
Cleansing Prayer – Influence of Mammon

We come before God to repent and confess the influence of Mammon in our lives and for our entire group.

For the law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple; the precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart; the commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes; the fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever; the ordinances of the Lord are true and altogether righteous. They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord.

Therefore, I now, in the name of Jesus Christ, repent for the pride in our hearts, the desire for power or certain status, and the actions that were not in accordance with God’s will.

We repent for the worship of gold, as the Chinese saying goes,
"In times of peace, buy antiques; in times of chaos, buy gold," as well as the vanity placed on gold in matters of marriage, and for seeing the possession of gold as a guarantee.

Repent for the false perceptions regarding gold and its derived products, including other precious metals, as well as the misguided beliefs surrounding the purchase of insurance. What we truly need is God’s Word and truth!

We repent for having worshiped the alchemy of gold, the alchemy of finance, the alchemy of currency, and various forms of magic.
We acknowledge that alchemy has expanded into various systems including chemistry, physics, technology, science, literature, art, architecture, craftsmanship, and business.
We repent for once viewing these fields of knowledge and science as higher than God.
We repent for, in our efforts to become elite in the world through skill, knowledge, talent, ability, and technology, unknowingly we exalt these things above God. We come before God to repent.

We repent for having previously purchased chemical products associated with alchemy, which have caused harm to our bodies, both visible and invisible.
We ask God to sever the effects of these products on our souls and bodies, and to restore the beauty and perfection that He originally intended.
This includes items or services sold through pyramid schemes, perfumes, cosmetics, skincare products, therapeutic products, medicines, and other items that the Holy Spirit recalls.
We acknowledge how we have been deceived by the world’s standards of beauty, feeling dissatisfied with ourselves, and following trends to purchase skincare and health products that go beyond or violate the natural laws of the human body.
We repent for thinking they were good, only to find they were harmful, spending money and damaging our bodies in the process.

We repent for having believed in the power of science and logic to make us think more clearly, to be smarter, and to find solutions. We have seen these things as ways to be more capable, knowledgeable, discerning, and logical, and have exalted them over others. In reality, these motivations were not based on God, but on the influence of Mammon.
We repent before God for these attitudes and actions, which are not in line with His will, and for offending Him in this way. It may not have been intentional, but we often act with this mindset and attitude, or even support such things without realizing it. We come before God to repent for these behaviors.

By not relying on God, we rely on our own intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, talents, abilities, logic, religion, literature, art, chemistry, skills, and more.
We repent for having accepted the world's values, being enticed by the desire to obtain scarce resources, seeking to increase our wealth. Ultimately, behind this was the spirit of greed.
We repent for this before God.
We also repent for having accepted the world's standards, filled with dissatisfaction, being deceived, following trends, and having desires for things that go against God's will and natural laws. We thought they were good, but in the end, they harm us.
We come before God to repent for the belief we have held from childhood that "science can change the world." We have been transformed by this mindset, which, in reality, has its roots in the gods of Egypt, such as Thoth, Hermes, Mercury, Guan Gong, and the god of Mammon.

We repent for the various lusts of the eyes, for constantly being attracted to new experiences, novelties, and the things that captivate our attention and attract our gaze. These things stir up the desires of the flesh, leading us to focus on the material world. We have been tightly bound by these distractions, like a spider or octopus capturing its prey.
We come before God to repent for this mindset and the situation we find ourselves in. We also repent for seeking to accumulate wealth quickly through financial means or methods that are not in line with God’s will. We have sought to multiply our wealth rapidly, whether in attitude or action. Lord, we come before You to repent.

We repent for the various wrong mindsets we have held. This includes
- our extreme anxiety about money: when we are wealthy, we fear losing it; when we are poor, we worry about not having enough.
We have mismanaged our finances and come before God to repent for this. We have not governed our finances in a way that aligns with God’s will but have continued in a state of financial deficit, relying on ourselves rather than on God. We repent for this attitude and behavior.
We also repent for being stingy, which has allowed the spirit of greed and stinginess to invade our home and family. We have accepted its deception and led our family into a distorted pattern of poverty.
We ask for forgiveness for this stinginess.
We also repent for being reluctant in giving to God, for holding back what is rightfully His. We seek God’s forgiveness for all of this.

We repent before God for our greed and covetousness. We confess that we are not satisfied with what we have. We are not content with our current position, status, or possessions.
We repent for this greed, not realizing that all we have comes from God's grace and mercy. The opportunities we have are not because of our goodness or talent, but because God has opened the door for us. We have failed to understand that it is God who governs all opportunities in this world. We come before God to repent for our greed, covetousness, and dissatisfaction.

Lord, we ask You to help us sever the chains and connections of the spirit of Mammon.
We repent for all thoughts and actions that are not in line with Your will, for these have led to financial troubles and the exaggeration of the importance of money. We have overestimated the power of money, and it has affected our lives. Today, we finally understand that we have often found ourselves in situations that offend God.
We come before You to repent and ask for Your help.
We confess our ignorance, our pride, and our desire for power, which have led us to act in ways that are not aligned with Your will.
We repent for trying to manipulate others or using schemes to harm them, and for maliciously slandering others. All of these actions stem from the control of Mammon over this world.

We repent for the idols of so-called justice in our hearts, such as worshiping Guan Gong (or other powers) for his loyalty, righteousness, and justice, thinking that we are upholding justice and eradicating evil forces. In reality, we have been blinded by enemy, and we repent for this. We also repent for the misuse of authority and methods when serving others. Instead of praying for someone's life and preparing them for the Lord, we have used worldly methods (like manipulation or control) under the false pretence of displaying God’s justice. We repent for all such actions.

We repent for pursuing mysticism, seeking things that are unrealistic, and having a mentality that desires quick results, even wanting spiritual gifts to come to us rapidly. We come before God to repent for this mindset. Little did we know that the source behind these desires is Mammon.

This also includes the pursuit of spiritual success with a utilitarian attitude, desiring quick achievements without being willing to pay the price. We repent for this attitude, behavior, and mindset in our lives.
We recognize that utilitarianism and morality are inherently contradictory. Every ability and talent comes from the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but even after receiving those gifts and abilities, we must still pay the price, so that our character aligns with the gifts, abilities, and talents we receive.

If we have areas in our lives that are not in alignment with God's will, we recognize that we have been influenced by the quick success mentality driven by Mammon or the spirit of Hermes. We come before God to repent and confess. We thank and praise the Lord!
We now choose to replace this with grace and take responsibility for confronting our sin before God.
We also repent for possibly adopting a "replacement theology" worldview, which leads us to be at odds with the Jewish people and God’s chosen ones. We repent for this mindset and life situation, for the true source behind this is the power of Mammon.

We repent for being influenced by the spirit of Greece and the power of Dionysus. Through participating in carnivals, wine parties, dinner gatherings, illegal multi-level marketing, pyramid schemes, and so on, we have become entangled in these forces without recognizing that the source of it all is the spirit of Mammon.

We come before God to repent and confess for these actions. We have pursued life but ended up falling into mysticism.
We repent for falling into the traps of sorcery and soul manipulation. We acknowledge that we have been unable to discern the difference between genuine and counterfeit, between God's actions and deceptions, and we come before God to repent for this confusion.

Lord, we ask for Your help. We realize that we are truly nothing without You. What was once clean money has been defiled, and the root cause is the condition of the human heart. When we accumulate wealth, especially in affluent regions such as North America, Europe, and Australia, we suddenly find that we no longer feel the need for God. Because of our comfortable lives, we began to see wealth as a source of power. We allowed clean money to become contaminated, relying not on You but on ourselves. We accepted the deception of Satan and the power of Mammon, and we come before You to repent and confess.

We know that, in this global system, we have been under its control for too long. We failed to recognize its nature and influence. Today, we finally have the opportunity to lift the veil on the spirit of Mammon. We are grateful and praise You, Lord, for elevating us to a place where we can now stand against this global dark force. We thank and praise You for this opportunity!

Lord, we thank You for helping us break through. Once we overcome this, our lives, our living, and our blessings will be transformed. Only when we are connected to the source of life can we receive abundant life.
Your Word says: “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit,” says the Lord (Zechariah 4:6). It is not by wealth or abilities that we accomplish anything, but only through Your Spirit. It is not uncertain wealth that leads us into eternity; it is Your eternal life that leads us into everlasting life.

As Revelation 2:2-5 says: “I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars; 3 and you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name’s sake and have not become weary. 4 Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. 5 Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent. ”

Therefore, in the name of Jesus Christ, we come before You, Lord, asking that we not lose our first love. Do not let us fall into the same situation as the church in Ephesus. Instead, help us understand how to overcome the global powers that seek to control us. Though they are powerful and affect every area of our lives—our families, our relationships, and everything around us—this does not mean we are under their control.

May the business and economic system of God's Kingdom triumph over the Babylonian economy controlled by Mammon.
When these two systems clash, the true change begins in the human heart. Both systems have developed based on the changes of the human heart. God, help us that we may gain Christ, for Christ is our greatest treasure, and for Him, I am willing to let go of everything. Praise the Lord!
We observe how Christianity has been infiltrated by the spirit of Mammon, and we see where this infiltration has occurred, or where it has affected our own lives. We come before God to seek to deal with the root of this issue, so that we can resolve it. Thank You, Lord, for revealing this to us! We pray in the name of Jesus Christ.

Now, in the name of Jesus Christ, we tear down every stronghold, every high thing that exalts itself against God, and all deceptive things.
In the name of Jesus Christ, we declare that we will tear it all down.
We rebuke and resist every stronghold connected to the power of Mammon, whether it is the sun god, Hermes, Mercury, or any of the Greek gods. We tear them down. Because our minds and thoughts must submit to the lordship of Christ, we declare God's anointing to break all curses.
Whether we have been bound by material wealth or trouble in the area of economics, we cut off the claws of Mammon, severing its influence over us. We break all connections and entanglements in every area of our lives—our daily needs, interpersonal relationships, family life, career, ministry, and the nation. We break the ties, bondages, temptations, and enticements that come from Mammon's grip.

In the name of Jesus Christ, we burn away these forces at the level of our soul, body, and spirit.
We declare that we belong entirely to Christ, and that Christ reigns in our lives.
We declare that we are able to apply the principles of business and spiritual economy that we have learned from the Scriptures, so that we can understand God’s Kingdom economic system, which will triumph and overcome the Babylonian economic system. We thank and praise God!

You have been preparing us to combat this spiritual force for a long time. Many people feel overwhelmed by its strength, but we know that Jesus Christ is our supreme commander, and the Lord Jehovah is our commander. We are the army of Jehovah. We are part of His army, and we will not be oppressed by the enemy; rather, we will pursue & overtake the enemy. So, even when the enemy comes swiftly, the Lord Jehovah rises quickly to resist. We are warriors in Jehovah's army, and no matter the environment—whether in the workplace, the business environment, in the "seven mountains" of influence, or in the religious domain—we declare in the name of Jesus Christ: We are Jehovah’s elite army, and we will march into battle. With Christ’s authority, we trample on serpents and scorpions, overcoming all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall harm us.

In the name of Jesus Christ, we declare: "Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." By the authority & leading granted to us by God, we can uproot the regional, global, and national dark forces. In the name of Jesus Christ, we send forth angels to gather and bring all these forces before Christ.

We call on God to help us find the root causes of this entity, so we can confront it one by one.
Help us to receive healing in this area, so that this great blessing will come upon our entire family and all who serve with us.
God has sent His ministering angels and warring angels, who have already camped in my home and in my family.
Therefore, by the power of God, I will fully overcome.
With the authority granted by God, one can chase a thousand, and two can chase ten thousand.

In the name of Jesus Christ, we declare that these forces—poisonous fangs, claws, hooks, temptations, and enticements—will not harm us or influence us. In Jesus' name, Your grace covers our weakness, and You have lifted us into the elite ranks of the army, granting us authority. We can now, in the name of Jesus Christ, release ourselves into the freedom that was once bound by Mammon.

So now, in the name of Jesus Christ, we declare that we have received this freedom. Help us to truly face these forces in every area of our lives, in our homes, in our workplace, in our churches and expose all the traps, bondages, and curses that have been set up against us.
We break these curses and command them to leave our lives.
We drive you out to the place where Jesus Christ commands you to go, and we will not allow you to attack us anymore.
Thank you, God, for hearing our prayer, in the victorious name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

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