1.3.8 殉道者的心志和千禧年國度-盼望和代價
Shared by: Ming
I know that I need to preach a message today. The topic is about how we should prepare when we enter the last 7 years, the last round of the race. But I also know that when I talk our days will become more and more difficult, the wickedness will increase, the love of most will grow cold, we are about to face greater persecution, and more chaos and the greatest darkness of this generation is about to come to us, I need to talk more about where our hope is.
[Mt 13:47-50] Once again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish. When it was full, the fishermen pulled it up on the shore. Then they sat down and collected the good fish in baskets, but threw the bad away. This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
At the end, angels will separate the righteous from the wicked. There will be a great watershed, but we will not enter the end of the world, instead we will enter a new world. We will not escape from this world, instead we will retake this world from the hands of Satan according to God’s will. And we will experience again on the earth the prosperity and beauty of the Garden of Eden thousands of years ago.
The world is changing. But nowadays, thousands of young people do not know on this planet what their future is and where their hope is. They chose to turn to cannabis, drugs, cyber violence, death games, and virtual idols to escape reality. We cannot blame them because the church stumbled them and gave them up. (For example, does anyone know Luo Tianyi? Does any child know? Young people? The virtual character became idol. Luo Tianyi is a Vocaloid vocal synthesizer database and subsidiary fictional character launched by Shanghai HENIAN Information Technology Co. Ltd. In 2016, Luo Tianyi stepped onto the mainstream stage of Hunan Satellite TV for the first time. Vsinger Live held in June 2017 was Luo Tianyi’s largest commercial performance. Next, Luo Tianyi has a fan club. The admirers and even many young people claim they are her lover, or husband. The symbol of Tianyi is the "Yu" in the Chinese pentatonic scale, and the representative symbol is the Sanskrit "म". Luo Tianyi's own setting is also the singer from heaven.)
Let us all be honest. When you see the performance of "Luo Tianyi" on the screen, do you feel attracted to it in your heart? Tell me. If the church today does not present any future and hope to overcome these technological idols, how can we expect our children to turn back? So you must tell them the hope of the future, and take measures to avoid the adultery of worshiping these holographic images.
This world also needs to know when the earth will end, and what challenges we will face in the future. Where is our hope? This world was once lost because of Adam alone, and redeemed because of Christ Jesus alone. Where is the hope of this planet? [Isa 61:1] The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, [Isa 61:3] and provide for those who grieve in Zion – to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor. [Isa 61:4] They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations. It is said here that the only hope of this planet is Christ, and that Christ is in me. Thus, Christ in us is the glorious hope of this world. And now, as time goes on to the final journey, the planet must be returned to God's people.
What is the priority in last days? The brides need to get ready. The wedding supper of the Lamb will replace the chaos of the world, and the wrath of God will be poured onto the ground. I was brought to the future by God. In the vision, I have seen the scene of last days many times. When the strong earthquakes come, the land is like being shaken through a sieve, rolled up, some areas collapse and sink, some land and islands rise from the sea or from the underground. [Rev 16:20] "Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found." Hurricane, volcano, earthquake, and tsunami will rebuild the earth. Some evil cities will be wiped from the earth by the wrath of God. Most of the major cities and capitals will disappear. [Rev 16:19] "The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the fury of his wrath."
The new world will be rebuilt from the ashes. The climate will change completely, and Christ will lead his saint remnant to rebuild the new world. [Ps 115:16] "The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth he has given to man." God said that the heavens belong to him, but the earth he has given to the children of God. We must take the planet back from the hands of the enemy and bring the reign of the heavens to the earth. And this concept will challenge our old ones, and go beyond the old ones. Not to return to the heaven and live happily ever after. That’s right, we will enter eternity and live forever. However, before that, we still have unfinished responsibilities, that is, to experience 7 years of great tribulation and then millennium. Are you ready to go through these periods? If you have never planned to do a 1000-year plan, now is the perfect time to plan.
If carefully studying the Bible, you will find that the kingdom of God in the millennium is not in heaven, instead Christ will come down to live with us on earth. After the millennium, the dwelling of God will be with men. So after the millennium, our heavenly Father himself will come down to live with us on earth. Not to go up, but to come down. We will not go up and wander in heaven, instead the saints and angels will come to the earth. The spiritual world and the physical world will exist in the human world simultaneously in those days. This is a very amazing thing. We need to know and understand so that we can prepare for the days in tomorrow. [1Jn 5:19] "We know that we are children of God, and the whole world is under the control of the evil one." This world needs redemption, including everything that needs redemption, and humans also need redemption, which will take 1,000 years.
The wedding supper of the Lamb will bring in the sacred royal family of the Kingdom of God, and you and me will be one of them. It is written in Jude at that time, [Jude 14] "Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men: " See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones" [Jude 15] "to judge everyone, to convict all the ungodly of all the ungodly acts they have done in the ungodly way, and of all the harsh words ungodly sinners have spoken against him." God has his royal army coming from heaven, riding on a white horse, and followed by the armies of heaven. When heaven opens and these scenes are seen by all the people of the earth, we will think of them as aliens who are invading the earth.
The introduction to the millennial kingdom:
First, God’s will: unite the heaven and the earth into one. At the beginning of creation, God created two different realms; in these two realms, he created the universe - the spiritual realm and the physical realm.
[Ge 1:1] "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (The “heavens” is plural, including the sky, the space and the third heaven (refer to 2Co 12:2).) From the beginning of creation, God created two different realms; in these two realms, he created the universe: the spiritual realm and the physical realm.
[Eph 1:9-10] And he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment – to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ.
One of the mysteries of the Father’s will: bringing heaven and earth together into one.
The core of God's eternal purpose is that Jesus Christ will return to establish his kingdom on earth, and unite heavenly and earthly kingdom together. When Jesus reigns over the earth, the natural human process will not be ceased, but will be protected by the Holy Spirit supernaturally. (Psalm 37:29; 78:69; 104:5; 105:10-11; 125:1-2; 1 Chronicles 23:25; 28:8; Isaiah 60:21; Ezekiel 37:25; Joel 3:20) Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. (Revelation 21:3) God will live with men. The earth will exist forever, not perish.
Second, the wedding supper of the Lamb will start. The judgment before the judgement seat of Christ and the judgment before the glory throne of Christ will determine who is eligible to be heavenly saints and earthly people in the millennial kingdom.
The judgment before the judgement seat of Christ will take place when Christ comes back. The believers will meet the Lord in the air, so that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.
The difference between city inside and city outside: (the end of the wedding supper)
[2Co 5:10] “For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.” For it is time for judgement to begin with the family of God (1Pe 4:17). We will receive the judgment of Lord towards us as believers before the judgement seat of Christ. The overcomer will reign and govern the believers who have a redeemed body and "those forsaken ones" mentioned in the Bible (those who do not receive the mark of the beast, resist the Antichrist, but also do not believe in the Lord.)
Three types of people can survive and get into the millennium: 1. One type is saint with a redeemed body. They are overcomers who will reign; 2. One type is believer with a redeemed body. They will be judged by God before the judgment seat of Christ, permitted to enter the millennium, and reigned and governed; 3. The other category are those who refuse to receive the mark of the beast at that time, resist the Antichrist, but also do not believe in the Lord. The Bible refers them as "those forsaken ones" (Isa 4:3; 10:20; 11:11; 49:6; 65:8; 66:19; Jer 31:2; Ezekiel 20:38-42; 36:36; Amos 9:9-10; Joel 2:32; Zechariah 12:14; 13:8; 14:16).
[1Co 15:41] “The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor.” [1Co 15:42] “So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable;” [1Co 15:43] “it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power;” [1Co 15:44] “it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body.”
In the spiritual world, some shine like the sun, and some shine like stars. This is a difference in rank, and star differs from star in splendor. This refers to how the redeemed body glows.
Third, the saint overcomers will reign in different fields of life, and the duty to rule the nations with an iron scepter will continue into the millennial kingdom and eternity.
In the millennium, not all people are Christians. God and his overcomers – the saints will rule and judge the nations with an iron scepter. The saints with resurrected bodies will become rulers in different fields of life. The duty and position to rule the nations with an iron scepter will not only be in the last 7 years, but also continue into the millennial kingdom and eternity. The resurrected saints will occupy the highest spiritual government position on earth in the millennium and the saints will also gain the government leadership on the earth (Revelation 20: 4-6) [Rev 20:4] "I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshipped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years." [Rev 20:5] “(The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection.” [Rev 20:6] "Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years."
[Mt 25:31-34] “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people on from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.
Fourth, Christ will rule the whole earth from Jerusalem. The capital of the new world will be Jerusalem. The climate of the whole earth will change, and this planet will experience the prosperity and beauty of the Garden of Eden thousands of years ago.
1) In the millennium, Satan will be bound. There will be no more evil temptations, and peace will also come to the earth; [Rev 20:1] “And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain.” [Rev 20:2] “He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.” This will completely change the spiritual world and physical world of the entire universe and planet. The big cleaning will start. [Rev 20:3] “He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended.”
2) The capital of the new world will be Jerusalem. The Bible says that God will rule the whole earth from Jerusalem. When we reach the new world, this city will become the capital and center of the whole universe. Its final settlement will be on our planet. It was previously placed in the third heaven. And this is just the beginning of eternity. God’s kingdom will truly descend to the ground. It is the center of heaven, but will appear on this planet. There are more than 600 billion stars in our galaxy. The world will not be ended, or destroyed, instead, God will bring heaven into the universe. This is a great mystery, why? Father God would like to do this?
I have been to the extragalactic galaxies, where the glances are beautiful glare, the collection of various energies, another kind of wonderful feeling. But I feel it is a deserted beauty, because there is no one. There are many angels dancing or walking there, but they disappear after a while. Your thoughts can summon them to come over, but lack of familiarity, no feeling of home. After all, we have lived on the earth for decades where gives us the feeling of home. So, later I went to heaven to protest that it is not suitable for saints to live here. (Just kidding?) Do you think if God will place the center and capital of the universe on our planet for this reason?
Hope and Cost
The Martyr's Heart and the Millennium Kingdom (Lecture 2)
Shared by: Ming
Father God's original plan: a loving family that rules the earth
Father's original plan was to have a family to rule his creation. God gave His people an “eternal reigning mission” to show His glory in the order of creation.
We will become new creation, our DNA will be changed, and we will become a member of the family in God’s kingdom. The redeemed body will have a completely different beauty. I have seen my own appearance in the future in heaven, no more than 30 years old. It will be in our youngest and most beautiful condition.
3) The day with the best climate we have ever experienced was at the time of Genesis, when there was no rain, and the streams came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground. Only when sin came to the world, everything was cursed, then heaven and earth showed their reflection to the sin. All the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened, and the rain fell on the earth. It Lasted for 150 days, afterward, the life span of human being could no longer be 700 or 800 years, and was reduced to 120 years. The balance of heaven and earth was broken by sin. Whether the climate will be recovered to the state during the period of Eden in the millennium, and people's lifespan will be extended. This will be an extremely good hope. All the goodness will be rebuilt in the millennium. The climate will be changed, and the paradise will be rebuilt, while evil will be removed.
Human being will also live longer. “I will rejoice over Jerusalem and take delight in my people; the sound of weeping and of crying will be heard in it no more. Never again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his years; he who dies at a hundred will be thought a mere youth; he who fails to reach a hundred will be considered accursed.” (Isa 65:19-20)
4) In the millennium, human intelligence will be greatly developed; even for ordinary people, the brain will be extremely developed, and the use of brain capacity will be exceeded. The ability of discernment is greatly improved, and all creations will freely communicate and understand each other. The hostility between animals, and between animals and humans, will be eliminated; and all physical beings and spirits will live in harmony. (Romans 8:20-21) “For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.” “The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them. The cow will feed with the bear, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox. The infant will play near the hole of the cobra, and the young child put his hand into the viper’s nest.” (Isaiah 11:6-8)
All creations will be changing. All creatures will become friends with each other. Children will play with snakes, while goats and lions will lie down together. There will be harmony among one another. The curse will leave from everything, and all will be so harmonious.
5) The technology will be advanced developed. This will be the day in the millennium.
Not everything will be spiritual. We will still live on the visible earth physically, with technology that allows ordinary people to travel through space and time. Angels, saints, and ordinary people will exist on the physical earth at the same time. The spiritual sense of mankind will be advanced developed. The spatiotemporal travel will be widely applied. A large number of aircrafts will carry humans to Jerusalem to worship the King of Kings. These ordinary people will not have the power to instantaneously transfer their body to another place like Philip, and will need to use aircraft. Light energy, sunlight, magnetic field energy, cosmic energy, etc. will all become new energy sources, and even the power released by plant germination will be transformed into plant energy and used. The new energy without pollution and waste will appear.
In Jerusalem, Christ himself will teach the overcomer saints how to govern the whole earth, and teach them to understand the universe and the creation. At that time, the development of spirit and mind will focus on the overall harmonious cosmology, and the mind will be highly developed to know how to work in the spirit. Each stage is a course and lesson for us, and every lesson has a time to graduate. In the millennium, there is a course for millennium, when Christ himself will teach us.
The world needs to know what is in the millennium so that we can have hope. Not all Christians can enter the millennium, and you need to be qualified. Only those overcomers will govern and manage the millennium. It is said that Christ will reign the nations and the universe with us. Here is a future worth you paying the price.
Now let’s talk about the cost – the martyr's heart
This generation of young people needs to see the hope. They need to see how God can win a better world for us. They need to see that they have a future. Thousands of messages talk about overcome, eschatology, and martyrdom. It is the coming of the much better millennium that deserves us to pay the price of life.
Some time ago I forwarded an article about a sharing of Mike Bickle from IHOP. God gave him a dream all night long. In the dream, he saw a ministering occasion of tens of thousands of people. He was the speaker. After the sermon in the afternoon, the conference invited many leaders from different denominations, including Bill Johnson. Bill Johnson in his dream may represent one of the powerful leaders of God at current time. Reinhard Bonnke, the famous evangelist in Africa. He also saw John Arnott, the pioneer of the third wave of the Holy Spirit movement, the former leader of the Toronto Airport Church (now changed to Catch Fire). What were they doing? They were discussing with each other friendly, and the debate between them was a very beautiful picture. Everyone felt that there was no negative emotion transmission in this place. It was a calm, sober, and knowledge-based communication that was very enjoyable. He found that every point of view was calm and clear, and the atmosphere was friendly, but also lack of power, lack of a power through the knowledge presented. We know that all these people carry the power from God. However, from the perspective of God in this dream, it is just a very enjoyable exchange of knowledge. There was no such faith from God. Of course, it may be viewed differently by us as man.
When there are so many leaders and so many powerful worshipers gathered together, (we know that IHOP is a 24-hour prayer temple, and there is a worship-centered altar of kingdom), but unexpectedly, chapter 12 of Revelation suddenly became true. How did that happen? He saw that Revelation chapter 12 verses 8 and 9 was accomplished. [Rev 12:8] "But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven." Then what happened? [Rev 12:9] “The great dragon was hurled down - that ancient serpent called devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.”
He said that billions of devils suddenly appeared from the sky over the entire city, and everyone could see that one thing suddenly happened. What was described in Revelation chapter 12 verse 7 and afterward came true, that is, the giant serpent was hurled down from the heaven. The giant serpent may be just a symbol. But in the dream, these giant serpents were quite huge, in the size of an American football field. They were 50 feet thick, and like a building. They came to the venue filled with fury from the heaven. These giant serpents had a dragon-like head, which was half the size of this room. Everyone was terrified. Mike Bickle said that we had just finished praying, and suddenly Revelation 12:8 happened just in front of everyone. Everyone, including himself, had only one reaction, that is, to run away. And everyone was hysterical! Scared! All frightened, just wanted to escape from the scene. No one had the deep true knowledge and mature faith to pick up the microphone and bring the people together in unity. All the famous leaders and believers from different denominations fled. No one rebuked and bound these serpents with the authority given by Jesus. Because these serpents were too cruel and terrifying, and when they fell into the venue, they began to bite people. Everyone tried to run away from the park. But when Mike Bickle got to the park, he met policemen. These policemen stopped Mike Bickle, and said if he dared to run away, they would throw him into the jail. So his only choice was to go back to the venue. Otherwise, he would be thrown into the jail. At this moment, Mike Bickle was so scared in such a stressful and fearful situation that he woke up. Well, this is what he shared.
When we came back from the retreat in October, I received two messages about Revelation chapter 12 consecutively, one of which was Mike Bickle’s dream. In the information shared by Mike Bickle, an important point he brought out is that we do not have faith. After I finished reading his message, from my perspective, I was thinking about one thing. We cannot just have the faith from the knowledge of the Bible, in fact, we need have a preparing heart. The Holy Spirit is alerting the whole world. What will the reaction of the church be at the most critical moment when darkness comes?
When the crisis comes, the time to test people comes. But if a person does not prepare in peacetime, and in his past life, in fact, it is impossible for him to react according to God’s will at the moment of the crisis, when the time of martyrdom and distress is coming. Sometimes we have such an idea, that is, as long as I know a lot of knowledge and theory, and understand a lot of truth, I think I can have the preparation to face the crisis. Actually, that’s not true. It means that the end time has already entered Revelation chapter 12, because Revelation chapters 11-13 are basically parallel, covering 7 years of history. Revelation chapter 11 mentioned that before the two witnesses appear, God would measure the temple of God and the altar, but not the outer court for the Gentiles in Jerusalem. It means that God will choose his most precious and honorable overcomers from the churches of the whole earth. This means that when human beings face the largest spiritual warfare in history, and when the things happening in the spiritual world are reflected in the physical world.
He also mentioned that there is one thing that the saints must prepare for in the last days, that is, the dark power will come to the earth filled with fury. Then who can face them? Only those who do not love their own lives and who depend on the Word of God can. [Rev 12:11] "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death." The person can overcome the devil through the blood of the Lamb and the word of his testimony. He specifically mentioned that it becomes an important thing not to love the life so much as to shrink from death. God must prepare you to a certain degree in the last days that you cannot love your life.
In Mike Bickle’s dream, actually, these leaders are very powerful, and they must know the Bible very well. They must have talked about a lot of truth and testimonies in the Bible. But there is an important thing, that is, we cannot love our life. This is some situation that we should face in our future life. When we talk about this, it is something difficult for many of our brothers and sisters to accept. But we can see that God is revealing such things. He is choosing such people throughout the world, who are overcomers, saints, remnants, and brides. These saints can forsake themselves for Christ, including their lives.
If our preparation does not reach such a degree, we won’t be able to face the future real confrontation with the Antichrist. The reason is because you can only overcome him by the blood of Christ, and by your own testimony, that is, you do not love your own life. If we assume that everyone in the venue knew that he was dead, and he was prepared to given up his life, then they would not be afraid of those giant serpents, and they would have the courage to bind them. We cannot because our courage has not reached that extent. We just said that we have prepared all our knowledge. I understand the content of the Bible. Many people just stay at this level. I can heal the sick and cast out demons. I can solve many problems in our lives. We often stopped at that place. But through the testimony left by these saints, we can see that God wants his vessels to be prepared to a certain degree, that is, what is written in Revelation chapter 12:11-12.
So at the beginning of our ministry, we mentioned what kinds of people the ministry is calling, those who are forerunners, overcomers, and who else? Martyrs. I believe this has a great impact on us, but this is a task that God entrusts us in the last days. Because what is in chapters 11 and 12 must happen parallelly, and the will of God is more important than our personal thoughts, when we gather together and collectively target towards God’s will, the kingdom will be fulfilled. In the long river of human history, God values the different characters he has arranged to appear in the historical period. We found that Jesus finally made God, the Father’s will be done.
Our heavenly Father’s plan for the earth is not just for one person or some individuals, but for the whole kingdom. The collective is composed of individuals, and the kingdom is composed of collectives. This is what he would like to achieve ultimately. When we mention the destiny, the collective vision will become your vision, why? Because the collective vision is aligned to the focus of the kingdom. When you are in such a vision, you are under the cover of God, and in the stream of his destiny and entrust. When you are in this stream, he will bless you, because he is coming to fulfill God’s will. When you deviate from this stream, God cannot pour down such a big blessing. The reason is because you deviate from this will, then you are out of the focus that God has entrusted to this group. Each group has a portion God has decreed for throughout the whole earth, and the portion is very precious, because the combination of the portions is a plan of the last kingdom of God. So it is extremely honorable, and this will let us distinguish where the portion God has decreed for us is, so that you can hold this share faithfully to the end. This is what God has decreed for us.
For example, when we talk about the 12 tribes in the Old Testament, that is, God divided the Israelites into 12 tribes. Why should there be different tribes? There are the tribe of Dan, the tribe of Levi, and the tribe of Issachar. When I saw these tribes, the Holy Spirit suddenly gave me a light. Later, I realized why the tribes are different. Besides the leaders are different, there is another important thing, that is the portion God entrusted and decreed is different. Their functions are different, so that the 12 tribes can be combined to achieve God's will towards the Israelites in the Old Testament. Each tribe has a different focus.
If I belong to the tribe of Issachar, then I know that I am the person who can receive many foresights, many prophecies, and can have vision in all kinds of things. But the tribe of Levi is different. The tribe of Levi is focused on God’s laws, and they teach these laws to people. If a person belongs to the tribe of Judah, he may be a brave warrior. Each tribe has a portion God has decreed for. Assuming you, who belong to the tribe of Issachar, are now put in the tribe of Levi, and determine to be a priest of the Old Testament. Sorry, God will not let you do that, because the portion God has decreed for you is different. Therefore, we need to return to the portion God has decreed for us, so that God’s will in that portion can be fulfilled. Only when we are in the right portion, we can align to that focus and move forward.
Now it is the same thing for us, too. One thing mentioned in the International Prayer Movement is to divide the whole world into 12 regions, each of which is named after a different gate of New Jerusalem. Why do they have such insight and revelation? It turns out just as the tribes in the Old Testament, the portion God has decreed for each group is different. All of this is to fulfill God's will at end time. Since the portion has been decreed is different, the anointing being given will be different. But we, as people, usually want more, which is actually good. As long as we get more in the portion God has decreed for us, it will be better for us. But if we often want to get more according to our own ideas, we start to receive a little bit here and there. We think we have received a lot, but actually it makes us lose the focus and goal, including the target. The word faith has the meaning of hitting the target and the focus. But when we did such thing, our focus is gone. When our focus is gone, it will be difficult for us to fulfill the requirement for the calling of brides in the book of Revelation, and in the whole Bible. The criterion mentions that besides being chosen, you must also be faithful. Without this goal, you will find it difficult to go on, for God does not show favoritism. He will appoint the right people into each group to fulfill his will at end time.
The reason why Omega Ministry is called Omega Ministry is because the time we are ministering is the end time. Not only that, there is a book in heaven about Omega Ministry, which specifically records what happens at the end time, including every brother and sister who attends the ministry. They have their names recorded in heaven. I have seen this book many times. Besides recording many ministries in the world, this book also records what our ministry will accomplish in the end. This is God’s own work. So It means that everything is done by God himself, who calls people himself, touches people himself, chooses leaders himself, and chooses brothers and sisters himself. We have always been functioning like this till now, even we have never met some regional leaders. I have not even talked to them, but they have received calling from God about the ministry, then they will find a way to join in and become a part of it. From many testimonies, I saw that the expansion of this ministry does not depend on Teacher Ming very much. The real commander of this ministry is our Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Heavenly Father. So, every one of you will be guided by God himself, because God would like to speak to you in person at night or in the daytime.
Just to fulfill God's will is actually quite difficult for us people, because people's attention is easily distracted, and very few people can do one thing to the extremely perfect. I have seen a lot of Japanese artists (the kind of artists who make a lot of art products). For example, there is a person in Japan who makes a kind of rice cakes. He is very dedicated. He only makes rice cakes for decades and doesn’t sell anything else. He has very few varieties. It seems that there are only 5-6 varieties. But I was surprised to see his products because his products are very beautiful. One thing mentioned in the article about him is that his rice cakes are very expensive, and he only sells about 500 pieces a day (I can’t remember the exact number). You cannot buy it after it’s sold out, so he often gets them sold out just around 2 pm. Others ask him why he doesn’t make some more. He sells them in a very expensive price, but still there are many people come to buy them, and the time to sell them out is very short. But he said that in his life, he only knows how to make rice cakes, but nothing else. This is inherited from his family. So he focuses on doing one thing. He focuses on grinding rice, focuses on studying its temperature, focuses on producing the finished product. Therefore, he does one thing to the extreme, and then he gets a great deal of appreciation from others. I saw that there are many such shops in Japan, they only do one thing, so that when others eat rice cakes, they will immediately think of this shop. And the same is true for the portion entrusted by God.
When this planet was given to mankind, man’s sin brought the curse to all things in heaven and on earth. The first curse that occurred was the weather became cold and was no longer warm like spring. When Lucifer fell, the anti (dark) - material of the universe was created. These materials did not exist before, and the dark material was generated from the birth of Lucifer. He built his palace in the second heaven. But it was built on anti (dark) - material, but when the light comes, the final battle will destroy his palace and his throne in the second heaven. God is preparing such an army. Few people talk about the second heaven, because God has decreed different portion for each team. Not every team knows the situation of the second heaven. That is what God would like to accomplish according to the book of Revelation. So that the angels led by Michael will fight against the angels led by Satan, and hurl them down. The second heaven will be cleansed, and the throne of God will come down.
We know that Jesus Christ will take the entire army into the Mount of Olives to deal with the sins on the earth. This is only the first half of our mission. The second half of our mission is mentioned in the second half of Revelation Chapter 12. The two wings of a great eagle mentioned after verse 12, are referred to supporting the churches, helping the churches find out the direction, and taking the churches into the wilderness to avoid the enemy's pursuit. That means most of the churches will not be prepared in the first three and a half years, just like the dream of Mike Bickle. Although many churches are well-known in the world, they are still not ready yet. So when the enemy comes, they will not have the heart of giving their lives, and can only flee around. This is a situation in last days. But actually, this is not over, and there will be a time to rule the nations with an iron scepter with Christ in the millennium.
And these trusts will be given to us as the last generation of Christians. The previous generations would not have such wonderful inner enlightenment and vision. This is for the new race to receive, for those remnants who can be fearless to go through the great persecution in the last seven year, and are willing to give their lives. We have to challenge the last generation. This is worthy of giving up your lives, and worthy of living or dying for it. We need a ground so that we can stand firm, fight for it, and live for it. We need to take this planet back from the enemy's hands and put it under the rule of Christ. This is our message to this generation. It's not just being saved. What we will face will surpass what we can understand currently. The gospel of God’s kingdom, the age we are living is a world without leadership. If this generation has no vision, the people will perish. We need to take the walk with God and today’s topic seriously.
Prayer: Lord, I thank and praise you. Thank you for what you said to us today. Thank you for the words you put in my mouth. I really know what you hope for them. God, you are looking for such people all over the world. What you are looking for is no longer the gift of people and how much knowledge they have about you. What you want is their heart, and what you want is their whole person. You want a person who is able to give not only everything in his hands, but also his life. This has surpassed the knowledge preached in the past ages. The group of people you want are willing to give their lives. This is a challenge for us. For us, many people may not be ready yet. When we listen to it, our hearts may say Lord, I haven't enjoyed this beautiful world enough yet, and I haven't fully known and understood you yet, but you are coming back so soon. The time has already been set in the heaven.
Lord, your grace is no longer extended, because this land is already extremely evil. Lord, you want your children to prepare quickly. You are speaking to your beloved people on the whole earth. Their current knowledge and discussion, the spiritual gifts and power are no longer enough. What you want is those who can give their lives. These precious seeds and vessels are to fulfill the will of your kingdom. Thank you for putting such a desire in our hearts. Let us examine our hearts, purify our hearts and motivation, test whether our desire is to follow God or ourselves. Lord, thank you, please make our names can really be written in the Lamb’s book of life. Lord, thank you for the new challenge you gave us, because you want to bring your great love and power to us, and to these precious vessels, because you have measured your gentile cities on the whole earth. You no longer hesitate and watch far away. Your hand has touched everyone's heart. Lord, thank you and praise you! We pray in the conquering name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
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