
1.1.2 The identity of son of God (2)

1.1.2 兒子的身份 – 做回你自己(二)


Speaker: Ming|Words: Bao er

This world gives us a great deal of pressure to try to be like others. You may want to try to be like Jack Ma, you may try to be Jobs, or someone else. There’s a prevalent lie in our lives that says we must change ourselves into something better so that others will accept us. However, we forget that God tells us this truth, that he loves us the way we were made, and when we really love ourselves, God loves us.

I know a lot of us find it easy to love others. We love our children wholeheartedly. We love our husbands, our careers, and all that is around us. However, it’s really hard to love ourselves isn’t it? This is one of the main points from last lesson.

Last time we also mentioned that loving ourselves is related to our identity. Why? Psalm 139 tells us: I am fearfully and wonderfully made. This is what God thinks of us. So what am I? I am a priceless treasure. I am wonderfully made. I am unique. I am in the image of God. No two twins in the world is exactly the same, right? This is related to our identity.

When we don’t know what our identity is in Christ, we will do something stupid. We’ll constantly search for that identity until we find it. However, the world can give us a lot of identities that are completely wrong. I will talk about some of them.

First, a lot of people define their worth by what they own. For example, when they buy a brand name jacket, they are not really buying that jacket, but buying the identity that comes with that jacket. That way, they can be accepted, they can have respect, right? I’m accepted because what I do and own defines my identity.

Second, the last time we talked about another way to define our identity, our level of education and level of intelligence.

In the Eastern world, this is particularly prevalent. If you get 80% on a test, your parents will be dissatisfied, because they feel that after having made so much sacrifice in terms of time, money, and effort, you should do better. However, they don’t understand that when they force the next generation to seek their identity in studies and work instead of letting them find their identity in God,  a lot of them start to develop mental issues from all the stress. Involvement in ministry is the same way, if you are trying to find your identity in ministry out of a desire to seek approval, instead finding your identity in God, you will face a lot of frustration.

God loves us because he wants to enjoy a family relationship with us. We want to do things for our parents because we want to respond to their love for us, and not because our parents want another worker around the house. Similarly, ministry should arise out of our intimate relationship with God. This is the healthy way. Any other way will cause you to collapse.

Last time we also talked about the three parts of a twisted thinking, one is the expectation to be cultured. This is also the wrong way to find our identity. For example, remember confusian thought? All the talk about kings and officials, and father and son, in order to fulfill our need for identity. That kind of pressure is not of God.

From our last class we also talked and example, and that is Jesus Christ. When we see how the Heavenly Father sends his son. Do you still remember me talking about this? If you knew your child only has thirty-three years of life on earth what would you do? If you knew he could only preach for three years, to do the things you want him to do, how would you handle it? I think, if I were the Father, I would have him desperately start conferences, one conference after another conference after another in Japan, China, Australia, New Zealand, United States, everywhere, which will then spread the gospel to the ends of the earth. After all abba is God, right? Of course he can do this, he can do anything.

But remember how the Heavenly Father actually sent his son? We all know that Jesus was born in the wrong place, in a poor family right? His father had a very small carpenting business owner. Jesus being the oldest child in the family, meant he must inherit and continue the family business, and then work in his father’s shop. However, did he know that he was the son of God? Did he know his calling? His destiny? Even so, before he turned thirty he must endure under his parents’ authority, and be his parents’ son first.

Only after being prepared for thirty years, was he released into the work the Heavenly Father’s sent him to do in the world. This is how we ought to model our lives. What are you coming to the church to learn and who to learn from? Jesus, not your pastor, do NOT look at him.

Look at Jesus, because he is our role model. How do we model after him? Learn to be an obedient son. Therefore, before he was thirty years old he was basically involved in his family’s business, and then, after he turned thirty, he began his ministry. When he came out, who was the one that baptized him? John the baptist, right? Did John the Baptist know he wasn’t worthy of baptizing Jesus? Yes, he said in John 1:27 He is the one who comes after me, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.

Therefore he came under the authority of one who is of a lower spiritual position than him. This is the role model of Jesus Christ, this is the obedience of Christ, the heart of responsibility as a son, he would not allow corruption into himself. This is the humble heart of a son or daughter of God.

Even if the other person is less well-versed than in theology than you, you should still obey and receive from them, because almost everyone has something to be learnt from, as long as you are willing. If you claim to be humble and obedient, then let me ask you, can you be humble and obedient towards other people’s rightful authority? Only this is called real humility and obedience.

We saw in the bible that when Jesus came out of the lake of Jordan, the heavens opened, and the Holy Spirit descended upon him like a dove, then, a voice from heaven said, this is my son, with whom I am well-pleased. Here we understand this as the Heavenly Father’s acknowledgement of Jesus, and giving him the identity of a son.

Today I provide you with this revelation, to help you understand how blessed it is to have the identity of a son. I know a lot of people like to preach about the love of the Father. This is a great message, except that we haven’t learned how to receive authority through our identity as sons. This is what a lot of us don’t understand.

Only after the Heavenly Father affirmed his identity, did Jesus enter his ministry. A lot of us like to reverse the order and seek out ministry first, and then expect that what we achieve will earn God’s love. Where did Jesus go after being filled with the Holy Spirit? The wilderness, to endure forty days of the devil’s temptations. What exactly is the enemy tempting him for? We can see that the enemy is tempting him to do one thing, to shake up his identity, what is this identity? Is it being someone else’s teacher? Is it being a leader? No. He is being tempted regarding his identity as a son.

He said, if you are the son of God, you can turn this stone into bread, if you are the son of God, you jump off of the holy temple, right? So you can see that our enemy never changed his strategy, from that day onward, until today. Where does he usually place his focus when attacking us? Are you really the son of God? Are you really the son of the Most High God? Are you sure you are truly loved by God? Are you sure your God is a kind and wonderful Father? Are you sure this adversity is measured to you by God?

You can see that when Satan tempts us, he uses the mindset of an orphan to try to steal our heart of a son. The three times that Jesus was tempted, the focus had all been on his identity as a son, so only when you can safely guard and maintain your identity as a son, can you be released into this service.

Why is the son's identity so important? Because the son of God has an inheritance. Isn’t it right that if you are a father, you have no inheritance, but rather you ought to give your assets to someone else. However, as a son it is different, don’t you get to inherit your father’s assets? Does this mean that a new season is taking place in this generation? Isn’t this called the season of inheritance? We are entering into a new season. Whose assets are we inheriting? The Heavenly Father’s assets. Why? Because the millenium is coming.

What is the millenium like? One part of it is heavenly reign. Heavenly authority will be granted to those saints, people who are to be kings, whose body have become glorified to reign with Jesus on earth. If you were to be king, then there will be nations on earth for you to rule.

We now hear of a lot of Christian denominations have a lot of media platforms, always speaking of one thing, the day of the Lord is near, is near. Then what should you do when it is near? A lot of them don’t know, don’t know what to do in the millennial kingdom, because that kingdom is when you receive your inheritance, if you do not prepare yourself for the inheritance then you will run into a lot of trouble.

We are not just speaking about martyrdom, or speaking about being the bride, not just talk of slogans, because that has no substance. The substance is that you need to know in which season, God has called you to receive your inheritance, you need to prepare for that. In that case, would you give your ten million dollars to a child that is five or six years old spiritually? You wouldn’t. Why? Because he or she does not know how to manage. You must give it to the one who is already mature and grown, understands how to handle things with maturity right? So you think about this, we have already stepped into the door of preparation for receiving our inheritance, are you prepared? In this world we are called to be one thing, to be the children of God.

We know that the orphan’s heart has one characteristic, love for control and autocracy. That is why, from the very start, our focus is on becoming leaders, on becoming spiritual mothers and fathers. Let me tell you, if that is the case, it’s very easy for you to start becoming controlling and autocratic, that is the characteristic of the heart of the orphan. You know what kind of people you will lead people to become, a group of people who like to do the same.

So on the contrary, I suggest brothers and sisters to learn to place their focus on being children first, just as Jesus did as a role model, by seeking only what the Heavenly Father asked him to do, which is to minister, honor and bless others.

Therefore, when you can live this kind of life, you need to know, the people around you will live and act like children. What is another characteristic of an orphan? There is no inheritance for them to inherit, because they cannot effectively influence other people’s lives. Concentrate on being a son, this is Jesus did as a role model, notice this, while on earth, what did he do first? He became an obedient and faithful son to his earthly parents, and then for the last three and a half years, he was the Heavenly Father’s son, so that he has an inheritance to inherit. This inheritance is determined by whether you have the heart of a son our the heart of an orphan, a son can inherit his Father’s assets.

We see that when Paul spoke about the identity of a son, he said that the holy spirit with our hearts testify what we are the children of God, children and heirs, heirs of God and coheirs with Christ, so we can see the core of the identity as a son here. Therefore you need to cooperate with those trying to lead you, and be obedient, because they are constantly on the alert for your souls, like those who will give an account.

You need to make them give a happy and not sorrowful account. If they are sorrowful then it will not be good for you. You need to first understand that we need to be someone’s son or daughter, otherwise we will have no benefits. When we are in this world, in the kingdom of God, we have other identities as well right? Maybe you are married, in the family you have your role as a wife, in the church you might have your role as well, in the work environment and in business settings, you may also have your role. Undoubtedly, these roles are valuable.

However, I want to encourage and challenge our brothers and sisters, in this life of a Christian, you need to see what the central core of your life is. When you only function within these roles, don’t let these roles become your real identity. Why? Because as far as the Heavenly Kingdom can see, you are only God’s children, this the greatest calling for our lives as Christians. This is the what we shared last class.

When God’s love descend on us to make us His children. Last class I shared with you that I’ve already started to preach in different countries, encountering a lot of pastors, He opened this door for me. However, when I feel a lot of internal struggles, when walking with them. I feel that something is wrong with me, why? Because the last class I spoke about my false preconceived notions and views. I thought that if you can’t be like moses and experience the wilderness for forty years, you can’t stand on a stage, if you don’t have a complete theological education, you cannot have a very holistic and systematic sharing of the Bible.

However, when I first started, God would push me towards some national speakers and ministry and make me face them, and then, let me teach them. So for me, this feels wrong, and when I am with them, I don’t have that confidence. I discovered that my struggles arose out of the fact that my identity is in crisis.

When situations and environments start to change, my identity goes into crisis. My responsibility in the ministry is to manage the ministry team. A huge part of my role is to balance and facilitate the relationships between the leaders. Our ministry is also a very special one, we are a global ministry, so in addition to balancing relationships within our ministry, I have to balance relationships between the leaders overseas as well.

When you can successfully become your identity, say for example, if your identity become the worship leader and other people do something like, worshiping without my consent, suddenly my identity feels attacked.

In the ministry, we speak about order, we also obey one another, and we also speak about talent, and giftings, and also teachings about humility and so on. However, the important thing I speak about, is how you view yourself, how do you view yourself?

Let’s pretend there’s a mirror in front of us, when you stand in front of the mirror, what do you see? The worship leader? No right? Or some executive? No right? You see the son or daughter of the Most High. Whose image do we have? God’s image.

Therefore, when you stand in front of the mirror, you see the prince or princess that the Heavenly Father wholeheartedly loves, right? You can only see this, not your role, or your position. So we can have this choice.

How should we really choose to see our identity? Should we see ourselves as lowly? For example, let’s pretend, actually we don’t have to pretend, my father is a billionaire, everyone knows this right? You know this, right? What I’m speaking of is my father in heaven. Everything under the sky belongs to him, and we know that my billionaire father, owns a lot of land, I am his child, I ask you, everything that belongs to my father belongs to me right? Right. One day I will inherit his belongings.

Okay, so in this huge estate that the Father owns, there is this business building, and as his child, anything I do represents Him, so today I walk into this building, I see that the janitor is sick. Then let me ask you, can I go in to do cleaning without having it affect my identity? Of course, I can take the keys to the bathroom and clean the bathroom. Am I still my father’s child? Am I still his heir? Does this all still belong to me? Of course I can clean without it affecting my identity right?

Then I go and start cleaning the bathroom, what about the second day?  Yesterday I cleaned the bathroom, today I go to a board meeting during the day, and then at night I come back and keep cleaning. If this janitor comes back half a year or a year later, then all that time I’ve been the one cleaning the bathroom. If say during that time I’ve lost my sense of identity, what do you think will happen, if I lose my sense of identity. The role of cleaning the bathroom will become my identity, then when the janitor comes back, tells me he wants his job back, what should I do? Should I say to him, you can’t have this job? because I am the one doing the cleaning. I’ve been doing this for a year, why are you taking my job? Isn’t this funny? It’s silly, very silly.

Why is that? because I am a child of the Heavenly father, I am the heir of this estate. Similarly, in your and my life, we have already been given talents and gifts, so from the perspective of Heaven, when the angels see you, what do they really see? Would they see only the worship leader? Apostle? Prophet? You are a preacher of the gospel? No, what would they see? You are a son or daughter of God. Why? Because the Bible says you are the heir of salvation, isn’t it that right? Doesn’t Hebrews 1:14 say that angels are ministering spirits? Isn’t that right? Serving those who will inherit salvation.

Why isn’t this sentence changed to “serve those who will become apostle and preachers”? Instead it says, people who will inherit salvation, so angels are serving for salvation, and who are the heirs of salvation? Us.

God wants you to know who you are. However, because our world is very broken, often using our roles to define you and me, causing us to frequently fall into this trap and temptation.

If you feel extremely safe about your identity, no matter what you do, no matter what you are serving, no matter what your career or profession is, when God sees you, he only sees his son or daughter. When you go home, and you are serving in government as the president of the court, would your dad say, president, your honor is back, please sit. No. He only knows this is his son right? So when we feel safe about our identities, freedom comes to us. This is why we have to go back to being ourselves.

We also know that God has already given us a lot of talents and gifts, and we are also working within those giftings or abilities. Even though what God gave you and me might be unique, however,  those giftings and abilities are not meant to define your identity.

Look at Jesus as a role model, the life of Jesus. 1 John speaks of him as being given the spirit of the son of God in him, the heart of a son of God, so when this world requires a word of revelation, Jesus will give a prophetic word, when this world needs food, he can pray to increase the food.

Here we can see Jesus entering and exiting out of many different kinds of ministry and roles, because he is the son of God, he knows he is the heir of the Lord of all the earth, he can live that life, understand? The Gospel of John chapter 17 there’s a sentence that says, “what is mine is yours, what is yours is mine”. What we used to say in front of others is “what is yours is mine, and what is mine, what is mine is also mine. However here in the Gospel of John 17:10, it says “All I have is yours, and all you have is mine, and glory has come to me through them.”

Saying” everything I have is yours, everything you have is mine”, means that when the son of the eternal God’s walked on the earth, he completely knew his identity, that he is the son of God. So in the love of the father, he knew that at all times everything he owned, this is the main point.

So when we need the sky to rain, we can come to the balcony and look at the sky, abba, everything you have is mine and what's mine is yours, you can make the sky rain, if I am your heir, does that mean I can also have it? can I?

Yes! but receiving is another thing, right? Then we know we have one hope, we can grow up to become the lord of all the earth, become the heir of all the earth, but when you inherit, what do you need to be like? Grow up to be an adult. Stop drinking milk, grow up quickly, so that in the millennium you can inherit your parents assets.

If I am walking in the identity of a son, I will say all things about the Heavenly Father, belongs to me, so when I accept my identity as the son or daughter of God, I can do anything. People cannot use these things or roles to define me. Then if God can turn nothing into something, can I? Yes.

I am already an co-heir with Christ, so I can have heavenly authority, because I am his son, I’m not just believing in the identity of a son, I also believe in the five-fold ascension gifts, apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher and preacher. If you define yourself as a preacher then what happens when you go to heaven, you lose your career, because there’s no need for preachers in heaven.

Your identity as a son or daughter of God will continue into eternity, so assume that in ten thousand years, I meet you in heaven, you have the same identity as you do now, you are the son or daughter of the Most High, you are the son or daughter of the eternal God, never changing, this is called freedom.  When you understand and receive this freedom, he will reveal to you opportunities you never had before, what are those? The authority that comes with your inheritance, what authority? the authority of being God’s son or daughter.

So let us now discuss how we can act out the identity of a son. Do we need to study how to act like a son of God? First and foremost, what my heart thinks is what God’s heart thinks. Is that good? Good, that’s not wrong, however, if I now do the reverse and say, what I think in my heart is what God thinks in his, is that great? Of course it’s great! Why not?  Right, what I think in my heart is what God thinks in his heart. Wow! That is a really great thing, live out the life that God designed me for.

I remember this one time, when I was coaching someone, I walked over to him and asked him, what do you like to do? You know what he told me? He said he likes to do business, so then I asked him, why would you come here? then he answered me, he said, his entire family felt that he should serve God for full-time, because his entire family works as full-time pastors, so they hope that this heir can also be a pastor, but his heart isn’t in it, his heart is in business.

So I asked him saying, is this really what you think in your heart? He said yes, so we prayed for him, and when I prayed for him, I really did see in a vision that God wants to expand him in that area, so we all encouraged him by saying, you should you do what your heart leads you to do, that longing that God placed in his heart, his longing is in business, because this is right.

Therefore, we let God’s children understand, you have to accept that role which God measured to you, and not let what we do define us. It doesn’t mean that just by becoming a full-time pastor you are automatically a spiritual person. Instead, find what is the longing that God has placed in your heart, what is the greatest longing? And so during this conference, he was released from this problem, this is called freedom.

When he is walking in the identity of a son, he is not the same, he is completely different, he can grow his business and be successful, and after that, I even heard he created a ministry team in the business. Because his longing is there, God wanted to expand what he measured to him in that area.

So, when a person is walking in the identity of a son, he is actually doing one thing, that is practicing the authority God gave him, he can exert great authority in that territory. We are the same, when we understand what a son is. A son’s identity is in being loved by the father, by the Heavenly Father, loved by him wholeheartedly.

Apparently, as soon as I was born, I lived in the heart of the Heavenly Father, I lived in my father, I lived in the core, the core of the Universe is there, so all of creation were created by the will of Heavenly Abba. So you see how blessed it is to be the son or daughter of God. I am his treasure! When we know we are loved, how God created us, he honored us, we return to being ourselves, very simply become what God initially created you to be, then freedom comes.

So you need to understand, God uses the longing in our hearts to bring this revelation, through this longing to bring you to walk in the identity of a son and daughter. You will understand this truth.

Longing is a special trait that God placed in people. It is one of the gifts from God. I always thought longing is something I dreamed out, or something that came within myself, or came from my thoughts, because I always thought.

There was once seven brothers and sisters, each from their own churches, who came to me to say, “God wants you to start a ministry” I said no, because I was afraid that God was using tough love to throw me to a place where no one cares. This was a crazy thought that I had, I thought I would lose everything for loving God, but it ended up not being true.

And then somewhere along that road he healed me, and I suddenly knew the truth, I understood that God loved my original self, he made me to have that special quality, and leading me according to the longing in my heart, because he is the one who placed the longing inside me. When I started to understand this fact, I could then live out the life God created me to have, in fact this is the easiest life to live out in the world.

The reason why he revealed this to me is so that I can live it out. In Philippians 2:13, it says that God works in you to will and act, right? What is this for? His good purpose! So God works in us, and this is why we have longing in our hearts. This is how longing came to reside in us.

A lot of Christians think the longing in our hearts is wrong, or says who do we think we are? This is wrong. We spend our whole lives comparing ourselves to others, and changing ourselves to be like others, forgetting that God loves and enjoys us the way he we created us. So after I entered ministry and accepted my calling, I discovered that I was still doing what I enjoyed to do, nothing changed. I never thought of anything better, what is that? That’s when I can go before God and tell God what I love, and then God will accomplish it accordingly.

Apparently what we long for is what God longs for, God is in us longing for it. However, because we don’t understand this, we always feel like we’re putting on a improperly-sized suit. This is how I was before, and I struggled for a long time.

Second point, don’t be limited by your self-defined role, expand your thinking, so you can receive freedom. Do you remember that when David was a shepherd, he killed bears and lions? God started training him when he was just a shepherd boy in that environment. So David is not afraid to face bears and lions, not even a bit. So when he heard that the giant Goliath came, he ran up and asked, who was the uncircumcised Philistine that dared to challenge the army of the living God?

You have to know that David at the time was just a teenager, right? Was Goliath tall? Very tall, it is said he said six fingers and six toes. How tall was he? They calculated it, and it was more than two meters. The regular army was terrified, no one wanted to face him.

This time when David stood up, I believe Saul probably thought, this teenager would be killed very quickly, right? So when Saul, as the king of Israel, rewarded him with his own armour before he left. I believe that Saul’s armour set was that of a general, right? Commanding officer of and army, the helmet of a king.

Except, Saul is tall, big and burly, while David thin and small, as described in the bible. Think about it, what does David look like wearing such a huge armour? But David did one thing, he said, “Sorry King Saul, this does not suit me, I’m not used to wearing this, I want to go back to being myself. It will be enough to give me five stones. This is him being himself, understand?

This is what it means to be himself. He is innocent, so going back to being ourselves, is fixing our eyes on what God gave us, don’t envy other people.

Say if David tried to put on this armour, I’ll tell you he is trying to enter a mode unsuitable for himself, therefore, he will not be as effective in slinging stones. Therefore, God is using this event to speak to our identity, when I really understood this truth and revelation, I tell you, I experienced a great deal of favor.

I did not just experience miraculous provisions in my business, actually a lot of you listened to or watched my testimony. Last year we got an international broadcasting channel, only until afterwards did I know that it cost almost ten thousand dollars, I completely did not know at the time that would cost that much, but they gave it to us for free for a year, this is called favor.

We also experienced a great deal of favor in terms of assets. Everyone has heard the story about the land we own. I’ve spoken about these two pieces of land before, both are one hundred acres. These aren’t things I’ve directly asked God for, no, I never opened my mouth to ask God for these things. These are both things he told me about and then gave me. How did He say it? One day suddenly, He said to me, can I give you a present? So I ask Him what kind of present. He said I want to give you an asset, so I went home and prayed, where is this asset? As soon as my intercessory coworker and I knelt down, He spoke and told me where, which position, how long it takes to drive there, and then I discovered that it was a really an asset, real land, this testimony you’ve all heard before.

Now that I think back to a lot of things, none of them are things I asked God for. They’ve all been given by him. When we came back from montreal, a lot of us got presents, remember? A lot of people received them, for example the increase of anointing, talents and gifting. There were also a lot of business people writing to me to testify saying that within a day they signed off on deals that reached twenty thousand per day. I said, wow, you are so blessed participating in spiritual warfare. Every single one of us received presents. I wanted to ask, God, what is my present?

As soon as I entered the office God spoke, I will give you a church. Praise God, this is that present. We didn’t even try to arrange for these things to happen, they happen on their own. Because of the Heavenly Father’s goodness, these things ended up happening.

The Heavenly Father told me I am his child. Apparently, while I was doing business, he had started to train me, in my thirteen years in the law business. In this area, he had already given me authority. Each one of you is the same, look at what God had measured to you, you will receive authority in that measured portion.

On a national level, only when we understand and can work in the authority God has measured to us, will our borders expand. Once it expands, God will bring you into your national level of service, to enter into national authority, authority to rule the nations and states.

You’ve heard a lot of testimonies from us that says when we go somewhere, we turn around that city’s economic policies, cultural regime. Why are we able to do this? It’s because God gave the authority over the nations and states to his children, because we are his children, these are our assets, right?

Do you remember when you dealt with the force of darkness over the North York region? In April, the regime will change, this is related to dealing with the power. We can see that the change in these nations and states is related to the assets from the millenium.

This is in the Gospel of Luke 19:13-19. This verse talks about a nobleman going to a far away country to be crowned as king, so he called ten servants and gave them ten minas of silver and said, go and do business, until I come back, remember this story?

After he came back, he asked, how much money have you made Some of these people said, oh, your minas has earned ten more, and another, your minas has earned five more, okay. When someone said his minas has earned ten more, what did his master say? Okay, you good and faithful servant, since you are faithful on a few things, you can manage ten cities.

The second one said his minas earned five minas of silver, and then how many cities did the owner say he can manage? Five cities. This is to say that in the coming millennium, there will be a group of saints who will be king, and a group of people who will be citizens. The good and faithful servants can manage the city. The city will be managed, otherwise how can they be kings without cities to manage.

So not only does Christ reign in heaven, but when he comes for the second time, when the Millennium Kingdom comes, he will still rule over all nations, and people will be divided into two classes, heavenly and earthly, in that millennium era.

And the great army of saints and the martyrs shall be the rulers in that kingdom. In that kingdom, some will be given five cities, some given ten. This is what God is trying to say through the gospel of Luke, and various passages in the old testaments, to describe what will happen in the millennial kingdom.

We will not just manage what’s on Earth, God also wants us to manage what’s in Heaven. This is why angels have to serve under the son. Therefore when we walk more and more in the identity of the son, we can break off more of that resistance and receive more freedom.

A lot of us don’t have the mindset and perspective of the Jews/Hebrews, and that is everything can be Holy, including taking your child to a soccer match, that part is an act of worship on your part. Can you understand? When you cook at home, you are also with God, worshiping God.

I often hear God speaking to me when I’m cooking, going to the bathroom, driving the car. Why? Because you have to understand that the things within your hand are not segregated, anything can become an act of worship in your life. No matter where you are, you are a child of God, God will in every matter, lead you with his longing.

You have to understand that no matter which position you are in, you are living in the identity that God gave you as a son, you are always worshiping God, you are always with God. God is in control of all things, so he can see you completely from where you are, so limit yourself to your role. You need to understand that no matter what you do, you can stand in that post, in that position preach the good news, heal the sick, make the dead come alive and live out the power of God.

This is what I want to encourage you on, God wants you to be be delivered and set free from your preconceived notions, and be the son and daughter that God created you to be. Romans 8:19-21 reads “19The creation waits in eager expectation for the revelation of the sons of God. 20For the creation was subjected to futility, not by its own will, but because of the One who subjected it, in hope 21that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.”

So you have to know that you are loved, you are singular and unique. What does it mean to be the son or daughter? As soon as you go home you get to enjoy the love of the father and mother, right?

God leads you because of his love, so when you are free from comparison with other people, you will understand more of God’s love for you, because everything He owns is everything you have. When you can become one with Christ, then when you will receive all that ou need.

Thirdly, pursue that dream God gave you with all of your heart and soul.

We can say vision and you can say dream. They all come from God. Wholeheartedly pursue what God measured to you like Joseph. Remember that Joseph was a dreamer? What did he see? The sun, moon and stars all bowed to him, right? So you have to wholeheartedly pursue the vision and dream God gave you. You will discover that the Heavenly Father is the source of all blessing, when you honour Him, God will honour you.

We know that when us Chinese people have a real dilemma when it comes to free hamburgers, free car wash or frees stuff. When we come to a place and hear that someone is providing us free stuff, what is our thinking? There is no such thing as a free lunch, there must be a trick, right? This is our notion.

Even when we have time to come to church, and there’s free food and drink, we think that they must have a trick, they must be trying to turn me into a Christian, right? We can’t accept free gifts. This is the problem in our lives, can’t accept it. So regarding salvation, it can’t be free. This is our false notion, right?

We don’t understand that God really can give us salvation for free, without asking for anything in return, without wanting something from us. However, the truth is, what do we have that we can give to God in exchange, right? Even my breath, my emotions and even my love comes from Him.

So I actually do not really have anything to exchange with God, but when we come before, we often feel God must want to somehow get something from me, or perhaps in the future. You want to somehow train me into a worker, make me work hard. This is where we have it wrong, this is our false notion.

Let us think about our lives, what is our longing, what exactly is the longing God put in your heart? What is something you have to asked the Heavenly Father for? So now I am encouraging you to come before an open sky, just as Jesus went to the Jordan River, when the sky opened and Jesus came out of the water, and the dove descended upon the son of God. ASk God to bring you into that Joran River, as though seeing the sky open, and seeing the clouds coming.

The Bible tells us, heaven opened, in your life there is an open heaven, you will haer that voice, coming from heaven saying, this is my beloved son, with whom I am well-pleased. Lord, I am willing to come before you, to put down this unfulfilling life, and accept our identity.

It turned out that my life was extremely valuable. It was inside of me, in Heaven. I have a valuable identity in Christ, and now I am willing to give you my false identity, when I feel that I am not enough, when I often think of myself as an orphan, when I often feel that I am a victim, I begin to come to God and surrender this false identity, that I am the child of God, the heir of God, with coheir with Christ. Pray that God will let me see that wonderful life. Apprently I am a child of God. I am perfect. In God's eyes, I am already complete.

His creation is so beautiful, so complete, I am a valuable vessel. I have the privilege of letting God work through me in my life. I don’t ask for others to see me a certain way. It doesn’t matter at all. I only know that in the core of Heaven and on Earth, and all things, in my father's heart, I live, I have that privilege.

God's love allows me to be a priceless treasure, I am priceless. Pray that God will remove that blockage from our heart, that fear, and hug that blockage, remove it, and remove that blockage of feeling that we are still orphans, that I am not worthy of God's love.

I know that in our lives, we have been hurt by many people, including the ones whom God wanted to appoint as your authority. When we face God, we often project the characteristics of these authority figures onto God. Lord, I choose to forgive them, choose to forgive them, no longer commemorate where and how they may have offend Ed me, so that the penalty has not cracks to enter in from.

They've made us miserable, and humiliated us with his bad attitudes, but I'm willing to forgive, I am willing to forgive, to close the door so that the punishment cannot enter into me, when my heart is full of tears and wounds, when there is pain and suffering in my heart, Lord, I can come to you, and ask for your mercy, ask for you to heal me, but let your love enter into me again, so that I can stand in the position of a son and be the one who is loved.Thank you God that you have brought us this important revelation and opening today, so that we can begin to pursue a different life, a different love, so that we can experience you, truly experience the real living God. Thank you for bringing real, complete, satisfaction into us, opening our eyes, allowing us to see you using every method, power, emotion, and love to love us so that we may return your love.

Help us to break away from our self-pity, so that we can do our best and love the Lord our God. Lord, thank you, let me really understand that I am a son, that I can inherit the inheritance of heaven. What is yours is mine, and what is mine is yours. Let me walk out a different life.

Help me to learn to trust you, let go and let me enter into the fate you have prepared for me, no longer lingering in the wilderness, and enter the land of Canaan, the promise land. Praise God, pray that God will heal us, and ask God to heal us.

All right, you may lay your hands on where you need to be healed. In the name of Jesus Christ, Lord, open our eyes. Open the five senses of our spirit man and command the disease to leave us, Hallelujah, I command the disease, leave us now, thank you for laying your hands on us, because my father owns all of the world, so he is happy to see me healed, happy to see me healthy, happy to see me rich in life, I command all the enemies to tie us. Including for our brothers and sisters online, I command those blemishes and fears to leave their lives now, for I want to live in the core of the universe, in the heart of my Father. All the attacks, the works of the enemy, I command you to leave now. Hallelujah, thank you God, because I will see a lot of testimonies coming. Hallelujah, thank you Lord. Prayer in the name of Jesus, Amen.

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