
1.3.7 The Revelation of the Sons of God – The Journey to enter the Promise

1.3.7 神的眾子顯現-進入應許的旅程


Speaker: Ming
Written by: Be loved

Lord, your spirit continues to burn in us so that we can come to you with passion. We hope the sharing today can let us better understand your heart at the end time so that we can know your plan for us. Lord, you plan to give us abundance, not to harm us, and to give us hope for our future, to guide us on the path ahead, and to bring us into our destiny, so that we can gain the new revelation from you in the new season. Thank and praising the Lord! Pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen!

Thank God! This is a new insight of me. The topic I am going to share today is "The revelation of the sons of God, the journey to enter the Promised Land." Do you know why you are here today? Or do you know why you were born in this place? Born on Earth? What is the original reason? We all know that we were created for a specific purpose, don't we? Do you think you are unique?

If we don’t know / don’t understand the purpose why we come to this world, we will start our Christian life on a wrong basis. What I would like to talk today is not about that I come to the earth because God wants me to be a lawyer, or God wants me to be a missionary, an evangelist, or an apostle ... Today we are not talking about these. Today we are talking about our foundation.

Who knows how old the planet is now? The fossil shows that the earth has a history of 3.5 billion years and the Milky Way has 15-billion-year age. This is a long time; however, our human life is short, and the human history is only over 6000 years. But the kingdom of God has already existed on this planet. Before the creation of the entire universe and galaxy, the kingdom of God has already existed. There is a huge heavenly civilization far older than any civilization we know. Amen! This civilization exists in the kingdom of God and will not perish till eternity.

We are designed for a specific purpose. God is my creator. I was created and designed by God. The Milky Way has 200 billion stars. The earth is just one planet of such a large universe. Such a big universe was created by God for His children. All the conditions of the planet must make it inhabitable for us. This creation is great. The purpose of God to create everything in the universe is not just for us to spend the best time in our life in the world or in church, or just to get to the heaven.

The sharing today would challenge everyone to enter a new realm, not just to get to the heaven and the promised land.

God created us also for a higher calling and reward. We don't just want the salvation; we also want the reward. That's different, totally different. Paul mentioned what a higher calling and reward is. [(2Ti 4:7-8) I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith. 8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me that day - and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for His appearing.]

He mentioned that there is a fight to be fought, a good fight; there is a certain race, the race needs to be finished. The English expression of this part is “run my race and finish it”, that is, there is a race to be finished. [(Heb 12:1) run the race marked out for us.] There is a race marked out for us and we must run. We must run the race and reach the finish line.

This race is not just to reach the heaven. We have a lot of tests on the earth to pass, and a lot of lessons to learn before we can finish the race. Some people finished it early, so God took them back to the heaven. These are the people who learned their lessons. But not all the people have learned their lessons before they went to the heaven. Not all the people have passed the exams before they went to the heaven, just like the Israelites who fell in the wilderness, the whole generation, only Caleb and Joshua entered the promised land.

The generation did not enter the Promised Land. Although they had the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire in front of them, witnessed all kinds of signs and wonders - the sandals on their feet did not wear out, manna from the heaven & quail from the sky, and water from the rock; God also met them at Horeb; they even saw God's appearance, but they still did not enter the Promised Land.

The will of God is to give the Israelites Canaan, which is the land of the seven nations lived in Canaan. This generation fell at the entrance to the Promised Land. This story was not just written for the generation of Moses and Joshua, neither just for David and Paul. This story was written for our generation, because we are the last generation.

When the end time comes, this example teaches us a lot of lessons. What does God want us to do when He created us in this immense universe? It's to reach the destination of the race. Where is the destination?

(Heb 12:22-23) But you have come to Mount Zion, to the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly, to the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven. You have come to God, the judge of all men, to the spirits of righteous men made perfect.

This place, this Mount Zion [(Heb 12:18) You have not come to a mountain that can be touched] means that this mountain is not a mountain on earth, but the new Jerusalem and Mount Zion in the spiritual realm. It is the place where God wants us to enter. The Mount Sinai that Moses saw at that time was burning with fire, in dark cloud, had storm, lightning, and angels standing there.

When he saw this scene, Moses' reaction was trembling [(Heb 12:21) The sight was so terrifying that Moses said, "I am trembling with fear."]. Imagine the feeling of stepping into the crater. How does it feel to get close to a volcano? God was speaking on that mountain. At that time, God did not ask the people to stop at Mount Sinai and stay there, but let them move forward.

The open heaven is where our generation is going. The city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, is where we really should go. So do not stop at Mount Sinai. It is not the end of our destiny. Instead, we should go to Mount Zion, and should not stop moving forward after entering Mount Sinai of salvation. That cannot fulfill God’s plan for us, which is Mount Zion. If you can’t get in, it will be a huge loss, and it’s irreparable. So you should clearly know what the Christians’ final destiny is.

The Christians have calling in their life. We need to ask, "God, what is the most important and major calling for us when you sent us to this planet? Why was this universe created for me? Who shall I be?" The entire planet now becomes a university, and I am put here to learn my lessons. I can only graduate with honors after I complete my lessons. So, what is the requirement for graduation? There is a requirement for every graduation. As a student, you can get a graduation certificate if you get 60 points for the exam. Right? The requirement is a little bit low, right? Haha ~ To graduate from the courses of Mount Zion, there is one requirement: to imitate the Christ and become the image of the Son of God.

[(Ro 8:29) For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.] [(Eph 1:5) … to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, …] This is our first and primary calling. This is the higher calling that Paul said. The others are secondary.

Our identity in the kingdom of heaven is son / daughter of God. That is the primary calling of Christians. Jesus reigns in the interstellar. We, as children of God, have the right of inheritance – to rule over the interstellar, and reign with God.

I should know that in the future I will be in charge of interstellar and universe, and I will be king. But some people say, "I still have a calling, because someone prophesied that I would be an apostle; someone prophesied that I would a prophet. And I will be..." That’s all right. But these are not the most primary calls God has placed in us. These are functions, ministries are functions, not identity.

These functions are valuable. But I would like to encourage you to see what the core of your life is in your Christian life. The core of Christian life is identity! When I function in these ministries, don't let them become my identity.

It would be okay to call these functions calling, but it would not be my primary calling. Because when I go to the heaven, the angels only recognize me as the prince or princess of God the Most High. The angels only recognize this identity.

The ministry is very valuable. It is to edify the church, and to edify the body of Christ. However, when we go to the heaven, we no longer need a pastor. Do you need to preach the gospel to these believers? You don’t need to. Of course, there is no teacher, because the biggest master, the great shepherd is in the heaven, and everyone goes directly to that source.

All our functions, ministries, and gifts on earth are to serve the church and the body of Christ. But God does not plan to make these as my identity. Therefore, my identity will be the same as now, after 10,000 years, or 100,000 years, when we meet, I will still be son of God the Most High, warrior bride of Christ! I need to live out more of my identity as a child of God, so that I can understand that God guides us because of love, not because of our function.

[(Ro 8:19) The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.] Speaking of the revealing of sons of God, Jill talked about the priesthood today. Sons of God will inherit the priesthood. The priest in the order of Melchizedek refers to Christ. [(Ro 8:19-21) The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brough into the glorious freedom of the children of God.] The whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. They are all waiting for one thing, that is, waiting for our adoption as sons of God, the redemption of our bodies.

A lot of people may say, "I know I am son of God." But do you know? In the Bible, when speaking of son of God, one thing must be mentioned, that is a growing up and a mature identity.

Baby still does not have the image of a son. Spiritual babies do not have the image of son of God. Before the world was created, the identity of sons of God would be revealed. There is a purpose, that is to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ.

There are many monarchy countries on the earth, Britain, Denmark, Japan, Norway ... The princes and princesses in a royal family grow up only for one purpose, to inherit the throne, and to rule the whole kingdom in the future. The boundless universe has been given to the children of God. The children of God only have one purpose - to govern everything and to govern the kingdom of God. The millennium is just a preview. God’s coming is for a preview because there is eternity followed. This is a very exciting thing, that is, the sons of God will rule with God in the millennium, and will govern the interstellar in eternity. 


We are now on the edge of the Promised Land. The final journey is about to begin. At the beginning of this journey, we need to prepare. How to prepare? Would you give your ten-million-dollar property to a 5-year-old child to manage, you dare not, right? Therefore, we must be prepared to grow up so that we can rule over the interstellar. Today, this topic is that God has opened a door for me to a new vision. The race will be in the last round. When I mention this, I know that some people still have doubts. But when you see this world is changing, you know that God is now preparing you.

The purpose for you to grow up and become mature is only one: to govern everything and to govern the kingdom of God. So don’t miss the last round of the race. This is a time worth us to give our lives. I know that some of you are not ready yet. We are now facing the boundary of this promised land. We are going in and we are going to face something. There are three important challenges to begin with.

I. The entire journey begins in the wilderness until Christ returns - the millennium - the new heaven and the new earth - the judgment in front of the great white throne – eternity. A journey of glory is about to begin, and the last race must be finished! To overcome!

II. The saints will face great persecution. There are three types of persecution mentioned in the Revelation of the Bible:

1. The Antichrist will persecute the overcomers (the male child, and the new ethnic group). This is the first level of persecution.

(Rev 12:4) The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her child the moment it was born.] Don't assume that you will not be persecuted as an overcomer. The overcomer is the first choice to be persecuted.

2. The whole body of Christ will face such persecution, because the woman symbolizes the church. This is the second layer of persecution.

[(Rev 12:13) When the dragon saw that he had been hurled to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child.] The woman typifies the church.

3. The persecution of Antichrist towards the two witnesses.

[(Rev 11:5-7) If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die. These men have power to shut up the sky so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want. Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them.]

a) The two witnesses come to this world, besides prophesying, they will also participate in judging the church and judging the world, so the world wants to kill them.

b) The two witnesses have authority, as in verse 6, they come to judge.

c) In verse 5, fire is a symbolization, representing the power — the work of the Holy Spirit. The word with fire comes from their mouths and can devour their enemies, which means when the power of the Word and the Holy Spirit comes out, it will confront those who want to take their lives and slander them.

d) When they enter the church, they will not be welcomed because they come to shake the church.

e) When God comes for the second time to marry his bride, once the church is shaken, the sheep will be separated from the goats.

E.g. When the church is being persecuted and there’s an order against it, many people will not dare to come to the church. That's fine, the sheep will be naturally separated the goats. Once the church is shaken, the goats and the sheep will be naturally separated, and the injustice in the church will also be exposed. We are living quite comfortably. Who would like this kind of shake? Which church is willing to be shaken?

f) When the church is shaken, will the overcomers and warrior brides be kept? Actually not. On the contrary, these separated sheep and overcomers will be persecuted. This is the reality although it is sad!

g) If you want to be a person who only pleases God and obeys God's will, you must follow the path that Christ once walked through, not being accepted by the world and religion, or even being killed.

h) During the persecution towards these two witnesses, will there be any Christians who compromise with the world participating? Definitely yes.

[(Rev 11:9-10) For three and a half days men from every people, tribe, language and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial. The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on earth.]

Because they hate them (the two witnesses) to such an extent that they refuse them burial, and also send each other gifts. This is the situation of the last days. The situation of the last days is a time of great confusion, the things that deceive the elect and deception will happen all over the earth. Therefore, don’t say whatever the other says. If you have not experienced it or seen it with your own eyes, don’t comment it subjectively, otherwise you will have a part with the persons who kill the prophets. In the future God will avenge the blood debt, and no one can be spared.

III. In the last 3 and a half years of this journey (7 years), we will encounter a battle happening in the spiritual world and in the physical world simultaneously. This is the battle between angels and demons in the second heaven, and it is also the battle between the saints and the power of the Antichrist on the earth.

You will see more and more darkness, more and more injustice; and it seems that everything will be destroyed. But a group of people must stand firm and resist to the end.

This war is driven by the prayers of the saints. This war is a battle for possession of the land, and a fighting for ruling over the universe. This is a revelation. Only when you get in, you can know what the authority of the son is. So you need to know what your identity is.

Was it over when the new generation of Israelites entered the Promised Land? No, they also experienced various battles and warfare. The battle in the Promised Land lasted for 7 years, exactly 7 years. There was one thing in the journey of the stationing, that is the Israelites would encounter the enemy. The old enemy was just driven away, then the new enemy came. Christians need to rise up to defend their own territory through battles, because we are good soldiers of Christ, instead of someone just having salvation.

(Exodus 14-17) At the beginning, God said to Moses, "The LORD will fight for you". But later the Israelites began to grow up. After they became mature, they entered the battlefield by themselves. This is a process. So we must grow up and become mature, no longer just live on milk, because there is a great war waiting for the saints, as (Rev. 12:7-12) says:

(Rev. 12:7-12) And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angles fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down – that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:” Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.

When you meet the angels of God in ordinary life, you should believe that the angels of God have always protected us on the earth. Therefore, don't be afraid to face persecution.

(Rev. 12:7) It is said that this battle was fought by Michael and his angels, against the dragon and his angels. Angels won’t go out for a war without God's command. God's command is God's will. God's will is to work with the saints. Therefore, the saints should work with God, and then God's will would send angels to fight. This is what Revelation chapter 12 is talking about.

The end of the war is Satan and his angels are hurled to the earth. Verse 12 says, "Woe to the earth and the sea." The devil has gone down to you filled with fury because he knows that his time is short.

The war at the end time is inevitable, because the angels of the dragon will come down more. The angels of God will come down also. Before there was not so much encounter with angels and God face to face, and now there will be more and more such encounter, because the spiritual portals have been opened and the heavenly gate is opened.

The war is between two armies: warfare between the beast (evil men on the earth) and saints; Michael and his angels fight against the dragon and his angels. At the end, the angels of God win. The dragon and his angels lost their place in heaven.

There is a war in heaven, and there is a war on the earth. It is the saints who drive this war. In the Old Testament, the war to possess the promised land was led by Moses and Joshua; in the last days, the war on the earth was fought by a troop led by male child, and together with angels. This is the last battle.

(Joel 3:9-10) Proclaim this among the nations: Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors! Let all the fighting men draw near and attack. Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Let the weakling say, “I am strong!”

God is seeking His warriors all over the earth. He is calling out His warriors from every church. They are called out to prepare for the last battle, because the battle is coming. The called out are not only the warrior brides, warriors, but also special forces.

The special forces must be recruited from local forces. There are usually not many special forces in one place. These special forces can only be called out by God himself, not by any person.

The army has a characteristic: when soldiers encounter local police, local police often fight against the army because soldiers must obey orders and cannot violate military discipline. In other words, the church will persecute "special forces" when they meet.

Who are our enemies? Those who hinder my intimacy with God and prevent me from entering my Destiny and Promised Land are my enemies. Therefore, I need to grow up and become mature, so that son of God can be revealed. Now sons of God cannot be revealed, because they are all babies. Sons of God must grow up quickly, so that they can be revealed. They can no longer be like a baby.

How to prepare yourself in the last days?

The millennium will be governed by the sons of God, i.e. the mature sons, who are forerunners, brides, overcomers, martyrs ... These people will rule the nations, not every Christian can become bride of Christ. The bride of Christ must be prepared. Don’t be like 10 virgins, 5 wise and 5 foolish. They are all Christians and they are waiting for the arrival of groom. They all have oil, but if we cannot prepare ourselves like Esther, we will not be able to enter the New Jerusalem.

What did Esther do? Cleansing, oiling, scenting, washing ... all kinds of preparation. These preparations have their symbolic meaning.

The preparation of the bride has three perspectives:

I. Establishing a close relationship with God i.e. a covenant relationship.

Why should we make a covenant?

Because at the end time, everyone can let you down, everyone can abandon you, and everyone can fall. I won’t be disappointed only when I am with God. He will not let me down when I keep up with His steps and understand His heart.

The Old Testament tells us that when the Israelites stepped on the Promised Land, they began a seven-year war. They first camped in Gilgal, and the first battle after Gilgal was the battle of Jericho. But God worked in amazing way. The first thing He asked them to do in Gilgal was not to sharpen their knives for the war, but to be circumcised.

Circumcision is a covenant, and to be circumcised is an evidence of making a covenant with God.

[(Ge 17:9-11) Then God said to Abraham, “As for you, you must keep my covenant, you and your descendants after you for the generations to come. This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the covenant you are to keep: Every male among you shall be circumcised. You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and you.]

Being circumcised indicates that I belong to Jehovah and I am His people. Therefore, we must first make a covenant with God, and afterward we can start the battle. We need to have a covenant and a solid relationship with God before we can start the 7-year war.

Circumcision is also to get rid of the shame of slavery. It is also mentioned in the Old Testament, why should the Israelites be circumcised? Remove the shame of slavery in Egypt for 400 years, and since then the Israelites have become royal priesthood of God.

[(Rev. 12:11) They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.]

One key for survival is to make a covenant with God, otherwise it will be difficult to survive in the last days.

II. Prepare spiritual fruit and be sanctified.

The gifts of the Holy Spirit and the fruit of the Holy Spirit are different.

Gift is used to serve others. God poured it down onto me, then I naturally have it. It is a gift, and he will not take it back.

Fruit needs to see the result, which is different from the gift.

God wants to see if my life can produce spiritual character and fruit.

[(SS 3:6) Who is this coming up from the desert like a column of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and incense made from all the spices of the merchant?]

When Esther was preparing herself to be the bride, she had to do a lot of things.

[(Est 2:12) Before a girl’s turn came to go in to King Xerxes, she had to complete twelve months of beauty treatments prescribed for the women, six months with oil of myrrh and six with perfumes and cosmetics.]

This is to say: before I am chosen to be the queen, I need to get rid of the unclean smell.

Myrrh, incense, and all the spices of the merchant: refer to the virtue of Christ.

Virtue has color, scent, sound, and taste (can be tasted), so there are so many descriptions in the Song of Songs. In the spiritual realm, all of these are called the fragrance of Christ / the taste of Christ / the taste of love.

In the spiritual realm, when my virtue is radiated, God, angels, and evil spirits would all see it. So everyone releases a different smell, which is spiritual smell.

Someone would see the change in color in the spiritual realm. The spiritual joy is pink, the long-term patience is purple, the gentleness and holiness is white ...

Song of Songs also has many other descriptions, and the following paragraph is about fruit.

[(SS 4:12-14) You are a garden locked up, my sister, my bride; you are a spring enclosed, a sealed fountain. Your plants are an orchard of pomegranates with choice fruits, with henna and nard, nard and saffron, calamus and cinnamon, with every kind of incense tree, with myrrh and aloes and all the finest spices.]

These are all fruits.

How can I bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit?

Not because Jesus is here, then I can bear the fruit. Even if you encounter with God for 100 times and experience the presence of God, it does not mean that you will definitely bear the fruit. This is possible for the pouring down of the fruit, but it is impossible for bearing the fruit.

The fruit is prepared in the wilderness, so I must cleanse and sanctify yourself, and let God walk in front of me, not running too fast. If I hurry to do something before I hear God's words, it would not work; but when I hear God's words, it would be wrong if I do not take action. Delay the action, the blessings will be gone, and the blessings will not be yours. This is something to be balanced.

[(Jos 3:5) Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you.”]

Be sanctified: I am no longer mingled with the world, but separated; that is, I no longer belong to myself (there is no myself), but only Him. This is God's request - I should not have myself, but can only have Him. I belong to Christ, and give Him 100% of myself.

When I heard this first time, I felt so difficult to offer 100%. But later God reminded me one thing, i.e. what was mentioned in Exodus. The Israelites asked the Egyptians for articles of silver and gold. Well, what would you think if you got a lot of gold and silver in the world? That's mine, right? But what do you see happened later? What were the gold and silver used for? They were used to build the Tabernacle.

I would like to ask you if the Israelites gave all they had except those kept for their food. So God wants you all. We cannot continue with this verse, because we cannot give ourselves out. Since God says I want you all, it becomes God does not say I only want 20% of you. You may say tithe. Sorry, no! You may say 2/10, 8/10? No, He wants 100%. This is a revelation, not everyone can perceive it. But it will be like this in the last days. I tell you the truth, you should be prepared now in your heart.

When it comes to the transfer of wealth, it is easy for us to say, "I can only serve God after my business is getting good." You have been in the world for so long, how can you leave the world? Do you think the enemy can let you go after you make money? No way, this is a lie. Therefore, when Christians say this, there is a lie behind. In the end you will see what God wants. He wants 100%, otherwise no martyrs will appear.

The martyr is to give 100% of himself. He has given his own life, what else can he give?

If you want to become the receiver of wealth transfer in the last days, you must first learn how to give 100%. This is a law. If you are not a martyr, maybe the requirements won’t be so strict. But God wants. When I live my life in this way, everything in the kingdom of God will be given to me, that is, I will never be in want, because He takes care of everything for me.

Why can some people get some ministry and some financial blessing?

Not because of the prosperity gospel, but because he has given out 100% of his life, so blessings come down, because God knows.

III. Entering the wilderness and going through difficulties - the purpose is to make my fragrance come out.

[(ss 4:16) Awake, north wind, and come, south wind! Blow on my garden, that its fragrance may spread abroad. Let my lover come into his garden and taste its choice fruits.]

Difficulties are coming: perhaps riots are coming, or the country is bankrupt (e.g. Iceland, Cyprus, Venezuela ...), famine is coming, supermarkets are closed, energy cannot be exported, cars are out of fuel, wars are raging, riots are frequent ...

When disaster strikes suddenly, our temptation also comes. This is a challenge to our faith. These are all prepared for me to gain the freedom and to be loosened from bondage, so that I can spread the aroma like the life of Christ. These can only be seen in the situation of persecution, not in a comfortable situation. These things cannot be seen in comfort.

IV. Walk with God, then the supernatural provision will come.

[(Mic 6:8) He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.]

You can walk with God only when you understand God's thoughts. This requires understanding & listening to the voice of God.

To walk with God, it requires the son to be in a grown-up stature.

Father would not tell the secret to a child. He must become mature before his father can share the secrets of his family with him, the mature heir of the family. So we must become mature!

When Joshua crossed the Jordan River, they camped there for three days, waiting for God's guidance.

These three days were used to wait for God’s guidance so that the LORD could tell Joshua the secret of crossing the river.

This was written from chapter 1 to chapter 3 of the book Joshua. The LORD told Joshua to cross the Jordan River. But in these three chapters, no one asked how to cross the river. At that time, Joshua and the Israelites did not have any boats. There is no preparation! Therefore, the scripture says: Joshua told the people to get their supplies ready, but did not mention to prepare the boat. Don’t you think these people are funny? But you can see that Joshua really had faith. Then after three days, the instruction of God came. [(Jos 3:13) And as soon as the priests who carry the ark of the LORD – the Lord of all the earth – set foot in the Jordan, its waters flowing downstream will be cut off and stand up in a heap.] The God’s special guidance came.

This was the same as when Moses crossed the Red Sea. One or two million people crossed the river. When they walked with God, the supernatural supply would come. At the end time, when we run the last round of the race, we will encounter the same kind of thing.

God’s end time army is going to rise up.

A new generation is going to rise. They have no name, no status, no fear, and they are a new ethnic group. In the previous generations, the prophets began to prophesied in the 1970s: "New ethnic groups will come out at the end time." The new ethnic group is us, and the army of this generation will rise.

The new season is coming, that is, the season of supernatural, fighting to enter the Promised Land. The place we are going is a place that has not been reached by previous churches, and a place where no one has ever arrived. This place is called New Jerusalem, Mount Zion – the Promised Land.

In the previous age, some, actually most of the people fell at the border of the Promised Land.

Most churches do not know that this season has come, and this is a season of transformation.

If you don’t know, you won’t be able to get in. Then you won’t be able to lead this wave, and you won’t be able to be among the forerunners.

Many things will change: the way of evangelism may change, or the way of music worship may also change. The level of miracles can also be different. The instantaneous transfer of physical body can become very common ... Nature will follow the orders from the sons of God.

The old way and method will be left behind, and the new anointing will push the old one away. Therefore, don’t just stay in the old anointing, but step into a new wave and receive the fresh anointing. This anointing will bring power. And the power will get to an extent that the creations will cooperate with us. Everything in the world will cooperate with us.

I know talking to animals is a very controversial topic. But you have all heard my testimony that God gave me a revelation about Daniel in the den of lions. When Daniel was in the lions’ den, not only did the angel shut the mouths of the lions, but also the lions spoke to Daniel. Daniel understood what the lions said, so the lions did not eat him.

Before, I talked about the testimony of how birds speak. We all know that all things were created by the word of God. We live through the light of God, not through the sun. Our spirit lives through the light of God, and everything is made by God. The frequency of these is the same. It is very simple for the creations to recognize me, that is, I have the image of Christ, the image of love and Christ.

Once the creation is raised, we will be amazed at what it can do. It can start a storm and stop an army. Moses did this before, when the sea water flowed back, the whole army was destroyed. This is the result of the cooperation between the creation and man. After we read the Bible, our sense can accept this, but it is a totally different story to do so. Therefore, the Bible says that in the end, the creation is waiting for the appearance of the sons of God. [(Ro 8:19) The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.]

Previously, we were under the control of Satan. After we are set free, we should not just stay in the baby stage. We must also grow and get into the identity of the mature sons of God.

Only when we show the identity of the sons of God, can we gain that authority. The creation will speak and communicate with us, and we can have the ability to cooperate with them.

[(Jdg 5: 19-20) Kings came, they fought; the kings of Canaan fought at Taanach by the waters of Megiddo, but they carried off no silver, no plunder. From the heavens the stars fought, from their courses they fought against Sisera.]

The stars will also cooperate with me, even their orbits can be changed. The stars are angels (this can be seen in the book of Job). Once the stars deviate from their orbits, there will be hurricanes, tsunamis, floods on the earth ... This is what is going to happen in the nature.

The occurrence of ocean tides is the result of the movement of the moon (this is natural science): the moon can rise or fall, then the tides can also rise or fall, and the ocean follows the changes of the moon.

Why can Joshua command the sun to stand still?

Originally, the star follows its own orbit. Once the son's identity is revealed, the star will listen to our command, and only then the battle can be started in the second heaven, that is, the star will cooperate with us. We can order the stars in the sky to cooperate with us and fight together. When I grow up and become mature, I will have the authority of Christ as son of God.

There is a raccoon in our backyard. In summer, I was often disturbed by them. They started knocking on our glass window at six in the morning. Because my husband likes to plant summer bamboo grass in the yard, he used bricks to block them. They came to demonstrate each time they were angry. The squirrels in our yard are also very fun. There are two apple trees in our yard. There will be rotten apples on the ground or the ones bitten down by them during the apple season. When I went to pick the apples up and cleaned the place, they would be unhappy and hit me using the apples. And they can aim right at me. They protested, so animals really speak.

[(Ro 12:2) Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.]

In this era, we will do even greater things than the works Jesus did. We will see new places, and new deeds of God.

When this new power comes, anyone who is touched will be healed and cleansed.

The new generation will come to us with the power of this world. This is a group of people prepared by God before the creation of the world. Some creative miracles will happen, and some ones can end the crisis in one sentence. One sentence can also strike the enemy with blindness ...

The new power can strike the enemy with blindness so that they cannot see you, in one sentence. We need this kind of power to enter a new season. At that time, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes ... must obey the orders of the children of God. Our authority as children of God can command all things in the world, as well as the weather. Many people witnessed so many miracles when going out for mission with us. They witnessed how we ordered the weather to stop, how we stopped the rainstorm, and how the environment was changed. Why? Because that is the authority of the children of God. This is what our generation will see.

God has prepared beautiful potteries among us for the future millennium. Children are really pure. To the world, these children are miracles. This is a sign for the whole world, so that we can understand that God is really among us.

The sons of God include not only children, but also youth, middle-aged, and senior people. Thousands of young people give up their lives to fulfill God’s will, not mine or yours. At the end time, it is necessary to fulfill God’s will so that we can walk with God.

At the end time, this army is a united army, coming and going as one person.

[(Mt 17:8) When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus.]

When this group of mighty troops comes, [(Joel 2:5-7) like a mighty army drawn up for battle. At the sight of them, nations are in anguish; every face turns pale. They charge like warriors; they scale walls like soldiers. They all march in line, not swerving from their course.]

This means that they are very united, because this army is led by God himself. God will speak to everyone individually, and He no longer depends on a leader to raise them up. God will just gather them at a certain place and have them prepared to go out.

When these come, we will be changed by the new power; if we don’t change, we will be left behind, which is bad.

At the last days, personal heroism will no longer be seen, because what will be needed at the last days is an army and a team cooperation. When ants look for food, if one of them sees it, it will call its fellow ants to come. Because it cannot lift the food, it calls the team.

At the end time, the spiritual realm will become more and more active, so there are so many things happening on earth. Heavenly Father planned this era because the final great revival is coming.

This is not a wave of Pentecostal movement, it transcends this. It is a wave of love, because it will be testimony of life.

Pentecostal ministry: It is a ministry with gifts, and an anointed ministry.

The ministry of life: it is to give me the ability to experience the power of forgiveness and love in persecution. The revival of love is coming. God is looking for such a heart all over the world. Who is qualified? Who has such love and forgiveness in his heart? Who is after God’s own heart? After God's own heart is to understand God's will.

When this power comes to my heart, it will no longer be suitable for any pattern of the large ministries in the world. It won’t belong to any of these. God wants people with pure and clean heart. If anyone would like to have such an anointing, it means that these people will not build any self-reputation for themselves, so they will always be nameless and fearless.

This is an army of the last days. This army does not care what people think, whether people remember them, or whether they can leave their name in this world. What God wants us to give is selfless devotion of ourselves.

This kind of ministry is walking in love. When God sends me to a country, I will leave and disappear into the crowd when I fulfil the assignment. God will no longer allow anyone to build their own reputation in His name. This kind of thing happened in previous generations / waves. When this kind of thing happened, these people started to steal the glory of God.

God will bring these armies all over the world and begin to impact the values of this world and the church. The manifestation of various miracles, various revivals and harvests will accompany them, but soon they will disappear from that country. Next, God will lead them into the next journey. This is a movement led by God and a new wave in this generation.

The LORD looks at people's heart, and man looks at outward appearance. God is no longer looking for great ministry or great work. He is looking for obedient, humble, and trustworthy people, and someone who walks with him.

So, today we are here to do one thing, which is to prepare our hearts, and then align your hearts with God.

Never take spiritual gifts as spiritual fruits.

Many people did not produce godly characters and attributes when they use their spiritual gifts. God will no longer allow such things to happen again in this last generation. Therefore, we must prepare now, prepare our hearts, and put on the outer gown of humility.

Can you be nameless in this world? Can you? If you can, you stand up. Can you be nameless and fearless in this world? Are you willing to disappear into the crowd like Jesus did? No one recognizes who you are, except for angels and God. You will leave a name in front of the angel of God and the throne of God. I believe that each of us is working hard for God’s kingdom, no matter what you are doing now.

We often build up something in our lives to bring ourselves glory. But this is dangerous. God is looking for people now. He is not looking for your gift, but your heart. So don’t waste your time to look for the power from outside, instead, pray to God to start examining our hearts so that we can be transformed by the renewing of our mind.

Many of us do not feel secure. We are like Jacob, who grasped even when he was born. Now we should start learning to let go. Are we here to follow God or pursue ourselves? Would you like to learn to be an unknown person? Would you like not to be known by the people on the earth, just have your name be written in the Lamb's book of life, leaving a name before the throne of God? Therefore, I don’t mind even if no one in the world knows me. I just want to be remembered by God. Thank God!

Lord, I put this group of people in your hands. Lord, we thank you, Hallelujah! I know that some of us are not ready yet, but the journey of the last race is coming. I thank you for giving such beautiful words in our hearts, and also putting this kind of revelation into our hearts. We know that we are no longer the same. Please prepare them quickly, prepare them quickly so that they can break through, so that they can enter the Mount Zion that you prepared for them. You chose them not in vain. You tried to drag them out of the ordinary, because you said, "I have a group of utensils that are extremely precious, I have a group of jewelries, which are extremely precious. I want to raise up the group of people of mine. They still don’t know that they carry the power. They don’t know that they can use the power they carry. We are still entangled by many things outside. We are still entangled with our own thoughts. Oh Lord, please break those chains, so that they have complete freedom in you, have the complete freedom. Hallelujah, thank you, Lord! Thank you, Jesus!

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