voice, 'baby, baby, you're so cute!’ Then the adult next to you heard it and got goosebumps. When we are naturally doing this? Because we all know that this soft tone brings out a real connection. The babies may not even know what you're talking about, but they know there's love. Can they feel it when you're angry at them? If you shout at the baby, they will tremble, it's the tone that works. Therefore, when God created all things, he created them through his voice and his sound. Science has now discovered that the smallest substance that makes up everything is actually sound waves, which is not what we used to know. This is the latest discovery. God's words are so true, babies need to understand your love for them from that tone of voice. The language of babies is like speaking in tongues, you can't understand it. But can their mom understand? Sure. Gradually, when the baby cries once, or twice, the mother knows it's time to change diapers. When they cry a few times, the mother knows it's time to breastfeed.
How else can we express the language of love? Giving gifts. When you receive a gift, you have a feeling of being loved and someone paying attention to you. So, when you spend quality time with someone, they also receive the language of love. Perhaps you haven't done anything or said anything to him, and he just feels that you love him. I didn't understand it before. My husband used to request me to stay home when he was upstairs working on the computer or other things. He demanded that I must be present at home, but I couldn't communicate with him because he was very busy. He started working by himself, and I found it weird. He told me to stay at home however without saying anything to me. I wondered why he does that. Later on, I realized that he needed love. His way of experience being loved is by having quality time with someone, even if that person doesn't say anything. It turns out it's also a language of love expressed through actions. So, when you serve someone, when you dress them, when you make their bed, they can feel love. When you are washing a fruit for them, handing them something, they will feel that you have spent time with them. We can express love through actions.
What is another language of love? In Psalm 22:9-10, Yet you brought me out of the womb; you made me trust in you, even at my mother’s breast. From birth I was cast on you; from my mother’s womb you have been my God. What does it mean? Feeding. It is also a way to express love, especially through breastfeeding. We all know that when a child cries, some mothers are smart enough to quickly pick them up and stuff the baby bottle into them. The baby stopped crying and started eating. After finishing drinking milk, the baby felt very satisfied and fell asleep, leaving his mother with plenty of time to do things. But it's very difficult, not everyone breastfeeds. When someone is not breastfed, that part can cause problems in life. Once you start breastfeeding this child for the first month, then you give him a bottle, it's actually quite difficult for you to switch back to breastfeeding in the future. It is also difficult for the baby to switch back and forth. The name of God is "El Shaddai", what does "El Shaddai" mean? The original verse is 'many breasted one'. It is the ability to feed many of his children. This is a characteristic of God, and hence His name. We are delighted to see God the Father come to feed us. We know that if anyone is thirsty, he or she comes to God and drinks. Drinking not only refers to the water of the Holy Spirit, but it also symbolizes the call of the Father's heart to His children. You are thirsty, come to 'El Shadai' to drink. This is what God wants us to understand. Do we come to God to eat and drink from him? If you haven't come into the embrace of the Father God from the beginning, there will be a long period of delay. The longer the delay, the harder you will feel when you come back to God later on.
There is an immune protein in the mother's breast milk that makes it easy for the child to sleep and rest. When a person comes to God, the Lord tells them, 'Rest in peace,’ be like a baby, rest in front of Him. This means that you must stop your efforts, let go of your desires, so that you can be repaired in front of God, because you should rest. An orphan's heart is not like that. People want to work hard and prove he or she is valuable, so those who are too busy have an orphan's heart. They want to perform well; they want to use this way to make themselves feel better. That's because they have never received rest from their Father God.
The fourth type of love is the mother's caring love. If this type of love is lacking, then people usually go to find something else in the world to replace it, and they may switch to sexual lust. In the counseling sessions, I found that the brothers and sisters who have masturbation or pornographic problems usually lack the love of their mothers, which is the root cause of their struggles. I ministered a brother before and found that he started masturbating at a very young age, between 12/13. Because the mother has been away for a long time. Originally, mothers were to show that love and the attribute of God in their lives, but if she wasn't around for a long time, problems would arise. I remember there was a 25-year-old young man who had 160 or 170 girlfriends, and they had sexual relationships. Why does he do so? He started looking for prostitutes at the age of 12, what's the reason? His mother has been absent. His mother was very busy and didn't keep track of him. She was busy with her business and gave him a lot of money, but he used this money to buy pornographic things. It's not all his fault, but he lacks maternal love. There is another type of mother who is extremely controlling. If the mother is extremely controlling, she cannot express God's love. There is no control in God! If a mother cannot express God's love correctly, what will happen to her son when he grows up? Irresponsible, addicted to pornography, attached to girlfriends or women, unable to make decisions on key issues. Because he did not receive that love and nourishment in his mother's arms, he will naturally fall in love with women's breasts when he grows up, which is a driving force that is not in line with God's will. There are young people, when you look at their attire, I'm not trying to convict anyone. I'm just telling you about a situation people can find in internal healing services: there are women wearing very nakedly, or men wearing more tight clothing that is not pleasing to the Heavenly Father. Why? They lack the caring or naturing love in their lives, so we pray that God to heal us. I have already talked about 5/6 love languages. People won’t open their emotional needs or hide their feelings when they have not received love. But we have a very good news. When our mother cannot give us, the Heavenly Father can give us. This is the promise God made to us in Isaiah 49:15, which we just read from the scripture. "“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!
When I was a child, my mother was quite controlling. At that time, I found that I was very vain. What is the root of it? I have been searching for it. Why am I so vain? I could have lived in the glory that comes from God. Later I realized that there was a relationship problem with my mother. At that time, she had three children in our family. Both of my parents were surgical doctors who were often called up at night to undergo emergency surgeries. They were so busy that they often slept in the hospital. As their children, it was like having no parents, we often stayed with our grandmothers. When my mother was very busy, I found that I lacked hugs and maternal love. Moreover, I was the second child and often the most easily overlooked one, so I never knew that I was uniquely created by God. In this situation, I desire more to do something in order to be noticed and cared for, which was why I developed the vanity and enjoy buying clothes. I can only get rid of it when God reveals the root. Due to my mother's control, I also tend to hide and run away quickly whenever a challenge happens, because our relationship is not good. My mother and I don't have a particularly bad relationship, and we can talk about many things together, but she has the problem of manipulation. When God's anointing comes, He breaks this problem, because we were originally innocent in the Garden of Eden, and we need to be healed to restore the way God created us in the beginning.
I will share one testimony; my mother told me this story and it happened when I was one year old.
My parents were unlicensed physicians in a village at that time. Sometimes, they had to climb mountains to visit some patients in other villages. Once, they needed to visit a patient with an infectious disease and my mother found an old temple outside of the patient’s village. She put me on a high table in the temple and made sure I wouldn’t be touched by animals or fall down from it, then she ran to visit the patient. Around 10 minutes later, she finished the treatment and ran back for me, but I disappeared. She was worried and searched everywhere in the temple. When she was totally hopeless, she felt to go out of the temple and dig with her hand on the ground where the dirt looked soft and uneven. Very soon, she saw the fabric of my coverings blanket and she kept digging until I was found. My face was blue and she did CPR to bring me back to life. This thing had no explanation and she couldn’t find who did it. When my mother told me this story, my heart was full of anger. As I wanted to complain how can she left me alone in such a dangerous place, before I opened my mouth to her, the Holy Spirit said to me: “ I covered your mother’s mistake!” The word of God hugely comforted me.
It turns out that my life has been guarded by God, not by any person. Although my mother was careless, my God has not forgotten me.
My mother told me that when she was feeding me, I had no meat to eat but only porridge. I knew that even my parents could forget me, but my God did not forget me. So if there are difficulties among you, and you find that you have the same pain I just mentioned, you hide yourself when facing challenges, or someone may have vanity problems, and you feel that you are not beautiful enough, you can search your memories to see whether your mother rarely hugs you, or if they lack expression of love towards you. Perhaps your parents think that giving you delicious food is a sign of love, or they don't know how to love you in a healthy and Godly way, they never know that they also need to embrace you frequently. If you did not grow up being embraced, accepted, and loved, the sharing today is for you. This is my first time talking about this topic. Although I have conducted many healing courses, it is the first time that I have used this attribute of God to share the part of His complete love. We know God has the heart of a father but we rarely know the motherly heart of our Heavenly Father.
I know some mothers may feel that their children were not born at the right time, maybe they were busy at that time, maybe the child was born out of premarital sex, or maybe they were in the stage of pursuing a career and of promotion at work, and they had to work hard and rather not to have a baby. If you were an unwanted child and you carried this kind of pain, let's come to God. If your gender is not what they expected, they wanted a male or female, and you happen to be the opposite, but do you know what God wants to say to you? Although you are not the one your father or mother expected, God's will is for you to be who you are, and God's will is higher than human's. If you often feel that you are not beautiful enough, you hide from things, you lack trust in others, not even trusting yourself, and God, then ask God to take away the harm your mother did to you when you were young. We rarely deal with such problems. We may feel that my mother loves us very much and has given us everything we have, but there is one thing she has not been able to give us, which is the languages of love, which fully express the attributes of God. Because of this, our love (personality) is not complete. You need to forgive your mother and say in your heart,:” Mom, you no longer owe me anything. I forgive and release you. I know that sometimes a mother forgets her nursing baby and does not have mercy on the child she gives birth to. Even if she forgets, God says he will not forget. Therefore, just as a mother comforts her son, our God comforts you, and you will be comforted through Jerusalem. Many of us lacked the languages of love. Many of us were not often hugged, not touched, or our mother did not breastfeed us when we were a child. She rarely made eye contact with you and was rarely able to be with you because she was too busy. Therefore, we asked God to help us rebuild that trust and intimacy, rebuild that connection so that we could know the authority of the God who created us. Thank you, Lord. Now I am going to bless you on behalf of all mothers, whether you are a man or a woman. With the authority given to me in the name of Jesus Christ, I am going to bless those brothers and sisters who have never received the love of a mother, or those who lack the love of a mother when they grew up. The previous disappointments will be gone, just as we sing in our psalm today. Thousands of disappointments have disappeared because of the word of God, and because my God stands in the gap that I lack, replacing my mother to love me, feed me, and replace her gentle, kind, loving, and nurturing role. I know who I am now, I finally know that I have an identity, and I can start trying new things because my God stands on that broken place in my life and loving me with His complete love, making up for my shortcomings. Thank you, Lord. We all want to be a perfect father or mother. When we make mistakes, our God will cover us and take care of our children. So, thank you, Lord. Come and heal us. Lord, we need forgiveness. Thank you for being my father and mother, who can heal me. Thank you, Lord. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
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