
3.3.2 Spiritual Authority 2

3.3.2 屬靈權柄 2

Shared by: Ming

In our last session, we explored the relationship between order and authority. We addressed key questions: What is the most important lesson to learn before receiving authority? What is spiritual authority? And what distinguishes power from authority? We established that God grants spiritual authority out of His love for us—it’s not something we earn through effort. He bestows it freely, yet He retains the right to withdraw it at His will. We also examined the source of Satan’s authority and its connection to order.

This season, perhaps because I’ve been teaching on spiritual authority, I’ve experienced significant growth in this area. The Holy Spirit has led me into numerous situations that have deepened my understanding. In the Old Testament, the word "authority" appears infrequently—fewer than fifteen times: three times in the Pentateuch, twice in Isaiah and Jeremiah, and sparingly elsewhere. By contrast, the New Testament mentions it far more often. In the four Gospels and Acts alone, it appears forty-six times, and in the epistles and Revelation, it exceeds twenty occurrences.

Corruption and the Loss of Authority

When people fall into corruption, they surrender their spiritual authority. For example, in a family marked by sexual immorality, sin creates an opening for the enemy. This breach can strip the family of the authority God originally granted, allowing the enemy to impose curses on them and their descendants.

In my years of ministry, serving individuals and teams, I’ve seen how corruption affects not just the individual or family but entire groups—especially in certain communities. I once served on a worship team where the Holy Spirit revealed sexual immorality among the members. At the time, I was unfamiliar with the team, so I sought God in prayer. Eventually, He permitted me to confront the worship team leader. To my astonishment, he confessed, “Everything you’ve discerned is true. We’ve known for some time that one member has a mistress and has been with her for years. I even know his wife.” Shocked, I asked, “Why didn’t you address it? How could you let this persist in the worship team?”

The leader explained they were short-staffed and couldn’t afford to lose this key member, despite knowing about his sin. Over time, the spirit of immorality took root and spread. Another team member soon fell into the same sin. Within a few years, the entire team was overshadowed by this dark influence, and eventually, even the leader succumbed to an affair. This illustrates how corruption in one life can lead to the surrender of authority, affecting everyone connected.


3.3.1 Spiritual Authority 1 Motivation and Authority to Serve

3.3.1 屬靈權柄1服侍動機和權柄

Shared by: Ming

Many of the prophetic words spoken to me had been fulfilled, so when I receive a new revelation or words from God, I am voluntarily willing to obey the words and receive training to prepare myself for walking into the new callings.

To serve God, I do many services to take care of people, spend long hours for ministry works, and prayers, I even cut my sleep time and work extra hours to do what God has entrusted to me. When many people came to me for help, I saw them getting healed, their lives changed, their family's relationships experiencing breakthroughs, and their faith increased, and all of these good results happened a few years ago. However, despite those “achievements”, I found that there were some obstacles in my own relationship with God, and I was often unable to move forward in my life.

At that time, I tried very hard but could not see the favor come upon myself. I thought that God cared more about those who were being served, and  God raised up apostles and prophets because of the needs of His people, not for the sake of the one who provides ministries.

I was under the false impression that my identity was centered on the gifts God had given me, and pride came to me without knowing. After I was born again, I could naturally prophesy to others, see the other person's life situations in the spiritual realm, see visions and have dreams, and supernaturally know other people’s secrets when God allows me.

God originally used people like us to bless the needy, but I have an unconscious thought in my heart that I have never said before, but it will come out unconsciously and take root very deeply without me realizing it: All of my church members are very blessed because I am among you.

Sometimes I don't even realize the pride and arrogance in my own life.


2.3.6 God's Discipline

2.3.6 神的管教

Shared by: Ming

Discipline may sound like a scary topic, but it is truly beneficial to us.

(Hebrews 12:5-13)  
5 And have you completely forgotten this word of encouragement that addresses you as a father addresses his son? It says, “My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you,
6 because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.” 
7 Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? 
8 If you are not disciplined—and everyone undergoes discipline—then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all. 
9 Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live! 
10 They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. 
11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
12 Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. 
13 “Make level paths for your feet,” so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.

We are disciplined because we are not illegitimate children.

When we were first saved, it seemed God answered every one of our prayers. It felt like our honeymoon period with Him. But over time, things began to change. It was as if we had entered the wilderness. Our relationship with the church started to deteriorate, and it seemed God had allowed circumstances to rise against us. As the years passed, some people experienced drastic changes in their lives. They fought their battles and entered their promised Canaan land, enjoying abundant and glorious lives. Meanwhile, others continued to wander in circles, still stuck in the wilderness.


2.2.7 The Motherly Heart of God

2.2.7 神的母親心腸

Speaker: Ming

The motherly heart of our God is one aspect of his divine nature.

We have the identity of Children of God and can live out that identity with authorities in our daily lives. For example, when planting flowers, we can command the weather to send rain to water the flowers and call a storm to come when we need it. This freedom lies in knowing the truth of our identity which is the Sons of God. Now we have a new lesson on the motherly heart of our Heavenly Father. What kind of freedom can this truth bring about?

A question that children are most likely to ask is, is an angel a man or a woman? Another question: does God have gender? John 4:24 states, “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” We know that in many passages of the Bible, male-like characteristics are used to describe God both in the Old and New Testaments. Commonly, masculine forms are used to represent God for example, "Jehovah," "Elohim," and "The Lord." The essence of God is found in Genesis 1:2, where the Spirit "ruach" in Hebrew is feminine in Genesis 1:2, but in Greek and Hebrew, masculinity is not always connected with gender. God is a spirit. This is because he is compared to the physical and spiritual realms. What we see with our eyes is the physical real, God is a spirit that we cannot see. We know that his comparison lies in the fact that there has never been anything in the material world that can be compared to God. There has never been a material thing that can be used to represent God. But gender is a characteristic and attribute of the physical body, whereas spirit is without gender, so fundamentally, God has no gender.

Although most of the verses (over 170) in the Bible without exception use male names when God appears, in Luke 15 and Matthew 23:37, Jesus referred to himself as a hen. In Genesis 1:26-27, do you remember the famous scripture that says, ' Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness....” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.'? There is a question about the image of God, he made both men and women. As I said earlier, God is genderless and any image in the material world cannot represent the image of God in the spiritual world. This fact could mean men and women are not identical to God since He has neither physical male nor female characteristics. People are created in the image of God; but this has no relation to the characteristics of their bodies. Because God is a spirit, and spirits can enter different carriers without physical characteristics, so God can reveal himself to people without limitations.

2.2.6 Heavenly Honor Culture – The Connection and Bondages in the Relationship

2.2.6 天國尊榮文化 – 關係的連接與捆綁

Life Academy Healing Course
Shared by: Ming

Where is the kingdom of God? The kingdom comes into our hearts and lives. The most important thing in the culture of the Kingdom of God is the tree of life, so what the Kingdom of God cares about is life. When Jesus came, he brought everything in the kingdom of God to us, like love, joy and peace, mercy, grace, and all this culture. The world does not understand him, and the culture of the heavenly kingdom is often offensive to our cultural background. Our earthly culture is rooted in the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It is a different value system. It values people’s excellence, talent, ability, academic level, and income. If one day a person fails, others can no longer respect the failed guy, this is the culture on earth. When Jesus brought heavenly culture to earth, it would be easy to offend our culture, just like we would say that there is a cultural conflict between the North American culture and the Asia culture. There are two key points in entering the culture of the kingdom of heaven.

There are two keys to developing a heavenly culture in our midst. The first is: that we need to receive a new revelation. When the culture of the Heavenly Kingdom comes, it means a new season or a new era starts for the people on Earth. However, we must overcome some difficulties, we are usually limited by our cognition (Old traditions). When the new season comes, the old must go, but often when the new comes, the old refuse to go. The Bible talks about Jesus eating with tax collectors and prostitutes. This was unacceptable in Jewish culture at that time, because Rabbis and teachers are very noble, and in Jewish culture, eating with someone means that they have an intimate relationship with the guests. That action represents respect and acceptance of the sinners. In the same way, when the kingdom culture comes, it may offend our current understandings, and it might be hard for us to embrace the change. This is our difficulty. What can we do to change this? To break the limitations of our cognition, we must have revelations from God. We need to know what God is doing in this season, and what God has done before to prepare for this new season so that we can adjust our understanding and align with God.

If we put a little goldfish in a small fish tank, the little fish will stay quite small and won’t grow much. If we put a little goldfish in a larger fish tank, the fish will eat more and have a chance to grow bigger in size. The fish might grow bigger to fit the bigger tank. The size of the goldfish is determined by the living environment and its permitted growing range. As for us today, as big as the environment allows us to grow our spiritual life and understanding, we can grow to the maximum extent. The environment (situations, challenges) God has given us is often big and heavy because God has big plans for us. Sadly, we often look at the small fish tank and think that we can only be so small. In fact, our potential is unlimited because God is unlimited.


The God of Wine - Spirit of Dionysus

Influence of the Spirit of Dionysus (the God of Wine):
1.Recollection and nostalgia for matriarchal society - manifested in incestuous relationships between mother and son:
Ham saw his father’s nakedness. (Gen 9:22)
Noah became drunk in his vineyard, failed to remain vigilant, and allowed immorality to occur within his household.
The consequences of drunkenness can cause the righteous to suffer great loss, damage marital relationships, bring shame upon one’s name, and result in curses upon children. The spirit behind this destruction is the Spirit of Dionysus (the God of Wine).

Repentance Section:Immorality
a.Manifestations of the Influence of the Spirit of Dionysus on Family Relationships (I):
Incest – Physical:
Actual immoral and incestuous relationships within the family.
Incest – Spiritual:
This can involve a deep emotional attachment to the mother (maternal obsession) combined with hostility towards the father (paternal resentment).

In a boy’s early years, his initial sexual attraction is often connected to his mother. This can result in unhealthy fear, lifelong guilt, and a dread of male authority, especially the stern correction and discipline that comes from the father. Such discipline may lead to resentment and a desire to usurp and replace the father’s role.

This maternal attachment often stems from inappropriate emotional dependence placed on the boy by his mother. The mother treats her son as an emotional support figure, effectively replacing the husband’s role. The mother’s behavior manifests as excessive control over the child—manifesting the Jezebel spirit!


Cleansing Prayer – Influence of Mammon

We come before God to repent and confess the influence of Mammon in our lives and for our entire group.

For the law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple; the precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart; the commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes; the fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever; the ordinances of the Lord are true and altogether righteous. They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord.

Therefore, I now, in the name of Jesus Christ, repent for the pride in our hearts, the desire for power or certain status, and the actions that were not in accordance with God’s will.

We repent for the worship of gold, as the Chinese saying goes,
"In times of peace, buy antiques; in times of chaos, buy gold," as well as the vanity placed on gold in matters of marriage, and for seeing the possession of gold as a guarantee.

Repent for the false perceptions regarding gold and its derived products, including other precious metals, as well as the misguided beliefs surrounding the purchase of insurance. What we truly need is God’s Word and truth!

We repent for having worshiped the alchemy of gold, the alchemy of finance, the alchemy of currency, and various forms of magic.
We acknowledge that alchemy has expanded into various systems including chemistry, physics, technology, science, literature, art, architecture, craftsmanship, and business.
We repent for once viewing these fields of knowledge and science as higher than God.
We repent for, in our efforts to become elite in the world through skill, knowledge, talent, ability, and technology, unknowingly we exalt these things above God. We come before God to repent.

Taoism (Enchantment)

Taoism: Will control
Will power in the ancient literatures is considered as a kind of natural power controlled by strong will. Due to this extraordinary will power, it can enable one’s intention & motivations to be fulfilled.
One has to concentrate & focus fully in controlling the will to achieve its purpose. In addition these people will enlist deities to give them limitless power thus capturing their hearts & will power.

Heart shifting in ancient time was known as “soul absorption technique”. It is a technique to control one’s mental and behavior consciously by special means. - luring, deceit, using threats etc. It can cause one to be in a mental state of being absentminded, confused, suspicious, loss of ability to make independent judgement, & just surrender to obey the other party.
This type of compulsion is likened to being ‘bewitched’.
Also known as mental control in ancient times ( or soul absorption technique), it is often integrated into religion, divination, authority and medicine. Thus heart shifting spreads and is passed on with a mystical appeal.
These forms of occults are prevalent in Taoism and Buddhism.

“Soul absorption technique or Heart shifting” is known as magic in the Bible. By means of luring, deceit, threats etc,, it can make one to be in a mental state of absentmindedness, confusion, suspicious, loss of ability to make independent judgement. Hence one comes under the ‘controlling influence’ of witchcraft or occult. Much of this kind of witchcraft infiltrate into churches.

For people who delve deeper, he can manipulate the soul of the other person. Deuteronomy 18: 10-11 There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination and fortune-telling, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, 11 or one who casts a charm or spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or a necromancer [who seeks the dead], thus causes man to leave the one true God, going after false gods.


Maternal Principality - Confession and Repentance Information

A. The characteristics of the witch of maternal principality

The Witch is the second person of Satan’s trinity. She is crowned as the queen of heaven. She is related to the stars, lights and moon in the sky.
Venus is closely related to her.
She is the goddess of sexual love, representing the planet of Venus, goddess of war, a destroyer.

She is the destroyer of marriage.
Her nature is selective pleasure and romantic relationship and not commitment and responsibility. Thus now many people conduct what Ishtar does, delighting in casual sex, cohabit if delighting with each other without making covenant and commitment to each other.

She is the pervert.
On one hand she is the goddess of love, beautiful, and seductive.
On the other hand she is fierce, aggressive, violent, combative and destructive. These attributes are related to the characteristics of a male.
She can appear in the image of naked woman decked with jewelries like that of a sexy goddess.
But at the same time she is a warrior in full armor, ready for war.
This false deity exists in both female and male genders.

Manly women – personified with more masculine characteristics
- aggressive,
- lusts for power,
- taking offensive,
- controlling,
- loves competition,
- full of fighting spirit,
- fierce,
- valiant,
- independent,
- full of violence,
- brave and wild.
Her goal is to change others into her image, including this aspect of gender change!


1. Understand the spirit of Leviathan

Leviathan, the correct translation is sea monster, a behemoth in the sea with multiple heads, body wrapped with amour- like skin, extremely long mouth, up to 1000 dreadful teeth.
Leviathan crocodile spirit belongs to oceanic principality.
It is the highest authority among oceanic principalities, belonging to the prince of the authority of the air, a multiple headed spirit.

Leviathan crocodile spirit is prevalent at coastal cities or any city with large waters because it is a water spirit. However, the activities of this ruler are not limited to regions with ocean, lake, and river. It keeps working to seek to find an open door in the believers’ life and in church.

A. Characteristics of Leviathan crocodile spirit’s influence on man

1. Creates suspicion, distrust and division. Twist and destroy relationship through lies, and miscommunication.
2. Rough and bad attitude.
3. Breaks agreement & covenants: nation with nation, people with people.
4. Ridicule, verbal teasing, despising others.
5. Not vulnerable (hardened heart, having pride, distrust, disobedient to authority).
6. Belongs to the prince of the authority of the air.
7. Difficult to contend with.
8. Deceiving by speaking white lies outwardly, but in reality it is the manifestation of pride.
9. The terrorist in the spiritual arena : instills fear in your life.
10. Impenetrable pride, resist and reject the work of Holy Spirit.
11. Sudden blinding attack, using words that sabotage destiny, create confused vision. (Those who had been hurt by this spirit need to forgive, repent.)
12. Stiff- necked and stubborn
13. Pride cannot defeat pride so humility & repentance are keys.
14. Irritates, creates chaos and twisting words.
15. Spirit with many heads (Heads of Leviathan need to be cut off)
16. Curses on water causes life unable to grow and multiply.


The Greek Spirit


REPENTANCE- Prayer for Sanctification:

Dear Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus who loves me, and Holy Spirit,
Thank You, Trinity God, for keeping my soul, mind, and thoughts holy. May my spirit remain sanctified, submissive, and obedient, and may my body be presented as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to You, my Abba Father.

The blood of Jesus continually wash and cleanse me, reflecting Your glory like a mirror.
Holy Spirit, let Your holy light shine within me, so I may shine like a precious, glowing gemstone, built as a living stone in Your spiritual temple.
Father, Your light spreads across the earth; You spoke and there was light. I now kneel before You, asking for the extension of Your mercy, for You to stretch out Your rod of compassion toward me.

I repent for the contaminations I have incurred under the influence of the Antichrist’s power and the kingdom of darkness, which I have not yet confessed or repented of. I ask that the fiery furnace of the Holy Spirit purify and refine all ungodliness in me. May the precious blood of Lord Jesus cleanse, wash, and saturate me, removing any marks of the beast that I have knowingly or unknowingly accepted, or any idols I have worshipped. May the resurrection power of Christ on the cross fully activate within me. Thank You, Jesus.

Life Cleansing by Rebuking Babylon

This article addresses many dark forces within the religious and political system of Babylon. If you or your family have been involved in the areas mentioned below, please repent. If not, you may disregard and continue.

The Babylon here can be understood as the world, referring to the Babylonian system of the world.

Father God, I ask for Your forgiveness for the rebellious spirit of Nimrod within me and my ancestors. This is the spirit that is determined to oppose You and rebel against You.
On behalf of myself and my ancestors, I repent for the oppression and autocratic rule of Nimrod and the evil empire he established, and I renounce these sins. I repent for Nimrod’s hunting of others’ souls and his lust for power in building his empire.
I repent for trading the souls of others in Babylon.
Forgive the rebellious spirits within me and my family, as the city of Babel or Babylon is built upon this spirit.

Father God, I ask for Your forgiveness for the belief and attitude of my ancestors in building the tower-temple, the Tower of Babel, which also served as the driving force for the construction of other structures and buildings that are not in line with Your will.
We repent for pride and arrogance, which drive people to believe they can build a gateway to God.
We repent for worshiping the stars and using astrology at the Tower of Babel. We repent for living in fear, fearing that we would be scattered abroad, living in isolated communities, facing dangers and the unknown, and being disrespected and living without status.


2.2.5 God Loved Us First – Love and Relationship (2)

2.2.5 神先愛了我們-愛與關係(二)

Life Academy Healing Course Sharing: MING

What do people need most in a relationship?

The security of being completely loved.

Total openness, complete trust in God.

Prayer: Dear Jesus Christ, the Trinity God is among us. Thank you for pouring your love into our hearts. I know that your love surpasses our knowledge. May we be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God, according to God’s power that is at work within us, God is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine. Lord, you anoint us and lay your hands on us, so that our spiritual life can truly wake up. Thank you. You have chosen us in love, please anoint this sharing, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

In the last teaching, we talked about how to establish a relationship with God. What is the relationship between man and God? Through what means can we know God’s heart? We know in our minds that God loves us, and love requires relationship and expression. We can express love to a teddy bear, but a teddy bear cannot express love to you. This is why God created us in his likeness, so we can have a relationship with him, which is why we have the identity as the son of God and bear his image and likeness.

What kind of relationship do you want to have with God?

Work?  Love?

Our God is a supernatural God. To establish a relationship with God is to live in the kingdom of God and experience Him. The focus is not on the experience of the supernatural kingdom but on Jesus. All things have only one purpose: to revolve around Jesus, so everything that happens in all things depends on seeking the face of God, rather than seeking the work of God.

2.2.4 God Loved Us First – Love and Relationship (1)

2.2.4 神先愛了我們-愛與關係(一)

Life Academy Healing Course Sharing: Teacher Ming

1. Who is God?

What kind of God is He? What kind of character does He have? Could it be that our relationship with God is somewhat distorted because of our relationships with authority figures on earth? Suppose you are a very sincere believer, but you have sinned, and your heart is very hurt. If you cry out to God, what do you think he might respond to your plea?

Who are we in God? To whom will God reveal His secrets? Under what circumstances is God willing to open His heart? What are the things inside of God that are so awesome, fascinating and delightful?

What can make God laugh? Who is the best friend of Him? When God is not working, what will he do?

The questions mentioned contain many truths, and these truths determine whether we can live an abundant and complete life in the grace of God. I believe a fundamental element missing from many churches and ministry groups today is knowing who God is and experiencing His passion.

Only once we understand that God loves us, will we love Him more and more. 1 John says that we love God because God loved us first, so the Holy Spirit has a function: to awaken the passion for holiness in us. We can understand that we are the most favorite of God, this is what God lets us know. Otherwise, we will not be able to fall in love with God just by relying on our enthusiasm. Therefore, the first point: spiritual growth is not dependent upon our human enthusiasm; it can only dry up our spiritual life, and it cannot make us fall in love with God wholeheartedly.


The Calendar of God - The Earliest Calendar in the World

Many nations around the world have their own calendars, but which one is the earliest? There exists a calendar that predates all nations and even existed before Noah, making it undoubtedly the earliest calendar in the world.

Genesis 7:11, states: “In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.”

The Hebrew calendar was created before Noah, and it is more accurate to call it the Jehovah Calendar.

According to the teachings of Jewish Rabbis, the first day of Ethanim is the sixth day of creation, which is the day Adam was created. This year (2024 AD) is 5784 FC (From Creation).

The Civil Calendar considers Ethanim as the first month. The months that appear in Genesis are counted in numbers, using the Civil Calendar until Exodus. And the LORD spoke unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you. Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for a house” (Exodus 12:1-3)

That month is the seventh month of the Civil Calendar, known as Abib. From that point on, Abib became the first month, which marks the start of the Biblical Calendar. The seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth months of the Civil Calendar then become the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth months of the Biblical Calendar. Dates after Exodus are all calculated using the Biblical Calendar.


Toronto Retreat - The Favoured Year to Fight for the Possession of your Inheritance

We are living in a critical moment in history. The world is facing many uncertainties and changes as end-time events approach mankind. 2024 is a key year, the great reset happened in nature and the supernatural realms with pandemics, disasters, famines, and economic crises. How can we break through the great reset? Where are the ways out? Where can we find the mighty works of the Holy Spirit? Where can we see God's promises and experience the revival's fire in this distorted era? How can we use Biblical knowledge in daily life, how can we earn the chance to change our communities, cities, and counties? How can we truly experience the victory of God? A new glorious season has begun, and a new generation has appeared!

We are entering an anointed season to defeat the giants, fulfilling God’s promise to our generation. 2025 is a year to fight for and possess our inheritance, and a year of grace multiplied. God will start to pour down powers and miracles and touch many souls around the globe so that people can turn toward God. In this new season, God will re-establish the authority of justice, the dominating enemies must be driven out. An unstoppable wave of end-time revival will crash the enemy’s breakwaters and achieve victory! The whole earth will surely experience a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit unprecedented in history and a great revival in the last days.


2.3.4 The Gifts of the Holy Spirit and Life

2.3.4 聖靈的恩賜與生命

By: Ming

Thank you Lord!

Do you understand? We had warfare recently, and as a result, we found that everyone thought that the real warfare was to have spiritual authority to cast out demons, but in fact it is something different. Many people have experienced it during the process of learning, and many testimonies were sent to my mobile phone. Many people were released during this period, whether it was the release of family finance or the release from family bondage. It turns out that spiritual warfare requires learning and knowing how to do it. It is not about gathering a group of people, rushing to the front line with all our strength, and then shouting, keeping binding demons, no. The first step is for the Holy Spirit to work within us shining upon our lives to deal with our problems, after which we can witness overcoming. As for today's topic, I know some of you have heard it. Thank God, it is actually very stressful to stand on this podium. Everyone knows about my situation recently. I currently have to take care of my husband, who cannot take care of himself. To describe my life as extremely nerve-wracking is not an exaggeration. Two weeks ago I had an instinct that God would call me to preach on the stage. I had an instinct, but I didn't get up. One morning, He spoke, and He said that this month is your turn. Then, in order not to preach, we all played our own tricks. I would do it too, because I was really too busy, so I looked for a speaker, and I had already planned and checked that he would definitely not leave Toronto. I also colluded with his assistants and assumed that he would come, but it turned out what I didn’t expect.  I waited and was thinking I might be able to pass this week and do not have to come to preach.  Finally, he sent me an email on Friday morning and said, sorry but suddenly I have something urgent this very Sunday. He has to go to the United States today. Any other time would be fine. Then I know that it is not easy for me to obey, because I know that every time we prepare, we encounter many situations. Thank God, God has mercy on me and gave me this topic - spiritual gifts. I have shared some of them, so there is no difficulty for me to prepare. I prepared it on Saturday.

Today we talk about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In fact, God began to tell me that it was proper to share this topic a few months ago, because many of us have begun to have outstanding gifts, but after the gifts come out, we don’t know how to use them or what to do with them. So today let’s look at a scripture first, in (1 Corinthians 12:4-12). I want you to read it, because I will talk about these verses repeatedly. Can we read together? " There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.  There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.  There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.  To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit,  to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit,  to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues.  All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.  Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ."

Gifts, they have a driving force. We all know that gifts build up others but not ourselves. Gifts have a driving force, which is love. Without love, we cannot talk about gifts.


6.1.3 The Expression of Love

6.1.3 愛的運算式

Shared By: Ming

Why do people have emotions?

Some time ago, something happened when I was serving outside. I spoke inappropriately which caused a coworker to overreact. So on the way back I asked God why I do have emotions.

One of the conflicts and dissatisfactions at that time was that I was not kind to my long-serving coworkers. When I spoke, the long-serving co-worker felt that they were always being blamed or scolded by their actions. On the other hand, I was too tolerant and kind towards the new co-workers, which made the long-time coworker angry. So when that coworker was venting emotions, he brought this matter up.

In fact, I am very grateful to this co-worker because he directly pointed out the shortcomings in my life to me. When we are emotional, it brings up the issues within us, whether we have problems with each other, or wounds that are not yet healed. I asked the Lord how I should deal with this, and the Holy Spirit shone a light onto my behavior. He said to me, ‘You lack patience and are stingy with praise.’

Everyone, no matter how spiritual, needs encouragement and trust:

When light shines into a person’s heart, I immediately know: Yes, Lord, you are so right. Why? Because the co-workers are so familiar with each other, they are stingy with praise. Most of our co-workers are busy with things and ministries, everyone needs encouragement no matter how spiritual they are. This is a revelation that God gave me. He said that when you communicate with others, you forget to encourage and praise. When I lacked encouragement for this person, it felt like I was talking about things and he wasn't being recognized.


6.3.1 Hope in Eternity

6.3.1 永恆裏的盼望

Speaker: Ming

God created the heavens and the earth. The Bible talks about the old heavens and the earth, the existing heavens and the earth, then the new heavens and the new earth, and finally the holy city of Jerusalem. The heavens and the earth created by God are all beautiful, the morning stars sing together, and the sons of God rejoice.

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above[a] proclaims his handiwork. (Psalm 19:1)

He who removes mountains, and they know it not, when he overturns them in his anger,6 who shakes the earth out of its place, and its pillars tremble;7 who commands the sun, and it does not rise; who seals up the stars; (Job 9:5-7)

The Old Heavens and The Old Earth:

At that time the earth became void and chaotic, darkness on the face of the earth, including the old heavens and old earth mentioned in Isaiah, which can make us understand why current science can find some so-called ancient civilizations.  I believe there are underground cities that can be searched in Google Maps, which are more than hundreds of millions of years old.

Modern archaeologists have unearthed the truth, including the discovery of a mine in Africa that contains nuclear energy and is over a hundred million years old. The Kingdom of Atlantis, which we are talking about now, appeared in the old heavens and old earth. The heavens and earth were judged by God, and then God began to restore the earth to its original form in six days. The Book of Genesis states that the heavens and earth that we have now are the result of God's work of restoring the earth, but there is one place that needs to be renewed, and that is in the air.

2.3.3 Trials & Tests: The Training of Being Chosen

2.3.3 試驗乃呼召的訓練過程

Speaker: Ming

What is the first proof that you are filled with the Holy Spirit and are called to preach with assurance? The famous evangelist replied: You are going to encounter trouble. There is actually evidence for what he said. Luke 3:16-17 says that He will baptize us with the Holy Spirit and fire. I don’t know if the church talks about trials, but we know that once we start the ministry, we will definitely encounter this. Because God is here to elevate people from regional to global ministry, you must encounter the baptism of fire. Just like what Ephesians says, in order to accomplish everything and still stand, you must stand firm. We see that many of the great men of faith in the Bible had to endure a difficult process of being deprived when they received God's calling by faith.  Just like what is said in the book of Hebrews: Others endured severe torture and refused to be released in order to obtain a better resurrection. Others endured mocking, whippings, chains, and imprisonment, were stoned to death, were sawn to death, were killed by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated— the world was not worthy of them. (Hebrews 11:33-38) This means that when we receive the call and know that God is going to use us, these great men of faith in the Bible that I just talked about are people the world are not worthy of, because they have faith and are willing to pay the price for the kingdom of God. Regardless of whether we admit it or not, or what kind of situation we encounter, the first thing we will face when we enter the ministry is this kind of situation. Whether you are happy or not, you will go through it.

So who is testing us? Is it God or the devil? We all have common sense, we know that it comes from God. But still some people think that the pain we experience comes from the devil, and therefore they blame the devil. Sometimes we do have difficulties that come from devil, such as attacks and unfair treatment. But we also have to see the other aspect: God allows certain things to happen to His beloved children. The most famous one we know is Job. The Bible says that Satan got God’s permission to test Job.  One important point to note in many passages is that Job said, God’s hand is against me. Even though God strikes me down, I still have faith in Him. We see that although Job was attacked by Satan, when he faced that situation, he talked to God instead of Satan. He even refused to blame Satan for his trials and sufferings. He knows that God is on his side. The only thing he can trust is that no matter what kind of environment he is in, his God is with him. The Lord also has words to comfort us in such experiences, saying that we will not be tempted beyond our strength. That is to say, even if we are tempted, the temptation is not something that we cannot handle or overcome. Peter also said that you should not be surprised if a fiery ordeal comes upon you to test you. The reason why we share this message today is because we have seen that many events will become more and more intense in the future, and the entire world will become more difficult than we thought.

I went to a meeting today and there was an Israeli speaker from Canada. He was a newscaster. I used to see him on TV. He was sent by God to Israel to report on the scene. He said that Israel is a foundation and a center of the future kingdom of God. It is also a center of the kingdom of heaven. He said that Israel on earth and Israel in heaven have the same spiritual meaning. What happens to Israel will affect the whole world, this is mentioned in the Bible. He said that when Israel was suffering, we Christians would also encounter almost the same situation spiritually. So when a country wants to attack another country and take over this country, what is the first thing it should do? It is to attack its capital. This is what is taught in the army. If you want to win a war and take over a country, you must first attack its capital. So he said that when God comes back in the future, the first thing he will capture is Israel’s Jerusalem. Jerusalem is also a type of spiritual capital. The first thing God will do when he comes back is to capture the country’s kingdom. That is to take the city of Jerusalem.