
1.3.6 Preparation

1.3.6 預備

We would like to invite sister Ping An Xi Le to share one dream she dreamed recently.

The dream of sister Ping An Xi Le:

Praise the Lord! And also thank Teacher Ming. A couple days ago, after our Heilongjiang fellowship being established, I invited Ming to share a message to us. On the second day after the sharing, during the morning prayer time, it was about 4:00 am. I sat there, almost fell into sleep, then I saw a very long roller coaster train. It had no roof, but looked like a rail train, very long. The cars were crowded by people. There was a very tall and strong man. He was looking around from inside and shouted, “Hurry on board! Hurry on board!”. He shouted in an urgent tone and seemed there was not much time left for boarding. When he shouted, I was also looking around and saw a coworker beside me.  Then I patted my coworker and asked him to get on board the train. But he said no. I saw the man shouted more urgently. At that time, I was holding a notebook in my hand. Because the man looked around anxiously, I patted his hand with the notebook. But he did not see me nor notice me. Then I patted him again. Now he turned his face to me. When he saw me, I asked him quickly, “Can I get on?” He said yes and found me a seat, a very secure seat. He also told me to sit stably. I got on, sat there, and held something with my hand. The seats around me were all occupied. I might be the last one who got on. After I sat on the seat, the train started speedily, like flying. When the train ran like flying, I woke up. Then I shared the testimony to Ming. Thank everyone and thank Teacher Ming. I will stop here.

Ming: Thank God! Her dream is very simple and its spiritual meaning is also very simple. It is telling her that there is a last train and this is the last chance. Would you like to get on the train? This is to alert her to make the decision to get on or not, since there is no chance if she does not get on in time. This is the meaning of the dream. I am also thinking God is showing His heart for us at the end time through her dream. She was praying for the fellowship, and God gave such a big alert “This is the last chance. Are you ready? How many of you would like to get on?” This is what the dream about. I believe some of us are still feeling puzzled and are not ready in our heart. Last night, when we were discussing how to progress in the future, I received some testimonies. Among them, there is an audio record from an eight-year-old boy. He sent the audio to Children’s prophetic fellowship 2. He is an ordinary child. The boy told us through voice message that God spoke to him during the night. At night, God gave the boy a dream about his future. He dreamed the dream on November 9. In the dream, he saw a lot of people were in a big room of their house. Among them, half were believers and the other half were non-believers. At this time, a person came and said to all the people in the room, “You must bow down to an image of gold.” Later, the non-believers in the room all knelt down, but the believers did not. Then these believers were taken to another room. This little boy followed and went into the other room. But once he got in the room, he was frightened. He feared because some people were slaughtered inside. At last, little kids were separated apart from the adults. The adults would be killed, and the little kids would be sent to a furnace. He was taken to the furnace with some other children. There was an elevator to lower people down into the furnace. When he was lowered down there, he was not afraid any more. Why? Because at that moment he remembered God and prayed to God. He said, “God listened to my prayer.” This is what he said. He said, “Although I did not see God, I did not feel hot anymore.” The other kids in the furnace all shouted, “So hot, so hot”. But he was risen after a while. Literally, the rise he mentioned may mean his spirit was raptured. Later, he spoke an inspiring thing. The ones who persecuted them believed in Jesus. The children kept telling them about gospel. They were so overwhelmed that they believed in Jesus.

This is a testimony of an eight-year-old boy. I know recently brothers and sisters in our ministry are all discussing one thing. Am I a martyr? Am I an overcomer? This a very good thing. He is discussing this, and I believe his parents are also discussing this. On the night they were discussing this, the boy dreamed a dream, which is about the situation of future persecution. This might be a big situation that the boy would get into. We felt happy for the boy after we heard the testimony. But I think his parents most probably can not fall into sleep these days. This is a very glorious thing.

I was thinking since the Heilongjiang fellowship was about to be established, if I should share such message immediately. Later Pi An Xi Le left me a message, saying that God told her during night this is the last train. Do you want to get on? I think God is pushing us to have a heart of being prepared. No matter how much you take it, no matter how much you know about end time, no matter if you have read the Revelation, no matter if you read the Bible, as far as the time is concerned, it will not stop just because we do not know or do not understand. God is doing very amazing thing at the end time. God is notifying, alerting, and also speaking to both adults and children, no matter if you believed in Him or not. Some time ago, I met some brothers and sisters from church with open heart to Holy Spirit. I prayed for them. They like my prayer very much because I often prophesy for them. And the prophecies came true, so they like it. They love me very much. When I talk to them, they will share what God told them during night. I felt sorry when they shared, because the vision, dream, or words to them they shared are all about what is going to happen at the end time. But their reaction is strange. They heard it but did not go to prepare, just knew it in theory. Even when God spoke to people during night, some cannot distinguish, just let it go. Some also let their dream go away. Some was frightened, scared, and awed after heard about it, but still could not take any action. We know faith without action is dead. It is a pity to just hear but have no action. It is easier to get into trouble if no preparation. I think you were passing a message from Mike Bickle of Internal House of Prayer (IHOP) in our ministry. I do not know whether brothers and sisters online heard it or not. The dream is about chapter 12 of the Revelation. I am also thinking God’s timing is very interesting. We just announced the overall direction of our ministry, our identity, our mission and task at the end time. Just a couple days later, God began to talk to different teams in the world that the chapter 12 of the Revelation will be realized. We know so far Christianity has two conceptions about the chapter 12 of the Revelation. One says it is something happened already and will not appear again. The other says it will happen in the future. But no one really paid attention to its future appearance. Will there be such a fierce warfare? Will there be such a fierce result?  A lot of people do not care.

Brothers and sisters of Heilongjiang fellowship, I believe it is not very long for you to get in touch with Omega Ministry. So, you do not really know God’s guidance and teaching to us. But I think God would like to pass a message to you and let us know there’s not much time left. In Mike Bickel’s dream, he talked something very interesting. He said over forty thousand people attended a large gathering, among them there were over a hundred Christian leaders from different denominations all over the world. He even saw Bill Johnson, John Wimber couple (the leader of Vineyard Movement and The Third Wave of Holy Spirit), Reinhard Bonnke (the veteran who led the African revival), and some other famous leaders. After he shared a message in the afternoon, suddenly over a billion devils including the great dragon, ancient serpent appeared. Why they appeared? God told him in the dream what was described in Revelation 12:9 (The great dragon was hurled down – that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.) realized. At that moment, the great dragon hurled down was very huge, having a size of a soccer field. They came to the venue filled with fury because they were struck down from the second heaven and trapped on the earth. The sudden appearance of these huge serpents scared everyone in the venue, because the serpents were biting people. He said no one remembered that they have the power and authority given by Jesus, and walked to the microphone to gather people together to rebuke and bind the serpents. They all feared, panicked, escaped to all directions, and ran away. Mike Bickle ran into a park and met policemen. The policemen threatened him to throw him into the jail if he ran away. So his only choice was to go back to the venue. Otherwise, he would be thrown into the jail. At this moment, Mike Bickle was so scared that he woke up. He shared the dream to the whole world and this is a warning. The time can come suddenly and the crisis can appear suddenly. You know, if a person does not prepare, he usually cannot respond properly according to God’s will when the time of urgent crisis comes, especially when it is time to be martyred, unless he has prepared for it already. The preparation does not depend on how much knowledge or teaching we know or understand. Or state it in another way, understanding a lot of knowledge does not guarantee that we can respond properly and according to God’s will at the moment of urgent crisis. This is generally impossible. Therefore, what we are going to talk today is preparation.

My topic today is preparation. In the dream of Mike Bickle, there are quite a few powerful people. We may have read their books, or known their life path. All are powerful people. We even know that the IHOP is a 24-hour house of prayer, i.e. they pray in front of God day and night. Thank God! They pray day and night, so God do not forsake them, and at least revealed the dream to tell them, “All of you are not ready. Therefore, your reaction will be running away when the crisis comes.” How about other denominations and leaders? Like Bill Johnson, he specializes in spiritual warfare. This group of people are also not ready.  This might be a kind of symbol. But symbol still represents a group of people. Then how can we be considered as being well prepared?

Then how can we be well prepared?

Revelation 12:11 They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. So on the last days, we must depend on the blood of Jesus Christ and our own life as testimony, and we cannot love our lives. When preparing, you must know one thing: do not love your life any more. Otherwise, when crisis comes, you only reaction will be running away if you have not had a heart to face death, have not prepared to be a martyr. If you have prepared for this and known yourself would die anyways, then you would not be afraid of those huge serpents and have the courage to bind them, since you knew you would die anyways and you were ready to give your life to God on that occasion. Anyways, if they bit me, I would die; if I bound them, I might die, too. If I perish, I perish. God is saying, your preparation must get to an extreme point, the extreme point of life. That is to have a heart of martyr. Only when you have this heart, you can be called ready.

This is not our focus today. Although I shared the top of having the heart of martyr in other fellowships, today we are going to talk “how should we prepare”.

How should we prepare?

Now the day is near. How near? Actually, we can see this from Bible. When we taught

Revelation, we shared the Bible verse (Matthew 24:32-34) Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.

Fig tree: represents Israel or Jerusalem, Israel restored as a nation in 1948, and regained Jerusalem in 1967.

Twigs get tender and leaves come out: refers to the time when Israel restores as a nation.

(Until) all these things (have happened): the coming of the Son of Man is at the door, refers to the coming back of Jesus Christ.

How long is a generation? There are different opinions. Some said 40 years, some said 70-80 years (Psalms 90:10); nowadays, people usually regard 100 years as a generation. These are generally current opinions.

Assume one generation is 80 years (Psalms 90:10), then the coming back of the Lord would be before 2028. If one generation is 100 years, the day would be before 2048. These dates can be found out during Bible study and are the days of Christ coming back.

However, we are studying Revelation chapter 11-13. The scripture in these three chapters refers to something happens simultaneously, and covers 7 years.

The first half part of Revelation chapter 11 is talking about: God measure the temple – measure the temple of God and the altar, and the outer court has been given to the Gentiles. It is talking about one important thing. During the seven years, God would measure on the whole earth, i.e. choose people and weigh them to find out if the instrument is after God’s own heart and fit God’s purpose. This is why prophecy at these days is mentioning one important thing: the sheep will be separated from the goats. At end time, God will have His chosen people, those precious ones, be measured out. The measurement mentioned in chapter 11 of Revelation is about this. Therefore, we will see a lot of people being measured out and led out. This is because the persecution at end time will come.

When the last seven years begin, one important thing will happen. Those people, who will be guarded by God on last days, will be measured out. And the persecution will begin to come.

Three persecutions: (The most urgent situation at current time is to face persecution.)

1. Wilderness (it comes first): the persecution of the Antichrist towards the overcomers

2. The persecution of the Antichrist towards the church (Revelation 12:13)

3. The persecution to the two witnesses at end time (Revelation chapter 11)

This kind of persecution is because God will shake the whole earth. He enters into the church through these people selected by Him.

(Revelation 11:5) Fire comes from their mouths. The fire represents God’s word and the power of the Holy Spirit. When God’s word and the power of the Holy Spirit come out, the purpose is to resist those who persecute them. These will be seen at the end time.

These new people chosen by God at the end time will fight against the Antichrist. So that they will hurl down the dark power and the red dragon from the second heaven to the earth. Then woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil comes down to the earth filled with fury. Because so, the shake will happen on earth, and the church will be shaken first.

There is another purpose for the two witnesses come out to prophesy: to judge the church and to judge the world.

We talked about grace too much. This is not unimportant. The grace and love are very important. They can encourage us, because we were born from love. We were born on the earth because God’s love to us. And we respond God because of love. We can be faithful and submissive to Him because of love. But when we talk about love too much, it is easy for us to forget another character of God: judgement or called discipline. This character cannot be disregarded. We will see a lot of such things on the last days in the future, because the sin on earth has reached its full measure. They (the two witnesses) will judge the world and judge the church besides prophesying, so the world would like to kill them. In the future, the persecution is not only that the world will persecute the spiritual sons and daughters, but the unspiritual sons and daughters will also persecute them (the two witnesses), because these people compromise and cannot distinguish who is from God and who is from the enemy. (Revelation11:6) These men have power to shut up the sky so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the water into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want. So during the time they are prophesying, they enter into the church to shake the church. The wrongdoings of the church will be shown up firstly. Therefore, no church would like to have this kind of shake. After being shaken, is there any church is willing to keep the overcomers and warrior brides? The reality is most of them will not. Instead, they will persecute those overcomers who are separated. This is a sad thing, but is written in the Bible. We will see such deception of the elect will happen on the whole earth at the end time. I believe the persecution is happening in mainland China currently. I believe you all see that your surroundings are getting worse and worse, or it can be said, more and more difficult. These things will happen definitely since the persecution is written in the Bible. When we see such thing is happening on the whole earth, especially, there is one thing that cannot be altered, i.e. what is written in Revelation 12:1-2.

Revelation 12:1-2 is talking about two astronomical signs appear in heaven. The astronomical signs are about the orbits of constellations. There is a law for the movement of the planets. The law of the physical world rules over the physical world. This is created and set by God. There is another law, i.e. the law of the spiritual world. The law of the spiritual world rules over the spiritual world. These two laws (the physical law & the spiritual law) rule over everything. Among all creation, human being has both spirit and physical body, actually has spirit, soul, and physical body. That means human being needs to follow not only the physical law but also the spiritual law, since we are not only under the physical law but also governed by the spiritual law. When we are living, we are governed by these two laws. God use these two laws to regulate our physical part and spiritual part. We must follow God’s laws in these two parts. Otherwise, we cannot live in blessings.

The first heavenly sign is about the Virgo. The Sun must move just behind it. The Moon must move to the position under its feet. The Jupiter (king of planets) must enter into its belly and stop there for 41-42 weeks, which is just the pregnancy period of a woman. So when the Jupiter leaves, the male child written in Bible will be born. That means “when this astronomical sign appears, you should be alert”, because these two heavenly signs are clearly written in Bible, telling people “when the heavenly sign appears, you should know the Chapter 12 begins to fulfil.” It covers 7 years. This is very obvious since this astronomical wonder can only be seen again in about 6000 years. We all know God cannot wait another 6000 years to come back. This must happen in this generation because Matthew 24:32-34 explicitly states He will come back in this generation, i.e. He will come in less than 100 years. Because the law cannot be altered, when these two heavenly signs appear, if we count, we will find out the time left for us is very short.

Once the time of Revelation Chapter 12 is set, there is no opportunity. We are getting into the last round of the journey. The identity of male child will be revealed. Then we will see God to reveal this on the whole earth. Why need to reveal? In order to wake up His sons and daughters. Those who have an ear will hear the last round of the trip to the Promise Land begins.

Since this is the case, we who are called “overcomers, forerunners, and martyrs” by God have another name in the Bible, which is “remnants”. Then how can we, the remnants, prepare ourselves? How will you prepare yourself in the last days? Since it is the last round, we must pay all we have, just to reach the finish line, to reach Mount Zion, the new Jerusalem.

Who exactly is God asking for in the end?

I don't know if you have heard the “Feast of the Overcomers” I shared and got to know what types of people can enter the new Jerusalem. Brothers and sisters who haven't heard it can go back and find the previous audio recording.

When the new Jerusalem comes, there will be a wedding, which is called "the wedding supper of the Lamb". Who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb:

1. Guests (people who eat the wedding banquet): This type of people can only enter if they are wearing wedding clothes, and those who do not wear wedding clothes will be thrown into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Mattew 22). This is actually talking about inside the city and outside the city. The people in the city must clothe themselves with Christ, i.e. wear the wedding clothes, because the wedding clothes are prepared by the groom ’s father. This is a custom in the Middle East. The father of the groom is the Heavenly Father. Wearing the wedding clothes means clothing with Lord Jesus Christ, be transformed by the renewing of the mind, and changing the life.

2. Virgin: that is bridesmaid. (Mathew chapter 25) The character of the virgin:

Virgins with oil, are those ones who are ready and be well-prepared;

Virgins without oil, do not really have no oil. They have a lamp and also have oil, but her oil is not enough to last till Jesus Christ returns, so their oil run out. At that time, they have no time to buy it and have no time to get it. This is talking about the relationship between man and God. It is a relationship that we accumulate with the Holy Spirit by ourselves. That relationship should be accumulated to a certain degree so that my oil can be sufficient. So, it is not because the five ones with oil do not want to lent to them, nor because they are mean or they do not love others. It is because the relationship is not something can be lent. The virgins who are ready can go in to the wedding banquet. However, even as virgins with oil, it is written in Bible that they are not alert.

Then who are the alert ones? There is a group of people. At midnight the cry rang out: “Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!” These people are midnight forerunners.

3. Midnight forerunners: the alert ones. They are friends of the bridegroom, are best men. They are also in the wedding banquet.

4. Bride: the ones who will marry to God. They are prepared for the Son Jesus Christ by the Heavenly Father. The bride will wear fine linen, bright and clean, which stands for the righteous acts of the saints. They shall be his called, chosen and faithful followers.

The bride is also a large collective concept. The bride is not necessarily a forerunner, but the forerunner can be the bride.

These are the characters that appear in the wedding banquet. These characters all have very important positions in the completion of the Heavenly Father’s plan for the last days. The people in the wedding banquet are those who start to prepare themselves. The remnants are a big concept --- the remaining kind.

How should the remnants prepare themselves at the last round?

Three tiers of preparation

Start from the desert -> Till the come back of Christ -> The new heaven and the new earth in Millennium -> The judgement before the great white throne -> Eternity

This is what we will face.

The preparation should be done like how Esther prepared herself, otherwise we can not enter the holy city. Esther's preparation is about cleansing, washing, and ointment ... various preparations. This is a teaching about preparation in the last days.

The first thing to prepare is: prepare your heart --- the heart of martyr.

In Mike Bickle's dream, no matter how big the ministry is, if there is 24-hour intercession, if often teaching spiritual warfare, these are not important. The knowledge cannot help us be prepared. Instead, we should start to really focus on Jesus Christ and follow Him in my life.

Three-tier preparation for the remnants / saints / brides

I. First we should have a covenant relationship with God.

We can attend all the conferences and listen to all the sermons, but if we do not have a covenant relationship with God, our lives won’t be changed. I don’t know how everyone makes a covenant with God, but I know that Abraham, Jacob, and David ... they all have made a covenant with God. Everyone has this experience. I myself must also make a covenant with God.

I remember my covenant happened more than 10 years ago, when I was still ignorant. Although God had visited me, I didn't know too much about the covenant. Even so, God was kind to me, so that year at night I was taken to the depths of a sea, where there was a huge stone, like a hill. God wrote four words on the stone with his finger "the stone of covenant". I can still remember it clearly till now. This is a representation. Then in such guidance, in the covenant with God, I began my covenant with God from that day. God placed the stone of covenant in the depths of the sea. He reminded me at the time "I have made a covenant with you, and here we made a covenant."

We know that God established a covenant with Noah. A rainbow was set in the clouds. In the time of Old Testament, this means that God will never destroy the earth again by the waters of a flood.

We should make a covenant with God. This covenant is to let me know that I am circumcised, I am sanctified, and I belong to the Lord.

After I  had the covenant, what I did was in accordance with my covenant with God. And from that day on, I stopped drinking alcohol and liquor. I used to be a civil servant and needed to attend a lot of social activities at daytime and at night. I often had to drink a lot. But after making the covenant, something special happened. As long as I was in touch with alcohol, anything related to alcohol, liquor, even drinks, regardless of the degree, high or low, liquor or wine ... I would have a natural reaction. I would naturally not be able to drink these things when I was in touch with them. This happened after the covenant. God changed our DNA and changed our taste amazingly. This is an evidence of my covenant with God. It is different for everyone.

When the people of Israel set their foot on the land of Canaan, they would have a seven-year war. When they set their foot on Gilgal and started their first battle, which is called the "Battle of Jericho", the first thing God asked them to do is not to prepare for the battle by sharpening their swords, nor to prepare boats for them to cross the Jordan River. Just in front of the enemy, God required the Israelites to be circumcised. The circumcision can give the enemy an opportunity to raid. It is a surgery and hurts. Circumcision was the sign of covenant between God and the people of Israel (Genesis 17: 9-11), indicating that they are people belong to Jehovah. Then they began the seven-year war.

This is the first thing we should prepare, making covenant with God.

II. Prepare the spiritual fruit, and be sanctified

This preparation will happen in the wilderness.

(SS 3:6) Who is this coming up from the desert like a column of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and incense made from all the spices of the merchant? (Est 2:12) Before a girl’s turn came to go in to King Xerxes, she had to complete twelve months of beauty treatments prescribed for the women, six months with oil of myrrh and six with perfumes and cosmetics. These two verses are corresponding to each other. It is about getting rid of the unclean smell of the body before becoming a queen, so various spices and cleansers would be wiped over the body.

Myrrh, incense, all kinds of spices: these are all talking about the virtue and character of Christ. Virtue has color, scent, and sound. So during worship, we can smell roses, flowers ... These are the aroma of Christ. Not because God is perfumed, but it is the aroma of Christ.

The human spirit emits smell. This is the sense of smell, one of the five senses of the human spirit. The sense of smell can be activated. In the five senses of the human spirit, once the sense of smell is activated, you can smell something. So when I go to some places, I can smell some odors of stool, urine, wolf, dog or mouse ... Why is there such odors? This is because the spirit emits a different smell.

If a person's spirit emits fragrance and sweetness, it will make people feel very comfortable; but if a spirit emits odor, you will know that the person is in some kind of possession and the problem can be solved through deliverance.

The spirit also has color. When you see a person's spirit shows all kinds of colors, you will know that the person has a good character and virtue! This is the virtue of a person.

When a person is very joyful, his spirit is pink; a person is patient and gifted, his spirit is purple; a person is gentle and holy, and his spirit is white. The spirit is shining different colors.

God want us to prepare the spiritual fruits.

(SS 4:13-14) Your plants are an orchard of pomegranates with choice fruits, with henna and nard, nard and saffron, calamus and cinnamon, with every kind of incense tree, with myrrh and aloes and all the finest spices.

What is this talking about? It’s talking about Christians / saints should prepare in the wilderness in advance. The wilderness is not a comfortable place. When God prepare us, we are usually put in a tough situation, which makes us suffer. Sometimes we even say, "O God, I don’t believe in you anymore. If I believe in you, you should give me good circumstances so that I will not be suffered.” Not necessarily, not necessarily right. Because God sometimes put us in some circumstances so that we can bear spiritual fruit. Therefore, the more I care about the circumstances and the difficulties, and the more I encounter difficulties, it is the time I am closest to God. At that time, we are willing to be close to God. In other good times, we seldom think of Him.

The preparation is to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Spiritual gifts are completely different from the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Gifts are used to serve others. Once God poured them on you, you would naturally have them. And it is a gift, and He will not take them back once He give them to you. Fruits are different, which means the outcome should be seen. God wants to see whether our lives can produce spiritual character and fruits.

What is your reaction when someone beats you or scolds you? What your response should be is not something can be solved with your gifts. Is your response after God’s heart? This is the key; this is called the fruit. What's the outcome? How do you react? This is the second tier of preparation, and the second tier of preparation also includes be sanctified.

Be Sanctified, on the way Joshua led the people into a seven-year war, [(Jos 3:5) Joshua told the people, "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you."] The first thing Joshua said was, "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you." And before saying consecrating yourselves, he mentioned one thing: You should take up the ark of the covenant and pass on ahead of the people. This means that you should follow Jehovah, and you should be sanctified.

Be Sanctified: you cannot mix yourself with the world, meaning that you no longer belong to yourself, and you belong to Christ.

One important thing in our journey into the Promised Land is that more and more my old self should be put to death. I must be sanctified, and what I do is for the Lord. The first priority of my life is to live a God-centred life, not a life centred on my own need. This is how we need to adjust our current lifestyle.

If we have entered the last round of the journey, when God returns, the Lord must settle accounts with us. What can we use to settle our accounts? Is it how much you did in your own career, how much money you earned, how many people you led to believe in Jesus, how big your ministry is ... Is it measured by these? None of them. It is measured according to God’s will. Has God’s will been fulfilled in me? Have I completely walked the way, which is God’s plan in my life? He will measure us by this. So adjusting the priorities in our life becomes very important!

III. Be prepared to go through hardships, into the wilderness, so that my fragrance will be spread abroad.

In addition to bearing the spiritual fruit, we also need to go through difficulties.

(SS 4:16) Awake, north wind, and come, south wind! Blow on my garden, that its fragrance may spread abroad. Let my lover come into his garden and taste its choice fruits.

The north wind is the tough situation. When the tough situation comes, our fragrance can be spread abroad. Without the strong north wind, the fragrance cannot be spread abroad.

(Isa 26:20) Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until his wrath has passed by.

This verse talks about the coming of difficulties. Now the whole world has difficulties. Some countries are bankrupt, famine is coming, energy cannot be transported in; some countries are warring, riots are happening; some countries are restricting the freedom of belief, many people are being killed; some countries are experiencing hardships ... these are the tough situations. Personally, we also encounter the tough situations.

When the Israelites left Egypt, the Egyptians pursued them, and this was a tough situation. When they were pursued, the people had no weapons nor horses in their hands, and they were all terrified. The only thing they did was to cry out to the Lord. They cried until they ran out of tears. It wasn't until (Ex 14:14) that Moses stood up and said [(Ex 14:14) The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.]

Therefore, when the Egyptian pharaoh's troops wanted to take them back and make them slaves again, and the tough situation arose. They cried out to the Lord, wept, and was sad to a degree --- no tears, because it was dreadful. Because, going back may be ended with being killed. Not only would they be slaves, they might all be killed, so they wept. The enemy would do the same thing to us. As we march on the road to the Promised Land, it would still come back to tempt you, bind you, and then hope that you would become its slave again and return to Egypt.

But at that time, the healing of the Israelis was not complete, that is, even among them, some people still had problems with their lives. Otherwise they would not offend against God later.

Under such situation, it is possible that you suddenly remember the failure of your life, the sense of security is gone, and the sense of insecurity is suddenly triggered by the enemy. At such a crisis, Jehovah would come out to fight for you. He says, "You need only to be still, and see how the Lord does great things for you."

This is the third one. The coming of hardship makes your fragrance be spread abroad.

IV. Walk with God

Walk with God so that you can see the supernatural supply coming.

(Mic 6:8) He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

How can we walk with God? 

If you want to walk with a person, you must understand his thoughts, and know what he wants to do, then you can see the same thing and the same direction as he sees. This is only visible after the relationship has been established.

How to walk with God? The most important key point is to understand God's thoughts, listen to God's voice, and obey God's guidance. Then you can walk with God.

Every time war is mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible, especially the well-known wars mentioned in (1Ki, 2Ki), each battle has a feature. If the Israelites sought God's will and knew God's thoughts on the battle, they would win; if they forgot to do so, they would lose. This is an important thing that God wants us to understand.

We should learn to seek God's guidance, and not take any action until God's will is clearly shown. God's provision is always sufficient, and His help is always timely. Don’t think that I ’ve been praying for a long time and I haven’t seen anything! I can't wait any longer, I will do it myself. There is a very famous Scripture in the Bible (Ps 147:10) His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of a man.

Neither do things ahead of God, nor be too slow. If He tells you, but you don’t hear, you will lose that blessing. So it always needs to be balanced.

The key of keys is to prepare our heart. Our heart must be prepared first, and our heart must be aligned with God. because (1Sa 16:7) But the Lord said to Samuel, “The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

Therefore, God is looking for obedient and humble people in this world, and God is looking for someone He can trust. Ask ourselves what we have done in our lives that can make God trust me? Entrusting can only be given with trust.

You will not entrust ten million assets to a 5-year-old child, although he is your son, you dare not. God is looking for someone He can trust, that is, who walks with Him and works with Him. It is easy to say so, but how to make God trust you during the journey is a very important topic.

The key point of preparation is on the heart. Aligning my heart with God is the right thing to do. At the end of the days, the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth, and the seven spirits of God are walking all over the earth, to test the heart, because He is preparing for the last days. His will is that the will about the kingdom must be fulfilled. It is impossible for His will not be fulfilled just because some of us cannot catch up, or a certain group cannot catch up, because that is the will about the kingdom. It is possible for personal vision not be fulfilled just because the wrong season or the wrong time. But the will about the kingdom, which is clearly written in the Bible by God, is part of His Word, and He must fulfil it.

This is all we will share today. Let’s pray.

Lord, we thank you! Heilongjiang will prepare a group of people in the northern territory. God, you told me at night, “In the northern territory, you will prepare a group of overcomers, your brides, your army of the kingdom on last days.” I believe you are doing such thing. The northern territory is a rich place, and Heilongjiang is also a place where granaries are full. Geographically, it is a place to supply grains. Therefore, I hope that this group of brothers and sisters can supply many people. In their lives, let them be filled with the anointing of God and full of the abundance of God, so that they have something to supply in their lives. In this realm, God, you are abundant.

I would like to bless the brothers and sisters in Heilongjiang, to be united as one heart and present themselves as one in front of you, and be used by you, Lord. Lord, you examine our hearts, help us align our hearts with yours, and let each of us bear the godly characters and the spiritual fruits. Because the new season of God has come.

You prepare angels and heavenly hosts in heaven, and you prepare your armies on earth, so that they can cooperate with each other in heaven and on earth, to march forward together for the kingdom of God towards the fulfilment of God’s will about the kingdom. Thank you for setting up many people and things around us, so that we can bring out God your faith and your glory. We are the light and the salt of the world. The lamp must be put on the table to illuminate the whole earth. The lighthouse must be placed in the city so that people can see it. These brothers and sisters you have chosen, may all of them be lights and lighthouses, and let their light shine on this ground so that the people on the ground can see there is a direction, and there is a lighthouse.

Lord, we implore you to prepare us, help us not waste our time searching for outside strength, not waste our time and our lives in daily feasts, nor let us waste our precious and only time on those worldly things which don’t matter, because we ’ve entered the last round of the journey.

We should start to be transformed by the renewing of our mind and prepare ourselves. May the Lord purify our hearts, examine the motive of each of us, and let us truly pursue you. Thank you! Let our names be written in the Lamb's book of life, and be known before the throne of God. Thank God! We bless the fellowship in Heilongjiang, and pray in Jesus Christ's name, amen!

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