
The Sons of God to be revealed – The Journey to enter the Promise

Lord, your spirit continues to burn in us so that we can come to you with passion. We hope the sharing today can let us better understand your heart at the end time so that we can know your plan for us. Lord, you plan to give us abundance, and to give us hope for our future, to guide us on the path ahead, and to bring us into our destiny, so that we can gain the new revelation from you in the new season. Thank and praising the Lord! Pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen!

Thank God! This is a new insight of me. The topic I am going to share today is "the Sons of God to be revealed, the journey to enter the Promised Land." Do you know why you are here today? We all know that we were created for a specific purpose, don't we? Do you think you are unique?

We don't just want the salvation; we also want the reward from Heavenly Father. That's different, totally different. Paul mentioned the reward is. [(2Ti2 Timothy 4:7-8) I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith. 8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me that day - and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for His appearing.]

He mentioned that there is a fight to be fought, a good fight; there is a certain race, the race needs to be finished. The English expression of this part is “run my race and finish it”, that is, there is a race to be finished. (Heb 12:1) let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,” There is a race marked out for us and we must run. We must run the race and reach the finish line.

This race is not just to reach the heaven. We have a lot of tests on the earth to pass, and a lot of lessons to learn before we can finish the race. Some people finished it early, so God took them back to the heaven. These are the people who learned their lessons. But not all the people have learned their lessons before they went to the heaven. Not all the people have passed the exams before they went to the heaven, just like the Israelites, who fell in the wilderness, the whole generation, only Caleb and Joshua entered the promised land.

The whole generation did not enter the Promised Land. Although they had the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire in front of them, witnessed all kinds of signs and wonders - the sandals on their feet did not wear out, manna from the heaven & quail from the sky, and water from the rock; God also met them at Horeb; they even saw God's appearance, but they still did not enter the Promised Land.

The will of God is to give the Israelites Canaan, which is the land of the seven nations lived in Canaan. This generation fell at the entrance to the Promised Land. This story was not just written for the generation of Moses and Joshua, neither just for David and Paul. This story was written for our generation, because we are the last generation.

It's to reach the destination of the race. Where is the destination?

[(Heb 12:22-23) But you have come to Mount Zion, to the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly, to the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven. You have come to God, the judge of all men, to the spirits of righteous men made perfect.

This place, this Mount Zion [(Heb 12:18) You have not come to a mountain that can be touched] means that this mountain is not a mountain on earth, but the new Jerusalem and Mount Zion in the spiritual realm [relm]. It is the place where God wants us to enter. The Mount Sinai that Moses saw at that time was burning with fire, in dark cloud, had storm, lightning, and angels standing there.

The open heaven is where our generation is going. The city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, is where we really should go. So do not stop at Mount Sinai. It is not the end of our destiny. Instead, we should go to Mount Zion, and should not stop moving forward after entering Mount Sinai of salvation. That cannot fulfill God’s plan for us, which is Mount Zion. If you can’t get in, it will be a huge loss, and it’s irreparable. So you should clearly know what your final destiny is.

We are now on the edge of the Promised Land. The final journey is about to begin. At the beginning of this journey, we need to prepare. How to prepare? Would you give your ten-million-dollar property to a 5-year-old child to manage, you dare not, right? So we need to grow up and mature, not babies. Therefore, we must be prepared to grow up so that we can govern the earth and rule over the interstellar. Today, this topic is that God has opened a door for me to a new vision. The race will be in the last round. When I mention this, I know that some people still have doubts. But when you see this world is changing, And the prophecies of the Bible are fulfilled one by one, you know that God is now preparing you and enter this race.

Baby still does not have the image of a son. Spiritual babies do not have the image of son of God. Before the world was created, the identity of sons of God would be revealed. (Romams 8:19-21) The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brough into the glorious freedom of the children of God. The whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. They are all waiting for one thing, that is, waiting for our adoption as sons of God, the redemption of our bodies.

In the Bible, when speaking of son of God, one thing must be mentioned, that is a growing up and a mature identity. There is a purpose, that is to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ.

There are many monarchy countries on the earth, Britain, Denmark, Japan, Norway ... The princes and princesses in a royal family grow up only for one purpose, to inherit the throne, and to rule the whole kingdom in the future. In the same way, God is the King of kings, who governs all creature and universe. governing the earth and spiritual worlds, including the kingdom of God.

He raised us, the princes and princesses of God, for one purpose: to inherit inheritance and Throne, who will rule the entire kingdom of God in the future.

The boundless universe has been given to the children of God. The children of God only have one purpose - to govern everything and to govern the kingdom of God. This is a very exciting thing, that is, the sons of God will rule with God in the future millennium, and will govern the interstellar in eternity. We are so hopeful.

The purpose for you to grow up and become mature, is only one: to govern. everything and to govern the kingdom of God. So don’t miss the last round of the race. I know that some of you are not ready yet. We are now facing the boundary. of this promised land. We are going in and we are going to face something.

1. The entire journey begins in the wilderness until Christ returns –and then we go into the millennium - into the new heaven and the new earth - the judgment in front of the great white throne – eternity. A journey of glory is about to begin, and the last race must be finished! To overcome!

Was it over when the new generation of Israelites entered the Promised Land? No, they also experienced various battles and warfare. The battle in the Promised Land lasted for 7 years, exactly 7 years—Tribulation will also take 7 years. There was one thing in the journey of the stationing, that is the Israelites would encounter the enemy. The old enemy was just driven away, then the new enemy came. Christians need to rise up to defend their own territory through battles, because we are good soldiers of Christ, instead of someone just having salvation.

(Exodus 14-17) At the beginning, God said to Moses, "The LORD will fight for you". But later the Israelites began to grow up. After they became mature, they entered the battlefield by themselves. This is a process. So we must grow up and become mature, no longer just live on milk, because there is a great war waiting for the saints, as (Rev. 12:7-12) says:

[(Rev. 12:7-12) 7 And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angles fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.

11 They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.

The war at the end time is inevitable, because the angels of the dragon will come down more. The angels of God will come down also. Because the spiritual portals have been opened and the heavenly gate is opened.

There is a war in heaven-- Michael and his angels fight against the dragon and his angels; and there is a war on the earth—Saints fight against the beast and evil men on the earth  It is the saints who drive this war. In the Old Testament, the war to possess the promised land was led by Moses and Joshua; in the last days, the war on the earth was fought by a troop led by Overcomers AND forerunner, and together with angels. This is the last battle.)

Who are our enemies? Those who hinder my intimacy with God and prevent me from entering my Destiny and Promised Land are my enemies. Therefore, I need to grow up and become mature, so that son of God can be revealed. Now sons of God cannot be revealed, because they are all babies. Sons of God must grow up quickly, so that they can be revealed. They can no longer be like a baby.

We need to make a covenant with God, to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit, to remove the unclean smell, to be cleansed and be sanctified, to have the life and virtues of Christ.

The new season is coming, that is, the season of supernatural, fighting to enter the Promised Land. The place we are going is a place that has not been reached by previous churches, and a place where no one has ever arrived. This place is called New Jerusalem, Mount Zion – the Promised Land.

In the previous age, some, actually most of the people fell at the border of the Promised Land.

Many things will change: the way of evangelism may change, or the way of music worship may also change. The level of miracles can also be different. The instantaneous transfer of physical body can become very common ... Nature will follow the orders from the sons of God.

The old way and method will be left behind, and the new anointing will push the old one away. Therefore, don’t just stay in the old anointing, but step into a new wave and receive the fresh anointing. This anointing will bring power. And the power will get to an extent that the creations will cooperate with us. Everything in the world will cooperate with us.

I know talking to animals is a very controversial topic. But those who know me have heard much of my testimony.

God gave me a revelation about Daniel in the den of lions. When Daniel was in the lions’ den, not only did the angel shut the mouths of the lions, but also the lions spoke to Daniel. Daniel understood what the lions said, so the lions did not eat him.

In my ministry, I teach children from ages 3 to 15, work with their angels, heal the sick and cast out demons; and exercise the authority of the Son of God.

How to work with God like Joshua did it before and let the nature and weather obey God’s Children’s word.

One of my ministry is to be sent by God all over the world to tear down the altar built by the enemy and also rebuilt the dwelling place of the Lord.

Usually we need to climb up 3000 to 4000 meters of high mountains, So I have many opportunities to work with God and angels, let the weather effect our service.

In the Rocky Mountains, in order to escape from the dark forest,

During the storm weather, I prayed to stop the rainstorm typhoon and call out the sun, and pray that sun continue in the position it was.

I used to keep the sun high until 10 o'clock at night. That thing has become a local miracle. I have two witness with me to experience the whole issue.

Remember the story of Balaam and the Talking Donkey? Similar examples have happened to me many times.

For example, I was in Malaysia 2 years ago, and I could not find the way up the mountain. That was when two wild dogs appeared, talking with us, and accompany us to climb a thousand-meter mountain, and then find the way out, then after completing their task/assignment later disappears in front of us. Animals can speak human words if God wishes. So let all creature fall under the authority of the Son of God.

We all know that all things were created by the word of God. We live through the light of God, not through the sun. Our spirit lives through the light of God, and everything is made by God. The frequency of these is the same. It is very simple for the creations to recognize me, that is, I have the image of Christ, the image of love and Christ.

Once the creation is raised, we will be amazed at what it can do. It can start a storm and stop an army. Moses did this before, when the sea water flowed back, the whole army was destroyed. This is the result of the cooperation between the creation and man. I was hunted down by the secret police in a certain country. In order to escape from the city in time, we prayed that a dense fog would cover the entire city. As a result, God promised.

After pray 20 mins later, thick and heavy fog, which would not be seen in a hundred years would allow us to leave this city successfully. The incident was reported by the local news at the time.

YOU Said: I have read these stories and miracles in the bible. After we read the Bible, our sense can accept this, however it is a totally different story to do so. Therefore, the Bible says that in the end, the creation is waiting for the appearance of the sons of God. [(Ro 8:19) The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.

Only when we show the identity of the sons of God, can we gain that authority. The creation will speak and communicate with us, and we can have the ability to cooperate with them. Today's focus is on: The Sons of God to be revealed, when I become the Love, the creations can recognize me, that is, I have the image of Christ, the image of love and Christ. All creature will fall under the authority of the Son of God.


In this era, we will do even greater things than the works Jesus did. We will see new places, and new deeds of God.

The new power comes; The new generation is you, YES, you. will come to us with the power of this world. This is a group of people prepared by God before the creation of the world. Some creative miracles will happen, when this new power comes, anyone who is touched will be healed and cleansed. and some ones can end the crisis in one sentence. One sentence can also strike the enemy with blindness ...

Lord, I put this group of people in your hands. Lord, we thank you, Hallelujah! I know that some of us are not ready yet, but the journey of the last race is coming. I thank you for giving such beautiful words in our hearts, and also putting this kind of revelation into our hearts. We know that we are no longer the same.

Please prepare them quickly, prepare them quickly so that they can break through, so that they can enter the Mount Zion that you prepared for them. You chose them not in vain. You tried to drag them out of the ordinary. You want to raise up the group of people of yours. They still don’t know that they carry the power. They don’t know that they can use the power they carry. We are still entangled by many things outside. We are still entangled with our own thoughts. Oh Lord, please break those chains, so that they have complete freedom in you, have the complete freedom. Hallelujah, thank you, Lord! Thank you, Jesus!

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