
Testimony of the pouring out of the Holy Spirit on Sunday Fellowship at Omega Ministry, January 25th

Resurrection and Beautiful Manifestations of God

By Eric Wilding

Last night, I was invited to minister at the mostly Chinese speaking Omega Ministries. A lady came as a guest to share her awesome testimony of how she died in a hospital in New York, had an out of body experience, saw Jesus and was sent back to her body.

Afterwards, I was invited to speak and asked the audience, "Is it ok that we walk with Jesus tonight?" They heartily agreed.

As I was sharing about Jesus healing the sick and setting people free, there was a great excitement. Some people started yelling:
"He's here! He's here, Jesus is here, walking with us. Come over here; you can smell the fragrance." They had experienced this once before at this ministry.

Many of us went over to a section of the room where the people were shouting, and the fragrance of flowers was evident (there were no physical flowers in the room). Then the fragrance started moving around the room and changing its aroma. The fragrance changed--different flowers and fruit--and at least six times through out the night.

Someone came with his children in the meeting room from outside--he had not been there when the excitement happened--and they noted that even as they entered the room they could smell flowers.

As the fragrance was moving, a cool breeze came. Someone went to make sure all the doors were shut and there was no air conditioning going. The breeze kept coming and accompanied the fragrance. People were reaching out and feeling the breeze on their hands and on their faces.

Then the fire started flowing. The people experienced the presence of Holy Spirit with fire on their skin, in and around their bodies. Some were hit with the joy of the Lord and were drunk. I shared some more about Jesus walking in love and glory; we prayed for some people with pain and other issues and many experienced their healing.

It was a wild night in the Spirit with Jesus and Abba; and things will get even wilder from here. Glory! Thank You, Lord God Almighty, for allowing us to share in the fun and creativity. Agape!

Omega Ministry: the pouring out of the Holy Spirit on Sunday, January 25th

By Sharon Smith

It was a night to be remembered………for those who believe, all things are possible…

The Holy Spirit entered the room through its unmistakable essence, the scent of a blooming bouquet of flowers! At first, one person smelled the unique bouquet of fragrance, but then it grew in its intensity until the scent enveloped everyone in the room. It was quite the sight to see, the shining faces in response to the beautiful scent. Everyone was in childish glee!!

Then, the end welling power of the Holy Spirit manifested itself in the room, every person could feel the shift in the vibration in the room, and there was sheer jubilation!!! Some people were praising, some were singing, some were crying, everyone was in praise, in awe that the glory of God descending upon us all in such an awesome way! We were all being blessed in extraordinary ways. We could feel God’s omnipotent presence….everywhere! It was a humbling experience, to feel the profound power of God. My entire body was vibrating.

As I began to pray for a lovely woman experiencing pain in here shoulder, her little son just gazed upon us, in the moment that I laid my hands upon her, the holy spirit came through me so powerfully, that as I began to pray in the holy language of tongues for her, and laid my hand on her chest, the Holy Spirit took over and she was slain in the spirit! As her body fell backwards to the floor,I tried to brace her head and back for the sudden fall, God took care of her! As the glory of God shone upon her, her face glowed in bliss! She was absolutely radiant!!

From that moment on, everyone that needed prayer being prayed upon all over the room, everyone Elizy called me over to pray for was slain in the spirit, God was moving through the room from person to person majestically. Everyone was in prayer for one another, and as the love for God grew in intensity, so did the miraculous healings and outpouring of the power of the Holy Spirit. Pain was turned into pleasure and sadness and grief into joy. Only through the grace of God can these types of miracles occur, for it is not by our strength, but through the grace of our heavenly Father, that in moments like these, He uses our yielded vessels to pour his unconditional love and bountiful blessings into others. What a gift! What an honor!

The Omega Ministry is called to a high service for our creator! I thank God for having the members of the Omega Ministry in the circle of my life. I have been blessed by their prayers and look forward to helping spread the word of God and the love of God.

Testimony by Oliver G.

Omega Ministry’s gathering on Feb 25, 2015 was a special night and will be remembered in our life. I was too excited to go to sleep after I went back home, because Jesus Christ our Lord has manifested himself in a way we have never experienced before.

A few hours before the meeting started, while the worship team was still in rehearsal, a sister reported to see Jesus walking in the sanctuary, waiting for everyone to show up. The worship was so great that people were still soaking the presence of God, standing up there, not wanting to sit down even after the music has come to stop. We all sensed the presence of Jesus among us; however, something in the air was special.

After about 25 minutes, our guest speaker, Dr. Eric Wilding, has dived into his message, two sisters on the left side of the room claimed to smell the unique banquet of fragrance. Their faces were in great astonishment, joy, and excitement, while trying not to disturb the order of ongoing worship, but they were obviously unable to contain such an excitement. Few brothers and sisters noticed the event and drew closer to examine the incident with serious doubt on their faces, but soon whoever came closer to the spot burst into amazement and joy, keeping sniffing in the air to suck something into their noses. The whole room was stirred up and the preaching was forced to be stopped. People at this point could not hold themselves any long and shouted out something like, the scent of blooming flowers, fragrance, and the banquet of fragrance. I was translating for the speaker, and both the speaker and I had to stop what we are doing and went over to examine the fragrance. Indeed, it was very strong scent of fragrance, composed of at least of two flowers, attractive, fresh, unique, uplifting, and inexpressible in word. “It is Jesus”, someone shouted, “it is the fragrance of Jesus Christ, our Lord.” Sure it is.

“There is some more fragrance here too.” Someone claimed on the other side of the room. The crowd shifted to the other side, obviously chasing after the fragrance. Indeed, it is the fragrance of Jesus, but in a different scent. The room burst into joy and excitement, knowing this is not from this planet, sniffing the fragrance as much as possible.

After quite a while, everybody calmed down a little and sat down again, and the sermon was resumed. People tried to focus on the sermon, but it seemed a little difficult since people were still in shock and wonder what’s just happened. Not long after we went back to the sermon, someone claimed to feel fresh wind. This time it didn’t take too long for the crowd to go over to examine this new phenomenon. Of course, this is the work of the Holy Spirit, blowing a new breath in the room, and everyone was touching and feeling this unique, gentle, fresh, and inexpressible breath with their hands, not knowing what to say but praise the Lord. Now the speaker came to a completely stop and surrendered to the work and guide of the Lord. We all went over to examine the fresh breath of the Holy Spirit. The breath is at the height of the ankle, not too weak and not too strange, not cold air but very fresh and uplife. By touching it, my spirit got revived and refreshed, as something just opened my eyes. It is like the fragrance of Jesus in a sense, attractive with heavenly element in it, people can’t stop feeling it and chasing after it, just as we chase after our loved one in the Song of the Solomon. Someone who were still in doubt closed the entrance door, thinking the breath may come from outside. However, after closing the door, the breath got a little stronger. Once again, people started laughing, rejoicing and even dancing.

At the same time, the banquet of fragrance came back strongly with different scents, and shifted to the different spots, just as Jesus was walking among us, leaving the different fragrance in the different spot as he desires. The people in the room were on fire now, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit was very strong and heavy. You can see people enjoying the fragrance of Jesus, or amazing at the fresh breath of the Spirit, or receiving the anointing of the Spirit by stretching out their hands, or singing, and some of us just simply shouted “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus…”, quite a scene. In fact, God’s manifestation did not stop here—a new wave of the Holy Spirit is coming.

People started to feel heat and burning on their hands, and even a person haven’t got the heat, someone would just simply lay hands on that person to transfer the anointing, and the anointing spread out quickly. No speaker, not organizer, everything is under the guidance of the Spirit -- people just naturally prayed and laid hands on each other, sharing this wonderful healing gift from the Holy Spirit. Now we know it was the fire of the Spirit coming down upon us. The heat got very intense, spreading from people to people, from hand to back, from body to feet, and people started to get slain in the Spirit, and healing was taking place. Many pains have been removed. Next, evil spirits started manifestation. One sister fell on the ground, being ministered for deliverance; another sister was on the ground throwing up, people circling her with prayers; it was out of human control but in God’s control for sure. At that night, at least four persons had been delivered from the evil spirits.

Jesus’ fragrance, the breath of the Spirit, and the fire of the Spirit all came at one night. It is not something usual you can experience every sunday at church. When meditating the whole event again and again, I understand that this is the inauguration of the end-time revival coming to Toronto.

Testimony by Carrie L.

The year of 2015 is truly a year of blessing and grace! In the first fellowship of the New Year, using the wind and fire of Holy Spirit and the fragrance of Jesus, God demonstrated himself and appeared to us.

At the half of the gathering, we suddenly smelled waves of floral scent, released from every corner of the venue, when Eric was sharing some information. He told us this was “God’s balm” and we were so surprised and excited that we could not help chasing Jesus, running in the hall along the fragrance of flowers. Eric stopped talking to enjoy the fragrance of flowers.

Eric suddenly felt being hit by a gust of wind and we also felt the “wind”. Because the windows were closed, some people doubted the wind was infiltrated from the half-open door. However, when the door was closed, the wind became stronger, as if it came from four directions from a stealth fan. We began to chase after Jesus with great thrill. The speaker just finished sharing and joined our team.

We were sharing with each other, receiving and immersed in the Lord's presence, when the fire, the third wave of the anointing of the Holy Spirit, was released. Warm current flowed from the speaker Eric’s palms and such temperature can also be transmitted. We received the fire and temperature by posting another palm palms. Everyone became God's vessel to pray for each other, release, heal, and even cast out demons! the Holy Spirit appeared in three types: wind, fire and fragrance; everyone got drunk in the Lord, enjoying him much.

In the first gathering of the year of grace, the God’s presence is very immense, which made us experience the Lord himself. God is with us! Glory to God! Hallelujah!!

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