
Life Cleansing by Rebuking Babylon

This article addresses many dark forces within the religious and political system of Babylon. If you or your family have been involved in the areas mentioned below, please repent. If not, you may disregard and continue.

The Babylon here can be understood as the world, referring to the Babylonian system of the world.

Father God, I ask for Your forgiveness for the rebellious spirit of Nimrod within me and my ancestors. This is the spirit that is determined to oppose You and rebel against You.
On behalf of myself and my ancestors, I repent for the oppression and autocratic rule of Nimrod and the evil empire he established, and I renounce these sins. I repent for Nimrod’s hunting of others’ souls and his lust for power in building his empire.
I repent for trading the souls of others in Babylon.
Forgive the rebellious spirits within me and my family, as the city of Babel or Babylon is built upon this spirit.

Father God, I ask for Your forgiveness for the belief and attitude of my ancestors in building the tower-temple, the Tower of Babel, which also served as the driving force for the construction of other structures and buildings that are not in line with Your will.
We repent for pride and arrogance, which drive people to believe they can build a gateway to God.
We repent for worshiping the stars and using astrology at the Tower of Babel. We repent for living in fear, fearing that we would be scattered abroad, living in isolated communities, facing dangers and the unknown, and being disrespected and living without status.

We repent for the fear behind the desire to "make a name for ourselves" by building the tower-temple. We repent for the misuse of religious power to share in God's glory, proclaim our own name, and attempt to control our lives and our future.
We repent for agreeing with the spirit of Babylon, which uses religious power to gain earthly power and fame.
We repent for our rebellion, pride, and stubbornness, which drive us to proclaim our own name, believing arrogantly that we do not need to rely on God and that we can achieve all our desires by relying on ourselves.
Lord, help us not to shy away from the risks of pioneering new fields, but to willingly accept them. Help us to be fruitful, multiplying and filling the earth, bringing Your rule to the places where Your kingdom has yet to be established, and to work with You in fulfilling the inherent rights and calling You have placed in our lives.

Lord, we repent for aligning ourselves with Babylon, the city of man. Please help us become the people of God's city, the New Jerusalem, and align ourselves with this city.
Lord, help us, by faith we enter the inheritance You have prepared for us, seeking that city with foundations, the city that You have designed and built.

Lord, we repent for the state religion established by Nimrod. Through this religion, he deified himself and, as the ruler of a nation, worshiped himself.

We repent for worshiping Satan, the devil, and the stars.

We repent for worshiping Nimrod, who is connected to Jupiter. We have honored Nimrod as the Greek Zeus, the Roman Jupiter, the "Bull of the Sun" (Milorada), the god of magic and sorcery, and the god of farmers.

We repent for worshiping Nimrod, who is associated with Mars, known as Bel or "Lord." He is also the guardian god of Babylon, the Bull of Utu, the Sun god of Sumer.

We repent for worshiping Nimrod as the "Bull of Heaven" and for honoring the new moon as a symbol of the bull's horn.
We repent for venerating the Egyptian bull as a sacred bull, an embodiment of Ptah and later Osiris.
We also repent for worshiping the Greek bull, the Minotaur, who is the Bull of Crete.
We repent for worshiping Nimrod as the following idols: Ninus (Babylon), Kronos (Greek), The Bull-Horned One or Saturn (Roman), Zeus (Greek), Osiris (Egyptian), Zoroaster (Chaldean), Hercules or Atlas (Greek).

We repent for worshiping Nimrod’s wife, the Queen of Babylon, Semiramis, as the following idols: Ammas, The Mother of Gods, The Earth Goddess Ge (or Gaia), Madonna or the Virgin Mary (Italy), Juno (Roman), Cybele, or Rhea, Athena, Minerva, or Hera (Greek), The Holy Mother or Mazu (China), Astarte or Ashtoreth (Phoenician), Aphrodite (Greek), Venus or the planet Venus (Roman), Vesta or Terra (Roman).

We repent for worshiping the unholy trinity in Babylonian secret religious rituals- which consists of Nimrod, his spouse Semiramis, and their son Tammuz, who is declared to be the incarnation of Nimrod.
We repent for all forms of paganism and idol worship originating from the legends of Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz.

We also repent for worshiping Semiramis and Tammuz, who are connected with the following deities: Astarte and Tammuz (Phoenician), Isis and Horus (Egyptian), Aphrodite and Eros (Greek), Venus and Cupid (Roman), Cybele and the Virgin (Asia), Parvati and Iswara (Indian).

We repent for the establishment of the Babylonian secret religious ritual system. When Nimrod was killed, this false worship began to form an underground religion.
We repent for intentionally honoring the deceased Nimrod.
We repent for this religion offering sacrifices to the dead during worship.
We repent for the rituals of mourning his early death during the summer solstice.
We repent for using secrets, oaths, initiation rituals, and magical seals to continue secretly worshiping idols.
We repent for spreading this secret religion across the world.

We repent for Freemasonry, which spread the mysteries of the Egyptian goddess Isis (the mother of the goddess and wife of Osiris).
We repent for adhering to other secret and false religions, such as: Satanism, worship of Lucifer, the Illuminati, Gnosticism, the Knights Templar, the Rosicrucians, Theosophy, the New World Order, the New Age, and the Lucis Trust.

Lord, we ask You to sever all ties between us and these cults.
Lord, I and on behalf of my ancestors repent for worshiping Tammuz, the son of Semiramis after her death, who is claimed to be the reincarnation of Nimrod. We repent for believing in the false legend of Tammuz, who is said to be the promised "seed of the woman" capable of saving humanity.

We repent for linking the worship of Tammuz to the winter solstice (the shortest day of the year), and for believing in the legend of the death and rebirth of the sun during the winter solstice.
We repent for continuing this pagan tradition while celebrating Christmas: burning the Yule log on the winter solstice and replacing it the following morning with a trimmed tree to symbolize his resurrection.
We repent for worshiping Tammuz as the following idols: The Sun God, The Assyrian God of Fertility, Horus (Egyptian), Dionysus (Bacchus, Roman),Adonis (Greek),The son of Baal (Baal-berith) or the Lord of the Covenant, Vishnu (Indian)

Lord, we repent for worshiping all the heavenly bodies, including the sun, moon, and planets, and for associating false gods with these celestial bodies.
We repent for the development of astrology, which focuses on studying the zodiac, originating from Babylon.
We repent for attempting to find and control our inherent rights and calling by determining the part of the sky under which we were born.
We repent for linking astrology with the worship of evil spirits or Satanism, through which Satan and his followers disguise themselves as signs or planets to receive worship from humanity.

Forgive us for worshiping the moon god of the Chaldeans, who was the god of the nomadic peoples.
Forgive us for using the new moon as a symbol of the moon god and for setting up a lunar calendar based on this evil worship.
Forgive us for worshiping the black meteorite as the Ka'aba, calling the moon god the Lord of the Ka'aba, and worshiping the Ka'aba and the other 360 idols. Forgive us for worshiping the moon god as the Syrian Sin and the Arabian Al-llah.

Lord, we repent for establishing Islam, a religion centered around the worship of the moon god, Allah. We repent for building cities like Jericho or Beth-Yerah (House of the Moon God) centered around the worship of the moon god. We repent for establishing moon god worship strongholds in Ur and Haran, and for building temples to this false god throughout Babylon and Assyria.

Lord, we ask You to sever all connections between us and the rulers of Babylon, including all ties with those who worship the stars and the moon.
Lord, we ask You to remove from us all curses of mental confusion that have come upon us due to the worship of the moon.
We repent for participating in all rituals and practices related to the different phases of the moon, including ceremonies conducted during the new moon, full moon, and any changes in the moon's shape.

We repent for worshiping the sun and the sun gods, including: Helios or Titan and Apollo (Greek), Shamash or Tammuz (Sumerian/Babylonian), Sol (Germanic), Surya and Adityas (Vedic philosophy, Hindu), Inti (Inca), Huitzilopochtli (Aztec), Ra (Egyptian), Amaterasu (Japanese), Dazhbog (Slavic).
We repent for using serpents, vipers, or dragons as symbols related to Nimrod or Marduk.
We repent for all forms of serpent worship, using serpents in rituals, and worshiping gods associated with serpents.

We repent for using the staff of the messenger or the caduceus of Asclepius, a staff surrounded by two snakes with wings, which is a symbol of ancient astrology and the transactions associated with the Greek god Hermes. It also represents the use of planets and stars in astrology to heal the sick, as per the principles of astrology.

We repent for all forms of worship of Asclepius, Chiron, Hermes, and any practices that link these false gods to medicine. We repent for using magic and Hermetic arts in the practice of medicine.

We repent for worshiping other false gods associated with serpents, such as: Poseidon (Greek), Hydra (Greek), Triton (Greek), Gorgons (Greek) and Medusa (Greek), Shiva (Hindu), Naga (Hindu/Buddhist), Auslavis (Lithuanian serpent god), Rainbow Serpent (Aboriginal Australian), Minos' Snake Goddess (Greek), Zombies (West African and Haitian), Degei (Fijian serpent god).

Lord, we ask You to sever all connections between us and these serpent gods.
We ask You to sever our connection with Rahab, the great fish.
We ask You to sever our connection with the ancient serpent, the dragon.
We repent for worshiping An, the god of heaven in the E'anna Temple in Uruk, associated with the worship of the heavens.
We repent for worshiping Enlil, the air and storm god connected with Venus, who was worshiped in the E'kur Temple in Nippur.
We repent for worshiping Enki, the water and fertile land god associated with Mercury, worshiped in the Underworld Temple.
We repent for worshiping Eidu (or Ea), the god of magic, wisdom, and intelligence.
We repent for worshiping Ki (or Nirhursag), the earth goddess, who represented the mother of the earth in the E'saggila Temple in Kish.
We repent for worshiping Ashur, the god of the sky, who was the chief deity in the ancient city of Assyria.
We repent for worshiping Ninlil (or Nillina), the goddess of air and the south wind, who was the wife of Enlil, the god of the air, in the E'kur Temple in Nippur.
We repent for worshiping Nergal, the death god associated with Mars, who was the son of Enlil and Ninlil.
We repent for worshiping Inanna, the goddess of love and war associated with Venus, who was worshiped in the E'anna Temple in Uruk.
We repent for worshiping Marduk, the son of Ea, the god of light, who was the chief deity in the E'saggila Temple in Babylon.
We repent for worshiping Nanna (or Suen or Sin), the moon god, who was worshiped in the E'hursag Temple in Ur and Haran.
We repent for worshiping Utu Tutu (or Shamash), the sun god, who was worshiped in the E'barbara Temple in Babylon.
We repent for worshiping Ninuta, the god worshiped in the E'Girsu Temple in Lagash.

Lord, we ask You to sever all connections between us and these evil spirits.
Father, I, and on behalf of my ancestors, repent before You. We have been tempted by the things of Babylon or the world's systems, and have been enticed by worldly matters, which led us to violate Your commands and oppose Your ways.
I, and on behalf of my ancestors, repent before You for belonging to the system of Babylon, agreeing with the spirit of Babylon's temptations, and using that spirit to lead Your people away from You.

We repent before You, Lord, for attempting to boast about the power, wealth, influence, gifts, talents, and treasures You have given us to gain a legitimate position in this world. We have used them for worldly matters instead of dedicating them to You and using them for Your work.

We repent for seeking praise and favor from the world rather than from our relationship with You to find our legitimate position.

Lord, we repent for when You attempted to test our hearts, our hearts were filled with many desires. We ask You to align our hearts with Yours.
We, on behalf of our ancestors, repent before You, Lord, for allowing curses to come upon our family, causing the blessings and treasures of our family and ancestors to be stolen and sold to the system of Babylon.
Lord, we ask You to restore these family treasures to us.

Lord, we pray for ourselves and for many others to be freed from the system of Babylon. We, along with those we represent from our family lineage, humble ourselves before You, seeking Your face.
We repent for our evil ways, our sins, our iniquities, our pride, arrogance, and self-exaltation.
Forgive us for not listening to or obeying the words of Your servants—true prophets—and for not turning away from our wicked ways and living in the land and inheritance You have prepared for us.

Forgive us for pursuing, serving, and worshiping other gods, and for causing Your anger to be kindled against the works of our hands.

Lord, we ask You to focus Your eyes on us for the long term, leading us into our land and inheritance. We ask You to give us a heart to know You, that we may understand that You are the Lord, and that we are Your people. We turn to You with all our hearts.

Lord, we ask You to remove the destruction, desolation, contempt, and shame that have come upon us.
Restore to us the sounds of joy, singing, laughter, the voices of weddings, and the work of craftsmen.
We ask You to bring light to our activities and endeavors.
Remove the barrenness from our land, and take away the sword and the cup of Your great wrath.
Lord, we ask You to release us from oppression, for we place our complete trust in You alone.

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