Influence of the Spirit of Dionysus (the God of Wine):
1.Recollection and nostalgia for matriarchal society - manifested in incestuous relationships between mother and son:
Ham saw his father’s nakedness. (Gen 9:22)
Noah became drunk in his vineyard, failed to remain vigilant, and allowed immorality to occur within his household.
The consequences of drunkenness can cause the righteous to suffer great loss, damage marital relationships, bring shame upon one’s name, and result in curses upon children. The spirit behind this destruction is the Spirit of Dionysus (the God of Wine).
Repentance Section:Immorality
a.Manifestations of the Influence of the Spirit of Dionysus on Family Relationships (I):
Incest – Physical:
Actual immoral and incestuous relationships within the family.
Incest – Spiritual:
This can involve a deep emotional attachment to the mother (maternal obsession) combined with hostility towards the father (paternal resentment).
In a boy’s early years, his initial sexual attraction is often connected to his mother. This can result in unhealthy fear, lifelong guilt, and a dread of male authority, especially the stern correction and discipline that comes from the father. Such discipline may lead to resentment and a desire to usurp and replace the father’s role.
This maternal attachment often stems from inappropriate emotional dependence placed on the boy by his mother. The mother treats her son as an emotional support figure, effectively replacing the husband’s role. The mother’s behavior manifests as excessive control over the child—manifesting the Jezebel spirit!
Just as a father’s incestuous relationship with a daughter brings a curse on future generations, so did Lot’s act of lying with his daughters, which resulted in the cursed Moabites and Ammonites (Genesis 19:30-38).
Such relationships also extend to improper dynamics with authority figures.
b. Break generational curses stemming from incestuous relationships in our family line in the name of Jesus Christ.
Lord, wherever there is unhealthy soul-ties between son and mother, father & daughter, set us free. We ask You to cut all unhealthy soul ties in our family settings In Jesus’ Name.
c. Ask God to purify the next generation.
Prayer not let this influence pass on to the next generation. If our children have such unhealthy (Oedipus complexes – feelings for opposite sex parent & hostile feelings for same sex parent), we pray You will help break this.
Lord, cut off from us and
d. Ask the Lord’s blood to cleanse all the incestuous scenes and sounds seen in film and television media! For example: palace dramas, the emperor and the imperial concubine’s promiscuous relationship, etc., all to be cut off!
Lord, cleanse all incestuous scenes & sounds we have watched from films & television media. Cleanse our conscience & our eye gate & thought life IJN.
e. Ask God to enlighten us about the desires in our minds that are not in line with God’s will.
If we see the woman lusting after a man, we have committed adultery with her.
In every relationship from childhood to adulthood, thoughts and ideas that are not in line with God’s will, and any abnormal love complexes in blood relationships, etc. we ask the Lord to break these ungodly soul ties, connections, body ties IJN
f. Ask God to work the righteousness of Shem and Japheth in us.
In addition to breaking wrong relationships, we also ask God to give us a heart that honors our parents, elders, and authorities.
Lord give us a culture of honor so that we aspire to honor all who have blessed us.
Lord, give us such a righteous heart, so that even when others are in debt, we have such a heart to reconcile, make peace with each other, and correct the wrong things in time.
Lord, give us a forgiving & caring heart that values relationships.
The Wine God's influence on other interpersonal relationships (II):
g. There is a sense of rejection towards both the same and opposite sex. It has a permanent effect on the formation of personality and interpersonal relationships.
An unhealthy relationship with the mother will lead to one escaping from the environment and responsibilities of the family and society, resulting in a loss of direction and hope in life and career, a bleak future, and thoughts of suicide! The spirit of death!
➢ concerned about oneself, tend to escape from reality, resonating with people having the same tendencies. This inner hatred is further enhanced and strengthened through a group with similar symptoms, bringing greater destructive power! The spirit of hatred is at work! We need to war against it!
Lord, deliver me from any spirit of death, hopelessness arising from dysfunctional family relationships & friends with similar complexes.
2.Various Carnivals:
In the rituals of the spirit of Dionysus, people's revelry imitates a state of drunkenness. In this wild, free, and unrestrained condition, they release their primal nature.
Carnivals, also known as "Carnival" in English, are events lasting several weeks to several months. People dress up, parade, and celebrate, often creating a street-party atmosphere.
Repentance Section: The Priesthood of the Spirit of Dionysus
Wine intoxicates the heart and leads to indulgence. The influence of the spirit of Dionysus, goes beyond just physical lust exhibited in drunkenness, can also manifest as being intoxicated by certain ideals or pursuits. It can also appear as obsession and admiration for a celebrity or luxury brand, which often holds a stronger allure for women.
When the "drunken" state occurs, people tend to ignore the pain in their lives and surroundings, fully releasing themselves. It creates a feeling of resisting fate, and in a state of merging with the world, individuals transcend their personal lives, displaying extraordinary power. This kind of wild behavior often quickly evolves into a collective action.
The various carnival festivals, along with the mask-wearing dramas and exaggerated facial paintings in theatrical cultures, lead people’s hearts away from God. These festivities encourage people to follow their fleshly desires, the lust of the eyes, and the customs of this world, all of which diminish the heart's love for the Father.
Lord, we put to death our fleshly desires, the lust of the eyes, the customs & culture of the world which distract us from wholeheartedly following You.
➢ Various contemporary drama programs and performances evolved from the worship of the god of wine!
Ancient Greek musicals, operas, traditional Chinese operas (Peking Opera, Yue Opera, Han Opera, Jin Opera, Yu Opera, Cantonese Opera, Huangmei Opera, Qin Opera, Sichuan Opera, Pingju Opera), as well as various ethnic minority ritual dances and worship ceremonies!
Lord come to cleanse and sever from us all connections with the food, drinks, and wine involved in the rituals of worshiping the god of wine, including blood and raw meat from animals, whether knowingly or unknowingly consumed.
➢ Forgive us Lord for participating in various carnivals, festivals, Mardi Gras, Pu'er Festival, shopping frenzies, concerts, (online) pyramid schemes, parades, and protests, and we ask for the breaking of these connections through the precious blood of Jesus.
➢ Forgive us for participating in drinking parties, where people become emotional, reminiscing about past encounters, sometimes from decades ago, reliving and embellishing old memories, elevating emotions to an extreme level.
Lust – Fleshly and Eye Desires:
Female Manifestation:
An obsession with certain products, lifestyles, or the pursuit of a high-quality life, showcasing physical beauty, loving oneself more than loving God.
God values our hearts, a pure and good heart, without blemish. Our beauty is found in God, in how He feels about us, not in how the world views us.
Lord forgive us for following after the worldly brands & pursuits instead of following after Your heart.
We put to death the lust of the eyes & of the flesh. Help us Lord.
Male Manifestation:
Excessively advocating certain political ideologies, being obsessed with end-times information, strong logical reasoning and analysis, being skilled in debate and thought processes.
Irrational Consumption: Spending money recklessly, excessive extravagance, purchasing items not out of necessity but out of impulse.
We should be content with simple living - having clothes and food & shelter,
not only for ourselves, but also our families.
We repent for influencing our family members & friends to have such mindsets. Forgive us Lord.
Tragedy originated from the worship of Dionysus.
One of the main functions of tragedy is to evoke pity and fear in the audience through dramatic form and plot, thereby allowing emotional release.
The philosophical tradition in Western civilization has indeed been heavily influenced by ancient Greek tragedy!
Dionysus infused the spirit of death and rebirth into drama, portraying the source of tragic art and joy as the ecstatic experience of the drunken god. People feel a sense of release through the pain of tragedy, submerging individual grief & sorrow in the chorus of tragedy, and achieving the dissolution of ultimate fate, emerging with a rebirth like Dionysus.
The way to escape pain:
Repent for using improper methods of emotional release.
Via Drunkenness: Through tragedy and alcohol, we numb ourselves, forget pain, & seek to escape from problems.
Other methods arising from the flesh and personal desires, such as:
compulsive shopping, binge eating, watching endless TV shows, venting or dumping our feelings onto others, etc. All these ways encourage a mindset of avoiding responsibility.
Addiction to cigarettes, alcohol, food, and drinks.
We need to ask the Lord to help us break these fleshly impulses!
Lord, we open our hearts solely to You, not through complex philosophical theories or dramatic performances to release our emotions and find answers to our problems. We do not expect anyone else to bear our pain for us or to provide healing and help. Only Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life; He is the answer to all our life’s problems.
Lord, we ask You to replace all of our wrong beliefs and thoughts, past, present, and future.
We ask You to fully substitute them with Your love and the truth of Your Word. Help us to have a pure heart and a righteous spirit before You.
We repent for hypocrisy, falsehood, and disguise, for not being able to live authentically before the Lord and others.
We also repent for actions that are not driven by genuine love, but rather by social expectations, improper motives, or well-meaning lies.
We ask for these connections to be broken, as all falseness and deception are not from You.
We repent for making many promises to You and others, but failing to fulfill them. Though we may have the willingness to act, we often become weak in doing so.
God, guard our hearts, so that our words are appropriate and sincere, without any pretence or falsehood. Help us to speak the truth in love, and grant us wisdom and honesty in our relationships, that our words may be full of integrity & life.
Matthew 15:8-9 NKJV
8 These people draw near to Me with their mouth, But their heart is far from Me.
9 And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ ”
Matthew 15:12-13 NKJV
12 Then His disciples came and said to Him, “Do You know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying?”
13 But He answered and said, “Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted.
The Motivation for Doing Good:
We do good not to be seen by others, but to be seen by God. Our good deeds are done voluntarily, as a response to God's love. This is how it should be, for we are created in God's image. We are born to walk in righteousness and live righteously.
Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
Falsehoods and lies in advertising and marketing strategies:
The chaos brought by irrational consumption, including price fraud, false advertising, counterfeit goods, and unfair competition, is illegal and unethical.
Eg China's Online Shopping Frenzy – The Chaos Brought by Irrational Consumption
The influence of the societal effect:
Maintaining a sense of self-esteem, wanting to appear more successful in the eyes of others, is often stronger than the desire to enjoy the pleasures of wealth. The shame of being outdone by those around us is more intense.
In the workplace, the appearance of success often masks the shame of not gaining tangible benefits.
The pain of loss often outweighs the joy of gain. We have made sacrifices, knowing they were wrong, yet continued down that path, unwilling to let go of what we had invested, thus wasting even more energy, time, and resources.
We repent for the waste caused by this mindset.
Maintaining a sense of self-esteem, wanting to appear more successful in the eyes of others, is often stronger than the desire to enjoy the simple pleasure of wealth.
We repent for feeling the shame of being outdone by others.
On behalf of business people, in the workplace, we repent of wearing a mask covering the shame of unproductive efforts & failed strategies!
Many times, our efforts are driven by the desire to be better than others, to avoid looking inadequate. We repent of this mindset, for it hides our inner shame. Striving to show how successful we are is, in reality, a form of pretence, and a refusal to admit failure.
God help us to no longer live for others or for ourselves, but to live for You. Let us not be concerned with worldly victories or defeats, but seek to please You – to do Your will and purpose.
Lord, internalise the right values—justice, moral standards, the righteous ways of living, obeying Your commandments, statutes, and laws—upon our hearts, so that we no longer measure ourselves by the world’s values and moral standards.
5.The nature of the Wine God: cruel, jealous, no mercy, bohemian!
Throughout history, genocides and mass killings have been associated with the spirit of Dionysus!
The Jezebelic spirit entices people to worship the sun god Baal (Satan), pretending to be light and truth. Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). However, false worship ultimately brings out evil natures, manifesting in the madness and subtleties of the god of wine!
Those who believe they are upholding justice and seeking truth often end up persecuting the truely righteous and rebelling against God’s ways.
Their actions lead to them digging their own graves, with the gates of hell opening wide, swallowing all who are ensnared by them.
The cooperation between worshiping the sun god Baal and the moon goddess Astarte is perfectly coordinated, likened to a seamless union.
Eg Hitler’s emotional speeches had the effect of igniting & directing hatred towards the Jews.
Jezebel, through the hands of the city's nobles and elders, incited the entire city to persecute the righteous Naboth. (I Ki 21)
The Pharisees’ accusations and murderous intent toward Jesus escalated from hidden to frantic motivations, swearing they would not rest until Jesus was killed!
We repent for the times we have instigated factions, enjoyed criticizing and judging others, criticising others’ faults without showing mercy or forgiveness, harboring hatred in our hearts.
We repent for
- the slander, jealousy, hatred, and rivalry between groups, which cause division and strife between people,
- ideologies and movements that foster division, hatred, and jealousy.
We repent for pride & self-righteousness in our hearts, looking down on others, and thinking ourselves to be the bearers of justice, using God’s Word to criticize and judge others.
Lord forgive us, for this attitude complements the spirit of religion.
We repent for not being able to love or forgive those who have persecuted us, for not blessing them, and for not letting go of their offence towards us.
We thank You for all the people, circumstances, relationships, and environments that have been a source of challenge to us.
The Lord is our beautiful example, and the love shone on the cross becomes ours standard.
Let Your light shine in our hearts and set an example before us.
Remove all our negative thoughts, criticisms, and judgments toward others. We bring all the people who have persecuted us to the cross, asking for forgiveness and mercy. Your blood has already cleansed them. Abolish all enmities between us and others on the cross.
Lord we ask You to grant us a heart of compassion, a gentle spirit, and the ability to meet all those who have persecuted us with humility, goodness, and a heart of tolerance.
Help us face them with the correct attitude, removing all past hurts and pulling out the arrows in our hearts.
Lord, release us from bitter root judgments & expectations for we repent before You for the harm caused by our critical, judgmental, and hateful attitude.
Thank You Lord for setting me free.
Whoever the Son sets free will be free indeed.
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